Pharm Chap 1

  1. Pharmokinetics (2)
    • study of action of drugs within the body
    • how the body deals with drug-absorbtion, distribution and elimination
  2. phamocodynamics (1)
    what the drug does to the body (MOA)
  3. pharmacy
    preperation and dispensing of meds
  4. schedule I
    • highest potentional for abuse
    • LSD, Heroin and Marijuana
  5. Schedule II
    Morphine, fentanyl, methamphetamine
  6. Schedule III
    • codeine
    • steroids
    • barbituates
    • amphetamines
  7. Scheldule IV
    • anxiety drugs
    • barbituates
    • depressents
    • stimulants
  8. Schedule V
    • lowest potential for abuse
    • opiods in cough and antidiarrheal meds
  9. Dose-response curve
    provides info of dosage range effectiveness and peak response
  10. median effective dose
    • ED50
    • 50% of pop. responds to drug in a specified manner
  11. median toxic dose
    • TD50
    • 50% of pop. have an adverse effect
  12. Median Lethal Dose
    • LD50
    • death in 50% of animals during preclinical trials
Card Set
Pharm Chap 1
Intro to Pharmacology