Senior Design

  1. The word engineering stems from the Latin “ingenium” which also is the root for “ingenious”
  2. The formal study of engineering began in Greece in 3000 B.C.
  3. The first applications of “engineering” were for the military
  4. Even though the Industrial Revolution began in England, no formal studies of engineering science” existed in England until 1909.
  5. According to Webster’s Dictionary, Engineering is the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matter and the source of energy in nature are made useful to man in structures, machines, products, systems and processes.”
  6. When the Erie Canal was begun in 1817 there were less than 30 engineers in the United States.
  7. Perhaps the most crucial event in the social history of American engineering was the passage by Congress of the Morrill Act (land grants act) in 1862, which created colleges with four year engineering programs.
  8. The formal study of engineering first occurred in France at Ecole et Chausees in what year?
  9. At the U.S. Military Academy, the study of _________ engineering began in 1817.
  10. What is the abbreviation of the name of the engineering accreditation organization:
    ABET(Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology)
  11. In 2000 the total number of civilian engineers of all disciplines according to the U.S. Department of Labor was:
    1.5 million
  12. Defining characteristics of a profession:
    • specialized knowledge
    • high standards of achievement and conduct
    • rendering of a public
    • service
    • continued study
  13. In 2000, approximately 30% of all engineers were:
    electrical and computer
  14. The word “management” was first applied to sports, then to housekeeping, and only later to government and business.
  15. The three “skills” a manager needs are:
    • TIC
    • technical
    • interpersonal
    • conceptual
  16. The three “roles” of manager are:
    • IID
    • interpersonal
    • informational
    • decisional
  17. A National Engineers Registry Survey conducted in 1969 showed that almost ______ of engineers were acting as managers
  18. Management is a Profession
  19. Spending of R&D funds in 1990 for nonmilitary products for the global marketplace by the U.S. was 3.0% of GDP, for Germany was 2.7% of GDP and for Japan was 1.9% of GDP.
  20. In 1995 the U.S. Government spent less on R&D than U.S. private industry.
  21. In the product life cycle, which function occurs first:
    identification of need
  22. The first corporate research and development center in the U.S. was begun by:
    GE (General Electric, Inc)
  23. A __________ is a bundle of rights to reproduce, derive, distribute, perform, and display an original creative work in a tangible form.
  24. The market volume for a technology life cycle is at its peak during what stage in time:
    mature technology
  25. List the four legal means of protecting an organization’s (or individual’s) ideas and right to benefit from those ideas:
    • TTCP
    • trademarks
    • trade secrets
    • patents
    • copyrights
  26. Name the three classifications of U.S. patents:
    • PUD
    • plant
    • utility
    • design
  27. To be patentable, an invention MUST be:
    new and novel, usefull or have utility and non-obvious
  28. Copyright protection expires with the death of the author plus __ years
    not sure if is 70 or 95 years
  29. Unlike patents or copyrights, trade secrets have no time limitations.
  30. Computer software is most often protected by copyright law.
  31. The word “engineer” stems from the Latin “ingenium” which also is the root for “ingenious”.
  32. The format study of math, physics, law, medicine and engineering begin around the same time in history.
  33. The first applications of “engineering” were primarily for civilian uses.
  34. Even though the Industrial Revolution began in England, no formal studies of “engineering science” existed in England until 1909.
  35. At the time of World War I, most of America’s Engineers were receiving their training “on the job”
  36. When the Erie Canal was begun in 1817 there were less than 30 engineers in the United States.
  37. Perhaps the most crucial event in the social history of American engineering was the passage by Congress of the Morrill Act (land grants act) in 1862 which created colleges with four year engineering programs.
  38. The formal study of engineering first occurred in France at Ecole Ponts Chausees in what year?
  39. At the U.S. Military Academy, the study of __________ engineering began in 1817
  40. The engineering accreditation organization ABET previously stood for:
    Accrediting Board of Engineering and Technology
  41. In 2000 the total number of civilian engineers of all disciplines according to the U.S. Department of Labor was:
    1.5 million
  42. Defining characteristion of a “Profession”:
    • RHS
    • Rendering a Public Service
    • High standards of achievement and conduct
    • Specialized knowledge
  43. In 2000, approximately 30% of all engineers were:
    electrical and computer
  44. The word “management” was first applied to sports, then to housekeeping, and later only to government and business.
  45. The three “roles” of manager are:
    • IID
    • Interpersonal
    • Informational
    • Decisional
  46. Which one of the following management levels uses the least conceptual skills and the most technical skills:
  47. A National Engineers Register Survey conducted in 1969 showed that almost _______ of engineers were acting as managers.
  48. Is Management a profession?
  49. Spending of R&D funds in 1990 for nonmilitary products for the global marketplace by the U.S. was 1.9% of GDP, for Germany was 2.7% of GDP, and for Japan was 3.0% of GDP.
  50. In 1995 the U.S. Government spent less on R&D than U.S. private industry.
  51. In the product life cycle, which function occurs first:
    Identification of need
  52. The first corporate research and development center in the U.S. was begun by:
  53. A copyright is a bundle of rights to reproduce, derive, distribute, perform, and display an original creative work in a tangible form.
  54. The market volume for a technology life is at its peak during what stage in time:
    Mature Technology
  55. The following are legal means of protecting an organization’s (or individual’s) ideas and right to benefit from those ideas:
    copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents
  56. Name the three classifications of U.S. patents:
    • Plant
    • Utility
    • Design
  57. To be patentable, and invention MUST be:
    • New and Novel
    • Useful or have utility
    • Non-Obvious
  58. Patent protection expires with the death of the inventor, plus ____ years
    not sure if is 70 or 95
  59. Computer software is most often protected by:
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Senior Design
Senior Design Test1