
  1. PIER
    • pressure
    • ice
    • elevation
    • rest
  2. what are the goals of cryotherapy
    • immediate care of injruy
    • facilitate movement
  3. what are some techniques of cryotherapy
    • ice packs
    • ice immersion
    • cryokinetics
    • cryostretch
  4. contraindications
    • cardiac or respitory conditions
    • open wounds
    • infections
    • cold allergy hypersensitivity
    • circulatory insufficiency
  5. to decrease local blood flow skin temp must go to ____
    13.9 degree celcius
  6. for analgesia skin temp must go to _____
    14.4 degree celcius
  7. for reduced intracapsular inflammation skin temp must go to _____
    2.2 degree celcius
  8. what are some areas of body which you should take precaution while doing cryotherapy?
    • corner of eye
    • skin bordering lips nostrils and other sensitive areas
    • superficial nerves
  9. effects of cryotherapy on body
    • decrease pain
    • decrease spasm
    • decrease metabolic rate
    • increase tissue/ joint stiffness
  10. vascular effects
    • vasoconstriction
    • -increase BP
    • dereased blood flow in arterioles
    • decreased capillary BP
    • decrease venous BP
  11. cellular effects
    • decreased metabolic rate
    • reduce rate of cellular reactions-->damage or production of cellular waste
  12. nervous effects
    • decreased rate nerve transmission
    • time for depolarization and repolarization lengthened
  13. sensations with cryotherapy
    • cold 0-3 min
    • mild burning/aching 2-7min
    • numbness 5-15min
  14. cryostretch
    • cold + passive stretch
    • vapocoolant spray
  15. frostbite can occur at ____ to ____
    -3 to - 4
  16. cryokinetics
    • cold + exercise
    • exercise induced vasodilation
    • exercise limits adhesions
    • exercise acticates lymphatic system
    • can begin 1-24 hr post injury
  17. decrease metabolism:
    limits secondary hypoxic injury
  18. ___ to ___ min over superficial nerves
  19. (T/F) Cold does not decrease swelling that is present
Card Set
midterm review