
  1. Name the action of the frontalis?
    draws scalp forward, raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
  2. Action of occipitails?
    draws scalp backward
  3. Action of orbicularis oris?
    compresses and purses lips (kiss muscle)
  4. Action of orbicularis oculi?
    closes eye (blink muscle)
  5. Action of zygomaticus?
    pulls corners of mouth superiorly (smiling muscle)
  6. temporalis?
    • parietal and frontal
    • bones
    • coronoid process of
    • mandible
    • elevates and retracts
    • mandible
  7. Masseter?
    • zygomatic arch
    • angle and ramus of
    • mandible
    • elevates and
    • protracts mandible;
    • jaw closure
  8. sternocleideomastiod?
    • sternum and clavicle
    • mastoid process of
    • temporal bone
    • Oppisite side head rotation
  9. External intercostals
    elevates ribs during normal inspiration
  10. internal intercostals
    depresses ribs during forced exhalation; antagonist to external intercostals
  11. diaphragm
    contraction depresses(flattens) diaphragm and expands the thoracic cavity during normal inspiration
  12. external obliques
    • both sides: flexes vertebral column & compresses
    • abdominal wall
    • one side: lateral flexion of vertebral column
  13. internal obliques
    • both sides: flexes vertebral column & compresses
    • abdominal wall
    • one side: lateral flexion of vertebral column
  14. rectus abdominis
    • flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal
    • wall
  15. transversus
    • both sides: flexes vertebral column & compresses
    • abdominal wall
    • one side: lateral flexion of vertebral column
  16. trapezius
    • superior: elevates clavicle; adducts rotates, elevates and
    • inferior: depresses scapula; extends head
  17. levator scapulae
    elevates scapula
  18. serratus anterior
    protracts & stabilizes scapula
  19. pectoralis minor
    protracts and depresses scapula
  20. supraspinatus
    stabilize and rotate glenohumeral joint
  21. infraspinatus
    stabilize and rotate glenohumeral joint
  22. subscapularis
    stabilize and rotate glenohumeral joint
  23. teres minor
    stabilize and rotate glenohumeral joint
  24. teres major
    extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm
  25. latissimus dorsi
    • extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm; draws
    • arm inferiorly and posteriorly
    • (swimming, climbing rope, hammering)
  26. deltoid
    abducts, flexes, extends, and rotates arm
  27. pectoralis major
    flexes, adducts, and medially rotates arm
  28. rhomboid major
    • elevates and retracts scapula; rotates scapula
    • inferiorly
  29. rhomboid minor
    • elevates and retracts scapula; rotates scapula
    • inferiorly
  30. biceps brachii
    • Proximal attachement of long head supraglenoid tubrecle
    • Proximal attachement of shorthead coracoid process of scapula
    • Ditsal attachement for both Radail tuberosity
    • flexes arm (glenohumeral joint)flexes and supinates forearm(elbow joint);
    • [lifts radius]
  31. coracobrachialis
    • proximal attachement coracoid process of scapula
    • Distal attachement middle medial shaft
    • of humerus
    • adducts and flexes arm (glenohumeral joint)
  32. brachialis
    • Proximal attachement distal, anterior
    • surface of humerus
    • Distal attachement coronoid process of
    • ulna
    • flexes forearm(elbow joint) [lifts ulna]
  33. brachioradialis
    • Proximal attachement lateral humerus
    • Distal attachement styloid process of
    • radius
    • flexes forearm
  34. triceps brachii
    (long, lateral, and medial heads)
    • Proximal attachement of long head infraglenoid tubercle
    • Proximal attachemnet of lateral head posterior shaft of humerus
    • Proximal attachement of medial head
    • posterior shaft of humerus distal to radial groove
    • Distal attachment for all olecranon process of ulna
    • extends forearm and assists in arm
    • adduction
  35. pronator teres
    pronates hand
  36. flexor carpi radialis
    flexes wrist and abducts hand
  37. palmaris longus
    weak wrist flexor; tenses fascia of palm
