Covenant of Works
- Opposite of covenant of grace
- Elect people are going to be good because they are chosen by God
Anne Hutchinson
- Put on trial for witchcraft
- Religious Dissenter
- Having secret co-ed meetings in her house
- Educating MEN
- teaching the Bible as she saw it
- accused of antinomianism - took covenant of Grace to the extreme - if you're elect, then you don't need to follow religious laws, you're going to heaven anyways
- Dishonoring religious fathers - dishonor mother and father
- Somebody who has commited heresay
- Dissenters
- Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson
- Seen in NE tribes of Indians
- Supernatural powers are interwoven into nature
- If you kill too many, or take too much, the spirits will get angry and cause you harm
- Very different from Christianity which believes that man is actually ABOVE nature
Albany Conference
- English see an opportunity to take over French territoy of Ohio Valley
- 1754
- Want to band together
- first attempt at cooperation between colonies
- act together in Albany
- how to strengthen Indian relations, protect trade, and protect territory from French
- Led to French Indian War
"city upon a hill"
- This phrase was said originally by John Winthrop, the leader and governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1630
- People must look up to them
- Puritans had established a holy community free from decay and corruption
- Christian model for the rest of the world
- Root of American exceptionalism
- West Indian Slave
- Popular during the Salem Witch trials
- She along with two other girls were accused of witchcraft
- Dabble in fortune telling
- The other girls denied, but Tituba confessed to witchcraft
- Each congregation formed voluntary agreement
- Important church matters were decided by male members
- church membership is resitrcted
Roger Williams
- Violator of religious norms
- 1631 in Mass
- Thought that the state corrupted the church
- church separate from state
- worship as you please
- Established and got a charter for Rhode Island
- he declared there were no "elect" people
- no definite church, dissenters and Jews welcome
- Fr. religious missions in 1620s
- Catholic Indians would be more reliable allies
- Fur traders opposed to this
- Indians converted = stem growth of protestantism
- Didn't see as racially, but culturally inferior
Migration Theory
- Saw old animals and speculated there was a land bridge
- Cross-Bering Strait
- Anthropoligical evidence shows stories of a long journey
West Country Men
- Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake
- Famous promoters of American colonization
- Colonization in America = imperial power
- Advertized (Come with us to America!! Anyone can get rich in America!)
- Economic downturn = push factor towards the colonies
- Colonies provided work for idle poor - put them to work in America
- John White, sent by Raleigh, searched for Roanoake in 1590
- Colony that had previously been founded
- Indians remembered previous violence however
- Therefore attacked and destroyed by Indians
- White searched for colony
- all he found was ruins and possessions scattered
- tree trunk w/ "croatoan" carved into it
Jonathan Edwards
- Reverend
- Complained that only the rich led the church
- New rules that extend membership to the non-converted
- Wealthy have better pews, and the poor are back in the gallows
- J. Edwards attracted youth with his more emotional approach to preaching
- Inspires modern idea of Evangelical
- Came to colonies in 1739, 30,000 people came to see him
- HUGE success in marketing
- Secretly planned demise of English intruders
- 1622, came and offered goods to English, then surprise attack!
- Killed people of both genders
Virginia Company
- Originally The London Compny
- Failed miserably
- Got charter revoked
"middle ground"
- Relationship between French authority and Indian authority
- Fr. saw Indians as children needing to be taught
- Fr. saw their King and officials as "fathers" to the Indians
- Indians accepted, but understood differently
- Fathers are kinda non-existent and not authority figures in Indian culture
- "Fathers" were weak and kind
Pueblo Revolt of 1680
- Spanish forced unity by making everyone learn spanish
- Pope - leader, saw an opportunity and took it
- organized a MAJOR revolt
- Knotted cord passed from village to village is how they communicated
- August 1680, they attack, kill 200 spanish and 21 spanish priests
- Infighting came back between Indians, so they results didn't last long
Pequot War
- 1637, First Major conflict
- Eng. tried to expand authority in Mystic River Valley in CT
- Demanded heavy tributes from Pequots
- Demanded surrender of suspects accused of killing traders
- Pequots won't get fair trial
- Pequots say NO
- CT, Plym + MA declare war
- Get other Indians to lead them to the Pequots
- Surprise attack, kill 400, mostly women and children
- against indian tradition of capturing women and child.
King Philip's War
- Bloodiest conflict between Indians and Colonists
- 1675
- 3 Wampanogs were arrested and killed by Plymouth magistrate for killing Christian Indians
- Indian leader Metacomet (King Philip) and Narragansetts aligned
- Did well until Great Swamp fight
- -Army defeated large portion of Indian force
- Metacomet tried to get help from Iroquois
- Still defeated
- After huge defeats, finally ended the war
- One of society's worst war
Pontiac's Rebellion
- Indian Confederacy formed to combat white encroachment after Fr. Indian War
- Indians attack 8 British forts
- torture on both sides
- ended with most indians suing for peace
- ended up getting their own reservations out west