1. The cardiovascular sys, consists of heart & blood vessels & sends blood to: ...
  2. ** the lungs 4 oxygen
    • **Digestive sys 4 Nutrients
    • **CV also circulates wast products 2 certain organ sys's 2 remove it frm the blood
  3. Anatomy of the heart
    - the Heart is located in... the Thoracic Cavity in the Mediastinum area bet the 2 lungs
    the Thoracic Cavity in the Mediastinum area bet. the 2 Lungs
  4. General Description of the heart:
    1. It's a double sided...
    2. It's abt the size of...
    3. It's situated behind...
    4. It's a 4...
    5._/_ of it's cardiac structure...
    • 1. It's a double sided & Cone shaped hollow muscular organ
    • 2. it's abt the size of clenched or closed fists
    • 3. It's situated behind the Sternum {Ribcage}
    • 4. It's a 4 chambered pumping organ
    • 5. 2/3rds of its Cardiac structure rests on the LT side
  5. Structure of the Heart: Cardiac Muscles...
    • * R usually unvoluntary
    • * Functions of the heart: Blood circulation/Pumping
    • * RT side of the heart carries De/Oygenated blood {C02}
    • * LT sde of the heart carries Oxygenated blood {O2}
  6. 1. Wht R the Upper chambers of the Heart???
    2. How many chambers R there???
    • 1. Attria/Atrium
    • 2. (2)
    • * Sep by the InterAtrial Septum*
  7. Pumping/Dristributing/Giver/Lower Chamber Ventricles...
    • *Work horses of the heart
    • *Sep by InterVentricular Septum
    • *Septum divides the heart in/2 RT/LT sides
  8. 1. Wht R Valves:???...
    2. Wht type of valves R there & how many R there???...
    • 1) Tiss leaflets tht prevents the bk flow of the blood inside the heart
    • 2) There R "2" types of valves they R:
    • * AtrioVentricular (AV) Valves
    • * Semilunar Valves
  9. There R 2 types of AtrioVentricular Valves they R...
    • 1. Tricuspid Valve: Loc'd on the RT sde of the heart
    • - in bet the RT Atrium & RT Ventricle

    • 2. Bicuspid/Mitral Valve: Loc'd on the LT sde of the heart
    • - in bet the LT Atrium & LT Ventricle
  10. SemiLunar Valves:
    {Not sure wht semilunar means}
    • 1) Pulmonic/Pulmonary Valve: loc'd inbet RT/Ventricle & PA
    • 2) Aortic Valve: loc'd inbet the LT/Ventricle & the Aorta
  11. *Major* Great Blood Vessels:
    Venae Cava: is the biggest vein of the bdy & it has 2 branches
  12. Wht R the 2 branches of the Vena Cava???...
    1.) SVC/Superior Venae Cava: coll's de/oxygenated blood frm the U/prt of the bdy

    2.) IVC/Inferior Venae Cava: collects de/oxygenated blood frm the lower prt of the bdy
  13. *Aorta is the biggest Artery of the bdy*
    Wht R the 2 types of Aorta's???...
    • * Ascending Aorta/Aortic Arch:
    • - supplies every organ of the U/prt of the bdy w. ox/ygenated blood

    *Desending Aorta: Supplies every organ of the lower part of the bdy w. oxygenated blood
  14. Wht R the 3 types of Blood Vessels in the bdy???...
    • * Arteries - carry blood away frm the heart
    • * Veins- carry blood 2/ward the heart frm tiss's
    • * Capillaries-delicate vessels carry nutrient rich blood away from the Arteries & Arterioles
  15. Wht R Pulmonary Vessels {PV}???:...
    * there R 2 PA's tht connect the heart w/the RT/LT lungs

    * Carry de/oxygenated blood frm the RT/Ventricle 2 the LT/RT Lungs.
  16. Pulmonary Veins:
    (4) Veins carry oxygenated blood frm LT/RT lungs 2 the LT Atrium
  17. Aorta:
    Carries oxygenated blood away frm the heart
  18. Venae Cava:
    Carries deoxygenated blood 2/ward the heart
  19. Pulmonary Arteries:
    Carries de/oxygenated blood frm the heart 2 the Lungs
  20. Pulomary Veins:
    Carry oxygenated blood frm the Lungs 2 the heart.
  21. The 4 Rules of the Blood Vessels:
    • * All Arteries carry blood away frm the heart.
    • * All Veins carry blood 2/ward the heart
    • * All Arteries carry Oxygenated blood, except the Pulmonary Arteries
    • * All Veins carry De/Oxygenated blood except Pulmonary Veins {PV}
  22. The Cardiac Cycle: 1 H/B = ....
    Heart Beat = 1 Cardiac Cycle
  23. During the process when the Heart Beats...
    • The Atria Contracts & Relaxes
    • Ventricles Contract & Relax
  24. Heart Sounds R Dble sounded....
    • 1. Lubb: Ventricles contract & AV valves close
    • 2. Dubb: Atria contract & SemiLunar valves close
  25. *Blood Vessels*
    Arteries & Arterioles: ...
    • *Stronges Blood Vessels*
    • *Carry blood Away frm the Heart*
    • * Under High Pressure*
  26. Arterioles:
    Small branches of the arteries
  27. Aorta:
    Biggest Artery of human body
  28. Coronary Arteries:
    Supply blood 2 the heart muscles
    • * Blood under No Pressure in Veins*
    • * It doesn't move very easily*
    • * It's mving bec of skeletal muscles contraction*
    • *Sympatic nervous sys also influences pressure*
    • **Valves PREVENT BackFlow of the blood*
  30. *Cardiac Conduction Sys*
    * Group of cuff/structures tht send electrical impulses through the heart
  31. SA NODE:
    • Sinotrial Node:
    • * locates @ wall of RT/Atrium
    • * Generates Impulse
    • ** Natural Pacemaker
    • * Send Impulse 2 AV Node
  32. AV Node:
    • AtrioVentricular Node:
    • - located bet RT/Atrium & RT/Ventricle
    • - Stimulates Atria contraction
    • * Sends impulses 2 the Bundle Of His {BOFH}
  33. *BOFH*
    • Bundle Of His:
    • * Located @ the InterVentricular Septum
    • * Has 2 Branches: LT/RT
    • * Sends an impulse 2 Parkinje Fibers
  34. Parkinje Fibers:
    • * Located @ lateral walls of Ventricles
    • * * Stimulate Ventricular Contraction
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