MCOLES Laws Regarding Public Order Crimes

  1. Adulterated Food
    MCL 750.397a
    • Elements:
    • 1. The defendant intended to cause harm and
    • 2. Knowingly placed pins, needles, razor blades, glass or any other harmful substance in food,
    • OR
    • 1. The defendant intended to cause harm and,
    • 2. Knowingly furnished food containing harmful substances to another.
  2. Poisoning
    MCL 750.436
    • Elements:
    • 1. Willfully placed poison or a harmful substance into food, medicine, or a water supply,
    • 2. Knowing or having reason to know that someone will ingest that item.
    • OR
    • 1. Maiciously informed another person,
    • 2. That poison or a harmful substance had been placed into food, medicine, or a water supply,
    • 3. Knowing that this information is false, and
    • 4. Knowing that this information is likely to be diseminated to the public.
  3. Bomb Threat
    MCL 750.411a
    • The suspect knowingly and intentionally communicated to another person a false report about:
    • 1. A bombing,
    • 2. Attempted bombing, or
    • 3. Threat to bomb .
  4. Fighting Animals
    (Cruelty to Animals)
    MCL 750.49
    • (2) A person shall not knowingly do any of the following:
    • (a) Own, possess, use, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, import, or export an animal for fighting or baiting, or as a target to be shot at as a test of skill in marksmanship.(b) Be a party to or cause the fighting, baiting, or shooting of an animal as described in subdivision (a).(c) Rent or otherwise obtain the use of a building, shed, room, yard, ground, or premises for fighting, baiting, or shooting an animal as described in subdivision (a).(d)
    • Permit the use of a building, shed, room, yard, ground, or premises belonging to him or her or under his or her control for any of the purposes described in this section.(e)
    • Organize, promote, or collect money for the fighting, baiting, or shooting of an animal as described in subdivisions (a) to (d).(f)
    • Be present at a building, shed, room, yard, ground, or premises where preparations are being made for an exhibition described in subdivisions (a) to (d), or be present at the exhibition, knowing that an exhibition is taking place or about to take place.
    • (g) Breed, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, exchange, import, or export an animal the person knows has been trained or used for fighting as described in subdivisions (a) to (d), or breed, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, exchange, import, or export the offspring of an animal the person knows has been trained or used for fighting as described in subdivisions (a) to (d). This subdivision does not prohibit owning, breeding, buying, selling, offering to buy or sell, exchanging, importing, or exporting an animal for agricultural or agricultural exposition purposes.
    • (h) Own, possess, use, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, transport, or deliver any device or equipment intended for use in the fighting, baiting, or shooting of an animal as described in subdivisions (a) to (d).
  5. Cruelty to Animals
    MCL 750.50
    • A person shall not knowingly do any of the following:(a) Own, possess, use, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, import, or export an animal for fighting or baiting, or as a target to be shot at as a test of skill in marksmanship.(b) Be a party to or cause the fighting, baiting, or shooting of an animal as described in subdivision (a).(c) Rent or otherwise obtain the use of a building, shed, room, yard, ground, or premises for fighting, baiting, or shooting an animal as described in subdivision (a).
    • (d) Permit the use of a building, shed, room, yard, ground, or premises belonging to him or her or under his or her control for any of the purposes described in this section.
    • (e) Organize, promote, or collect money for the fighting, baiting, or shooting of an animal as described in subdivisions (a) to (d).
    • (f) Be present at a building, shed, room, yard, ground, or premises where preparations are being made for an exhibition described in subdivisions (a) to (d), or be present at the exhibition, knowing that an exhibition is taking place or about to take place.
    • (g) Breed, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, exchange, import, or export an animal the person knows has been trained or used for fighting as described in subdivisions (a) to (d), or breed, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, exchange, import, or export the offspring of an animal the person knows has been trained or used for fighting as described in subdivisions (a) to (d). This subdivision does not prohibit owning, breeding, buying, selling, offering to buy or sell, exchanging, importing, or exporting an animal for agricultural or agricultural exposition purposes.
    • (h) Own, possess, use, buy, sell, offer to buy or sell, transport, or deliver any device or equipment intended for use in the fighting, baiting, or shooting of an animal as described in subdivisions (a) to (d).

