Personality Disorders

  1. Personality traits are enduring patterns of:
    • Perceiving
    • Relating to
    • Thinking about environment and oneself.
  2. Personality Disorders occur when these traits become:
    • Inflexible
    • Maladaptive
    • The cause of significant functional impairment or subjective distress.
  3. Personality Disorders represent clusters of traits
    They are interpersonally maladaptive.
  4. Do individuals with personality disorders recognize anything?
    No, they do not recognize any of the problems they create.
  5. Are personality disorders Crisp?
    No, an individual can be diagnosed with mixed personality disorder patterns, or personality disorder, NOS.
  6. Are personality disorders hard to treat and will any seek treatment?
    Yes, They are hard to treat and a large number will never seek treatment.
  7. Can people with personality disorders function fairly well?
    Yes, if they are fortunate enough to find the right occupation and the right kind of social situation or partnership that fits with their particular challenging pattern.
  8. Personality development occurs in response to a number of biological and psychological influences.
    • Heredity
    • Temperament
    • Experintial learning
    • Social interaction
  9. What is the etiology of Personality disorder?
    Best described as a complex interplay between biology and environment.
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Personality Disorders
WK 6 Study Guide