Math 231

  1. the science of collecting, describing, and interpreting data
  2. a collection, or set, of individuals, objects, or events whose properties are to be anazlyzed
  3. a subset of a population
  4. a characteristic of interest about each individual element of a population or sample
  5. the value of the variable associated with one element of a population or sample.
    • Data value
    • (may be a number, a word, or a symbol)
  6. the set of values collected from the variable from eachof the elements that belong to the sample
  7. a planned activity whoe results yield a set of data
  8. a numerical value summarizing all the data of an entire population
  9. a numerical value summarizing the sample data
  10. a variable that describes or categorizes an element of a population
    qualitative variable
  11. a variable that quantifies an element of a population
    quantitavive variable
  12. a qualitative variable that characterizes an element of a population.
    nominal variable
  13. arithmetic operations are not meaningful for data, and an order cannot be assigned to categories
    nominal variable
  14. a qualtiative variable that incorporates an ordered position, or ranking
    ordinal variable
  15. a quantitative variable that can assume a countable number of values
    discrete variable
  16. can assume any values corresponding to isolated points along a line interval...there is a gop between any two values
    discrete variable
  17. a quantitative variable that can assume an uncountable number of values.
    continuous variable
  18. can assume any value along a line interval, including every possible value between any two values
    continuous variable
  19. a sampling method that produces data that systematically differ from the sampled population
    biased sampling method
  20. a list, or set, of the elements belonging to the population from which the sample will be drawn
    sampling frame
  21. samples that are selected on the basis of being judged "typical."
    judgment samples
  22. samples in which the elements to be selected are drawn on the basis of probablility
    probability samples
  23. a sample design in which the elements of the sampling frame are treated equally and there is no subdividing or partitioning of the frame.
    single-stage sampling
  24. a sample selected in such a way that evvery element in the population or sampling frame has an equal probability of being chosen
    simple random sample
  25. a sample in which every kth item of the sampling frame is selected, starting from a first element, which is randomly selected from the first k elements
    systematic sample
  26. a sample design in which the elements of the sampling frame are subdivided and the sample is chosen in more than one stage
    multistage random sampling
  27. a sample obtained by stratifying the population, or sampling grame, and then selecting a number of items from each of the strata by means of a simple random sampling technique
    stratified random sample
  28. a sample obtained by stratifying the population, or sampling frame, and then selecting a number of items in proportion to the size of the strata from each strata by means of a simle random sampling technique
    proportional stratified sample
  29. a sample obtained by stratifying the population, or sampling frame, and then selecting some or all of the items from some, but not all, of the strata
    cluster sample
  30. graphs that are used to summarize qualitative data.
    circle graphs or bar graphs
  31. show the amount of data that belong to each category as a proportional part of a circle
    circle graph
  32. show the amount of data that belong to each category as a proportionally sized rectangular area
    bar graph
  33. a bar graph with the bars arranged from the most numerous category to the least numerous category. It includes a line graph displaying the cumulative percentages and counts for the bars
    pareto diagram
  34. the pattern of variability displayed by the data of a variable
  35. displays the frequency of each value of the variable
  36. displays the data of a sample by representing each data value with a dot positioned along a scale
    dotplot display
  37. displays the data of a sample using the actual digits that make up the data values
    stem and leaf display
  38. a listing, often expressed in chart form, that pairs values of a variable with their frequency
    frequency distribution
  39. a bar graph that represents a frequency distribution of a quantitative variable
  40. 1. a title, which identifies the population or sample of concern
    2. a vertical scale, which identifies the frequencies in the various classes
    3. a horizontal scale, which identifies the variable x
  41. a frequency distribution that pairs cumulative frequencies with values of the variable
    cumulative frequency distribution
  42. a line graph of a cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency distribution
  43. 1. a title, wich identifies the population or sample
    2. a vertical scal, which identifies either the cumulative frequencies or the cumulative relative frequencies
    3. a horizontal scale, which identifies the upper class boundaries
  44. the average with which you are probably most familiar.
  45. the value of the data that occupies the middle position when the data are ranked in order according to size
  46. the number exactly midway between a lowest valued data, L, and a highest valued data, H.
  47. the difference in value between the highest valued data, H, and the lowest valued data, L
  48. a deviation from the mean is the difference between the value of x and th mean x bar.
    deviation from the mean
  49. the mean of the absolute values of the deviations from the mean
    mean absolute deviation
  50. the mean of the squared deviations
    sample variance
  51. is the positive square root of the variance
    sample standard deviation
Card Set
Math 231
test 1