
  1. Planetary Scale
    • size: hemisphereic
    • time: weeks, months, and years
  2. Synoptic Scale
    • size: hundreds to thousands of kilometers
    • time: several days or weeks
  3. Meso-Scale
    • includes a variety of space and time scales
    • These can be defined theoretically, empirically, and dynamically

    • mesoα- time: day to week
    • size: 200km to 2000km

    • mesoβ- time: 1 hour to day
    • size: 20km to 200km

    • mesoα- time: less than a hour to one day
    • size: 2km to 20km
  4. Attenuation
    Other targets reduce the power of the returned energy.
  5. pulse repetition frequency
    Number of radiation pulses emitted by the radar every second.
  6. range and velocity folding
    Radiation backscattered off of a far away target and received at the radar after the radiation from next pulse has been sent.
  7. level I
    Raw data
  8. Level II
    • Basic products consist of base reflectivity (0.5 dBz increments), radial velocity (1 kt incremets), and spectrum width data
    • radial velocity is 250 m
    • vertical resolution: 9-14 vertical tilts availible
    • others are also availible
  9. Level III
    • Basic (processed) products consist of base reflectivity (5dBz increments), radial velocity (5 kt increments), storm relative velocity (5 kt incremets), echo tops, vertically integrated liquid (vil), 1hr/3hr/storm total precip. estimates, and the vertical azimuth display (VAD) profiler.
    • radial resolution: 1 km
    • vertical: 4 tilts
  10. Two primary VCP modes
    clear air and precip.
  11. cone of silence
    Since the radar does not measure full atmospheric column the radar contains a void spot over top of it depending on the VCP mode.
  12. precip. mode
    • Faster scan strategy
    • better vertical sampling
    • VCP 11, 12, and 21
  13. Clear Air Mode
    • cone of silence is larger
    • only for shallow weather system
    • slower scan strategy (10 mins.) and more sensitive
    • good for snow, smoke, and etc.
    • VCP 31 and 32
  14. VCP 11
    • Original convection VCP
    • Uniform vertical sampling, 14 slices, 5 mins.
    • Good for severe weather
    • Fewer gaps in vertical sampling
  15. VCP 12
    • Best low level vertical sampling with uniform gaps aloft
    • 14 slices, 4 mins.
    • Good for severe weather
  16. VCP 21
    • Original stratiform VCP
    • 9 slices, 6 mins.
    • Non-severe detection and analysis
    • Uniform low levels; gaps aloft
  17. VCP 31
    • Clear air mode: 5 slices, 10 mins.
    • Long pulse, highest sensitivity but at the cost decreased wind velocity range.
  18. VCP 32
    • 5 slices, 10 mins.
    • short pulse, lower sensitivity but with the advantage of increased wind velocity range.
Card Set
Mesoscale Test