BBA 440 Chapter 6

  1. Selection
    the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings.
  2. Reliability
    The degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures
  3. Validity
    The degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a person�s attributes
  4. Criterion-related validity
    The extent to which selection tool predicts, or significantly correlates with, important elements of work behavior.
  5. Predictive validity
    Extent to which applicants� test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants/ employees after they have been on the job for some indefinite period.
  6. Cross-validation
    Verifying the results obtained from a validation study by administering a test or test batter to a different sample (drawn from the same population)
  7. Validity generalization
    Extent to which validity coefficients can be generalized across situations
  8. Content validity
    The extent to which a selection instrument, such as a test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job.
  9. Construct valididty
    The extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or trait.
  10. Negligent hiring
    The failure of an organization to discover, via due diligence, that an employee it hired had the propensity to do harm to others.
  11. Aptitude tests
    Measures of a person�s capacity to learn or acquire skills
  12. Achievement tests
    Measures of what a person knows or can do right now.
  13. Nondirective interview
    An interview in which the applicant is allowed the maximum amount of freedom in determining the course of the discussion, while the interviewer carefully refrains from influencing the applicant�s remarks.
  14. Structured interview
    an interview in which a set of standardized questions having an established set of asnwers is used.
  15. Situational interview
    An interview in which an applicant is given a hypothetical incident and asked how he or she would respond to it.
  16. Behavioral description interview (BDI)
    Interview in which an applicant is asked questions about what he or she actually did in a given situation.
  17. Panel interview
    An interview in which a board of interviewers questions and observes a single candidate.
  18. Compensatory model
    A selection decision model in which a high score in one area can make up for a low score in another area.
  19. Multiple cutoff model
    Selection decision model that requires an applicant to achieve some minimum level of proficiency on all selection dimensions.
  20. Multiple hurdle model
    Sequential strategy in which only the applicants with the highest scores at an initial test stage go on to subsequent stages.
  21. Selection ratio
    The number of applicants compared with the number of people to be hired
  22. Steps in the Selection Process
    • 1. Completion of application
    • 2. Initial interview in HR department
    • 3. Employment testing (aptitude, achievement)
    • 4. Background investigation
    • 5. Preliminary selection in HR department
    • 6. Supervisor/team interview
    • 7. Medical exam/drug test
    • 8. Hiring decision
  23. Things that should be on an application
    • 1. Application date
    • 2. Educational background
    • 3. Experience
    • 4. Arrests and criminal convictions
    • 5. National origin
    • 6. References
    • 7. Disabilities
    • 8. EEOC and at-will satements
  24. Sources of Information about job candidates
    • 1. Application forms
    • 2. Online applications
    • 3. Biographical information blanks
    • 4. Background checks
  25. The Big five
    • 1. Extroversion
    • 2. Agreeableness
    • 3. Conscientiousness
    • 4. Neuroticism
    • 5. Openness to experience
  26. Interviewing Methods
    • 1. Nondirective Interview
    • 2. Structural Interview
    • 3. Situational Interview
    • 4. Behavioral Description Interview
    • 5. Panel Interview
    • 6. Computer & virtual interview
    • 7. Video and Digitally Recorded Interviews
  27. 10 ground rules for employment interviews that are commonly accepted
    • 1. Establish an interview plan
    • 2. Establish and maintain rapport
    • 3. Be an active listener
    • 4. Pay attention to nonverbal cues
    • 5. Provide information as freely and honestly as possible
    • 6. Use questions effectively
    • 7. Separate facts from inferences
    • 8. Recognize biases and stereotypes
    • 9. Control the course of the interview
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BBA 440 Chapter 6
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