Who short Page2.txt

  1. Who dared
    Who dared ask Jesus, "Who are you?" / None of the disciples / John 21:12
  2. Who drank
    Who drank from the well himself? / Our father Jacob / John 4:12
  3. Who draws
    Who draws his wages even now? / The reaper / John 4:36
  4. Who dried
    Who dried his disciples' feet with the towel that was wrapped around him? / Jesus / John 13:5
  5. Who drove
    Who drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle? / Jesus / John 2:15
  6. Who honor
    Who honor the Father? / All / John 5:23
  7. Who is at
    Who is at the Father's side? / God the One and Only / John 1:18
  8. Who is no
    Who is no friend of Caesar if he lets Jesus go? / Pilate / John 19:12
  9. Who judge
    Who judge by human standards? / The Pharisees' / John 8:15
  10. Who leads
    Who leads his own sheep out? / The shepherd of his�sheep / John 10:3
  11. Who meant
    Who meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot? / Jesus / John 6:71
  12. Who met a
    Who met a certain royal official with the news that his boy was living? / A certain royal official's servants / John 4:51
  13. Who needs
    Who needs only to wash his feet? / A person who has had�a�bath / John 13:10
  14. Who never
    Who never performed a miraculous sign? / John / John 10:41
  15. Who opens
    Who opens the gate for the shepherd of his sheep? / The watchman / John 10:3
  16. Who prays
    Who prays also for those who will believe in him through their message? / Jesus / John 17:20
  17. Who put a
    Who put a crown of thorns on Jesus' head? / The soldiers / John 19:2
  18. Who shows
    Who shows the Son all he does? / The�Father / John 5:20
  19. Who takes
    Who takes Jesus' life from him? / No one / John 10:18
  20. Who think
    Who think that by the Scriptures they possess eternal life? / The Jews / John 5:39
  21. Who waits
    Who waits and listens for the bridegroom? / The friend who attends the bridegroom / John 3:29
  22. Whose are
    Whose are the Father's? / Those whom the Father has given Jesus / John 17:9
  23. Whose arm
    Whose arm has been revealed? / The Lord's / John 12:38
  24. Who accuse
    Who accuse Jesus of blasphemy? / The Jews / John 10:36
  25. Who added,
    Who added, "I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man"? / Jesus / John 1:51
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Who short Page2.txt
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