Plant Bio and Eco

  1. Plants have the ability to
    alter themselves in response to their environment
  2. Morphology
    an external form
  3. Three basic organs in plants are
    roots, stems, and leaves
  4. Plants organs are organized into two systems:
    Root system and shoot system
  5. ____ rely on sugar produced by photosynthesis in the shoot system
  6. ______ rely on water and minerals absorbed by the root system
  7. Roots rely on _________ produced by photosynthesis in the shoot system
  8. Shoots rely on _____ and ____ absorbed by the root system
    Water and minerals
  9. Are roots multicellular or monocellular
  10. What are three important functions of roots?
    • Anchoring the plant
    • Absorbing minerals and water
    • Storing organic nutrients
  11. A _____ system consists of one main vertical root that give rise to _______
    taproot, lateral roots
  12. Lateral roots are also called ______
    Branch roots
  13. Adventitious roots arise from _____ or ______
    stem or leaves
  14. Seedless vascular plants and monocots have a ________ system
    fibrous root
  15. A fibrous root system is characterized by:
    thin lateral roots with no main root
  16. The absorption of water occurs near the ____
    root tips
  17. Vast numbers of root hairs increase ______
    the surface area near the root tips
  18. A stem consists of:
    Nodes, internodes, auxillary buds, apical bud,
  19. A node is where:
    The point where leaves are attached
  20. An internode is:
    The stem segment between nodes
  21. Apical bud is also known as the _____
    Terminal bud
  22. The apical bud is located ______ and it causes _____
    near the shoot tip (apex), causes elongation of a young shoot
  23. ____ has no axillary bud only ______
    Roots, stems
  24. The ________ is the main phtosynthetic organ of most vascular plants
  25. Describe the petiole
    The petiole is what joins the leaf to the node of the stem
  26. Most monocots have ______ veins
  27. Most eudicots have _______ veins
  28. The vascular tissue of leaves
  29. In nonwoody plants, the dermal tissue sytem consists of the ________
  30. A waxy coating called the ______ helps pevent water loss fromt the epidermis
  31. In woody plants, protective tissues called the _______ replaces the epidermis in older regions of stems and roots.
  32. The three plants tissues are:
    • Dermal
    • Vascular
    • Ground
  33. The _____________ carries out long distance transport of materials between roots and shoots
    Vascular tissue system
  34. Two vascular tissues are:
    • Xylem
    • Phloem
  35. Which vascular tissue transport organic nutrients from where they are made to where they are needed?
  36. Which vascular tissue conveys water and dissolbed minerals upwarf from roots into the shoots?
  37. The vascular tissue of a stem or root is called the _______
  38. Tissues that are neither vascular nor dermal are called?
    Ground tissue system
  39. The ground tissue includes cells specialized for:
    Storage, photosynthesis, and support
  40. Ground tissue "internal" to the vascular tissue is called the _____
  41. Ground tissue "external" to the vascular tissue is called _____
  42. KNOW MAJOR PLANT CELL & its function:

    Thin flexible, perform metabollic function
  43. KNOW MAJOR PLANT CELL & its function:

    Provide support
  44. KNOW MAJOR PLANT CELL & its function:

    Thick wall, support the plants
  45. KNOW MAJOR PLANT CELL & its function:

    (Water-conducting cells of) Xylem:
    Conducts water and minerals
  46. KNOW MAJOR PLANT CELL & its function:

    (Sugar-conducting cells of) Phleom
  47. A plant can grow throughout its life; this is called _________
    Indeterminate growth
  48. When some plants organs cease to grow at a certain size; this is called _______?
    A determinate growth
  49. __________ complete their life cycle in a year or less
  50. _______ require two growing seasons
  51. ______ live for many years
  52. _______ are perpetually embryonic tissue and all for indeterminate growth
  53. Located at the tips of roots and shoots and at the axillary buds of shoots
    Apical meristems
  54. Apical meristems elongate shoots and roots, a process called _____?
    Primary growth
  55. Lateral meristems adds ______ to woody
Card Set
Plant Bio and Eco
Chapter 35