
  1. Pharmacokinetics
    The study of what happens to a drug from the time it is put in to the body until the parent drugand all metabolites have left the body.
  2. Nursing Process
    • Assessment
    • Nursing Diagnosis
    • Planning
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation
  3. Compliance
    Taking all doses of medications correctly over prescribed length of therapy
  4. Non-compliance
    Failure to follow directions
  5. Knowledge deficit
    Lack of knowledge
  6. Placebo
    an inactive (inert) substance
  7. Auto therepy
    self medication
  8. Delegation
    • the transferring of responsibility for the performance of an activity or taskwhile retaining accountability for the outcome.
  9. 5 rights of delegation
    • Right Task
    • Right Circumstance
    • Right Person
    • Right Directions/Communication
    • Right Supervision
  10. Absorption
    Drug enters blood stream
  11. Distribution
    Drug circulates through body
  12. Metabolism
    Drug broken down into metabolites- usually in liver
  13. Excretion
    Drug eliminated from body
  14. Serum half-life
    time 1/2 drug eliminated from body - important for dosing time.
  15. Factors affecting drug action
    Age, weight, gender, dosage, route, food and drug interactions, genetics and race, pathologic conditions, psychological
  16. Additive
    Drug A & B (similuar effects) double effect
  17. Potentiation
    Drug A & B (Different actions) greater than effect of single drugs. More than doubled.
  18. Displacement
    Drug A displaces Drug B from plasma protein binding sites- more free drug B- greater effect of drug B
  19. Interference
    Drug A interfers with excretion or metabolism of Drug B- Drug B in body longer- increase effect of Drug B
  20. Passive Diffusion
    Molecules move with the concentration gradient (greater to lesser)until equilibrium is reached
  21. Active transport
    Molecules move against the concentrated gradient
  22. Pharmacodynamics
    The study of what drug does to the body. How the drug works.
  23. The Four Phases
    • Absorption
    • Distribution
    • Metabolism
    • Excretion
  24. Onset
    When the drug begins to work
  25. Peak
    Drug at highest blood level-most amount of drug available ot go to target tissues.
  26. Duration
    Length of time
  27. ACE inhibitors
    Angiotestin Converting Enzyme
  28. Angiotensin II
  29. Toxicity
    High concentration of drug in bloodstream
  30. Tolerence
    decreased responce to drug
  31. Synergistic
    Drugs interact to increase the effect of one or both drugs
  32. Effects of drugs
    • Stimulate Body Functions
    • Depress Body Functions
    • Replace Body Functions
    • Destroy Cells
  33. Agonist action
    attach to a receptor to cause a response
  34. Antagonist action
    Attach to a receptor to block a response
  35. Physical Dependance
    need to continue to prevent withdrawal symptoms
  36. Psychological Dependance
    compulsive need to use substance
  37. Addiction
    disease process characterizied by continued use of a specific psychoactive substance
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