  38. flexor carpi ulnaris
    flexes wrist and adducts hand
  39. flexor digitorum superficialis
    flexes proximal interphalangeal joint
  40. flexor digitorum profundus
    flexes wrist
  41. sartorius
    • Proximal anterior superior
    • iliac spine
    • Distaltibial tuberosity, medial side
    • flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh; flexes leg and rotates leg medially(sitting crosslegged on floor)
  42. rectus femoris
    • Proximalanterior inferior iliac spine
    • Distal anterior inferior iliac spine
    • Distal patella via quadriceps tendon and then tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
    • extends leg; flexes thigh
  43. vastus lateralis
    • distal patella via quadriceps tendon and then tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
    • extends leg
  44. Vastus Intermmedius
    • distal patella via quadriceps tendon and then tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
    • extends leg
  45. vastus medialis
    • distal patella via quadriceps tendon and then tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
    • extends leg
  46. iliacus
    • proximal iliac fossa
    • Distal lesser trochanter of femur
    • flexes thigh
  47. psoas major
    • proximal T12-L5 vertebrae
    • distal lesser trochanter of femur
    • flexes thigh
  48. pectineus
    adducts thigh; flexes (weak) thigh
  49. adductor longus
    adducts thigh; flexes(weak) thigh
  50. adductor magnus
    adducts thigh; flexes or extends and laterally rotates thigh depending on starting position
  51. adductor brevis
    adducts thigh
  52. gracilis
    • Proximal inferior ramus and body of pubis
    • distal upper medial surface of tibia
    • adducts & flexes (weak) thigh; flexes leg
  53. semitendinosus
    • proximal ischial tuberosity
    • distal proximal medial surface of tibia
    • extends thigh & flexes leg; medially rotates leg
  54. semimembranosus
    • proximal ischial tuberosity
    • distal medial condyle of tibia
    • extends thigh & flexes leg; medially rotates leg
  55. biceps femoris
    • long head
    • short head
    • Proximal long head: ischial tuberosity
    • short head: linea aspera of femur
    • distal head of fibula
    • extends thigh; flexes and laterally rotates leg
  56. tensor fascia latae
    • proximal iliac crest & anterior superior iliac spine
    • distal iliotibial band
    • abducts thigh; medially rotates thigh
  57. gluteus maximus
    • proximal iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx
    • distal iliotibial tract of tensor fascia lata; linea aspera of femur
    • extends thigh;laterally rotates thigh
  58. gluteus medius
    • proximal iliac crest
    • distal greater trochanter of femur
    • abducts thigh; medially rotates thigh
  59. gluteus minimus
    • proximal lateral surface of ilium
    • distal greater trochanter of femur
    • abducts thigh;medially rotates thigh
  60. piriformis
    • proximal anterolateral surface of sacrum
    • distal greater trochanter of femur
    • laterally rotates thigh
  61. tibialis anterior
    • proximal lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia
    • distal metatarsal I and first (medial) cuneiform
    • dorsiflexes foot; inverts foot
  62. extensor digitorum longus
    extends toes 2-5;dorsiflexes foot
  63. extensor hallucis longus
    extends great toe; dorsiflexes foot
  64. fibularis (peroneus) longus
    everts foot; weak plantar flexor
  65. fibularis (peroneus) brevis
    everts foot; weak plantar flexor
  66. gastrocnemius
    • proximallateral and medial condyles of femur
    • distalcalcaneus via Achilles (calcaneal) tendon
    • plantar flexes foot and flexes leg
  67. soleus
    • proximal head and proximal shaft of fibula; medial border of tibia
    • distal calcaneus via Achilles (calcaneal) tendon
    • plantar flexes foot
  68. tibialis posterior
    plantar flexes foot; inverts foot
  69. flexor digitorum longus
    plantar flexes foot;flexes toes 2-5
  70. flexor hallucis longus
    • plantar flexes foot; flexes joints of great
    • toe
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