    • Penalties:
    • -Injury to 1 animal: 93 Day Misdemeanor
    • -Injury to 2-3 animals or the death of any animal: 1yr Misdemeanor
    • -Injury to 4-9 animals or a prior conviction under MCL 750.50: 2yr Felony
    • -Injury to 10 or more animals or two or more prior convictions under MCL 750.50: 4yr Felony
  6. Willfully Killing/Torturing Animal
    MCL 750.50b
    • (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not do any of the following without just cause:
    • (a) Knowingly kill, torture, mutilate, maim, or disfigure an animal.
    • (b) Commit a reckless act knowing or having reason to know that the act will cause an animal to be killed, tortured, mutilated, maimed, or disfigured.
    • (c) Knowingly administer poison to an animal, or knowingly expose an animal to any poisonous substance, with the intent that the substance be taken or swallowed by the animal.
  7. Disorderly Person
    MCL 750.167
    90 day Misdemeanor
    • Includes any of the following:
    • -A person with sufficient ability who refuses to or neglects to support his or her family.
    • -A common prostitute.
    • -A window peeper.
    • -A person involved in illegal occupation or business.
    • -A person intoxicate in a public place who either:
    • +Directly endangers the safety of another person, or
    • +Acts in a manner that causes a public disturbance.
    • +A person engaged in indecent or obscene conduct in a public place. Three convictions under this section require CSC registry.
    • -A vagrant.
    • -A person begging in a public place.
    • -Loitering in house of ill fame or prostitution.
    • -Loitering in a place where an illegal occupation or business is being conducted.
    • -Soliciting legal services or servicesof surities at a police station, hospital, or court building.
    • -Jostling or roughly crowding people in a public place.
  8. Disorderly Conduct at Funerals
    MCL 750.167d
    • (1) A person shall not do any of the following within 500 feet of a building or other location where a funeral, memorial service, or viewing of a deceased person is being conducted or within 500 feet of a funeral procession or burial:
    • (a) Make loud and raucous noise and continue to do so after being asked to stop.
    • (b) Make any statement or gesture that would make a reasonable person under the circumstances feel intimidated, threatened, or harassed.
    • (c) Engage in any other conduct that the person knows or should reasonably know will disturb, disrupt, or adversely affect the funeral, memorial service, viewing of the deceased person, funeral procession, or burial.
  9. Escape from Prison
    MCL 750.193
    • Elements:
    • 1. the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment and was serving that sentence at the time,
    • 2. The facility was holding the defendant was a prison,
    • 3. the defendant did one of the following:
    • -Escaped from prison,
    • -Attempted to escape from prison,
    • -Escaped from the custody of a guard or prison employee while outside of the prison,
    • -Left the prison without being legally discharged,
    • -Escaped from a mental health facility where he or she had benn admitted from prison.
  10. Escape from Jail
    MCL 750.195
    • The suspect was placed in a county jail and did one of the folowing:
    • -Broke out of jail and escaped.
    • -Broke out of jail, though he did not actually escape ,
    • -Left the jail without being legally discharged from it, or
    • -Attempted to escape from jail.
  11. Breaking from County Work farm, Factory, or shop
    MCl 750.196
    • Elements:
    • 1. the defendant was lawfully committed to a work farm, factory, or shop established by law for the confinement of persons sentenced there, and
    • 2. Escaped or broke away with the intent to escape, or attempted by force, violence, or any other manner to escape.
  12. Escape while Awaiting Court hearing
    MCL 750.197
    Suspect was awaiting examination, trial, arraignment, or sentence fro a misdemeanor or a felony and escaped or attempted to escape.
  13. False Report
    MCL 750.411a
    • (1) Except as provided in subsection 2, a person who intentionally makes a false report of the commission of a crime, or intentionally causes a false report of the commission of a crime to be made, to a police officer, police agency of this state or local unit of government, 9-1-1 operator, or any other governmental employee or employee of a contractor who is authorized to recieve reports of a crime, knowing the report is false, is guilty of a crime as follows:
    • (a) if the report is a false of a misdemeanor, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor (93 Day)
    • (b) If the report is a false report of a felony, the person is guilty of a felony
  14. False Report to Police Dispatch Center
    MCL 750.509
    1yr Misdemeanor
    the suspect willfully made a false, misleading, or unfounded report to a radio broadcasting station operated by a law enforcement agency. the suspect had the purpose of interfering with the station's operation or intended to mislead a police officer.
  15. Littering
    MCL 324.8901
    Civil Infraction
    A person shall not knowingly, without the consent of the public authority having supervision of public authority having supervision of public property or the owner of private property, dump, deposit, place, throw, or leave, or cause or permit the dumping, depositing, placeing, throwing, or leaving of, litter on public or private property or water other than property designated and set aside for such purposes.
  16. Throwing litter in front of a vehicle
    MCL 324.8903
    1yr Misdemeanor
    A person shall not knowingly cause the litter or any object to fall or to be thrown into the path of or to hit a vehicle traveling upon a highway.

    A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
  17. Obstructing Person Performing Lawful Duty
    MCL 750.479
    • Elements:
    • 1. The defendant assaulted, battered, wounded, obstructed, or endangered,
    • 2. A medical examiner, township treasurer, judge, magistrate, probation officer, parole officer, prosecutor, city attorney, court employee, court officer, etc. who is performing his or her duties,
    • The defendant knew that the person was one of the persons listed above,
    • 4 The defendant's actions were intentional.
  18. Peace Bonds
    MCL 772.1
    A district or municipal judge may require a person to post a security to keep the peace.
  19. Solicitation for Prostitution
    MCL 750.448
    93 day Misdemeanor
    • Elements:
    • 1. Any person 16 years of age or older, who accosts, solicits, or invites another,
    • 2. By word, gesture or other means, to commit prostitution or other lewd or immoral act,
    • 3. While in public or from a building or vehicle.

    • Penalties:
    • First Offense-93 day Misd.
    • Second offense-1yr Misd.
    • Third Offense-2yr Felony
  20. Permitting a place of prostitution
    MCL 750.449
    93 day Misdemeanor
    A person 16 years of age or older who recieves or admits or offers to recieve or admit a person into a place, structure, house, building, or vehicle for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation, or who knowingly permits a person to remain in a place, structure, house, building, or vehicle for the purpose of prostitution, lewdnessm or assignation.

    • Penalties:
    • First Offense-93 day Misd.
    • Second offense-1yr Misd.
    • Third Offense-2yr Felony
  21. Solicitor For Prostitution
    MCL 750.449a
    93 day Misdemeanor
    Any male person who engages or offers to engage the services of a female person, not his wife, for the purpose of prostitution, lewdness, or assignation, by the payment in money or other forms of consideration.

    This ONLY pertains to a male soliciting a female.
  22. Soliciting a Minor to Commit a Felony
    MCL 750.157
    A person 17 years of age or older who recruits, induces, solicits, or coerces a minor less than 17 years of age to commit or attempt to commit or attempted to commit an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult is guilty of a felony.
  23. Riots
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MCOLES Laws Regarding Public Order Crimes
MCOLES Laws Regarding Public Order Crimes KLETC 77th Academy