Pharm Chap 11

  1. Usually administered during extensive surgical procedures
    General Anesthetic
  2. Given when analgesia is needed in a relatively small, defined area.
    Local Anesthetic
  3. Ideal Anesthetic, (6) conditions:
    • Loss of consciousness and sensation
    • Amnesia
    • Muscle relaxation
    • inhibit sensory and autonomic reflexes
    • minimal side effects
    • rapid onset of anesthesia
  4. Patient begins to lose somatic sensation, but is still aware
    Stage I (Analgesia)
  5. Unconsious, but appears agitated and restless. May trash about.
    Stage II (Excitement/delirium)
  6. Desirable for surgical procedure.
    Onset of regular, deep respirations
    Stage III (surgical anesthesia)
  7. Cessation of spontaneous respiration
    Stage IV (Medullary paralysis)
  8. Name (6) inhaled anesthetics
    • Desflurane (Suprane)
    • Sevoflurane (Ultane)
    • Enflurane (ethrane)
    • Halothane (Fluothane)
    • Isoflurane (Forane)
    • Methoxyflurane (Penthrane)
  9. Desflurane
    Suprane-(faster onset and recovery, better control)
  10. Sevoflurane
    Ultane--(faster onset and recovery, better control)
  11. Enflurane
  12. Halothane
  13. Isoflurane
  14. Methoxyflurane
  15. Name (4) CNS depressants that can also serve as a general anesthetic (via intravenous)
    • barbiturates- Thiopental and methohexital
    • Benzodiazipines- Diazepam and lorazepam
    • Opioid analgesics- Fentanyl, Meperidine and Morphine
    • Ketamine- ketalar
  16. Produces dissociative anesthesia
    Ketamine (Ketalar)
  17. Thiopental
    • (Pentothal)
    • Barbiturate
  18. Methohexital
    • (brevital sodium)
    • barbiturate
  19. Drugs act as competivitve antagonists of the postsynaptic receptor.
    Bind to receptor, but do not activate it.
    Nondepolarizing blockers
  20. Succinylcholine
    • Anectine
    • Depolarizing blocker
Card Set
Pharm Chap 11
General Anesthetics