Dermis, Hypodermis, Skin Color

  1. What is the Dermis?
    conective tissue that has all the components of connective tissue proper such as: fibroblast, collagen, reticular fibers, elastin, nerve fibers, oil glands, sweat glands, blood vessels, immune system cells, hair follicles
  2. What is the papillary layer?
    superficial areolar connective tissue that forms finger-like projections called the dermal papillae or dermal ridges (forms patterns on skin like finger prints that increase frinction & gripping ability)
  3. What kind of tissue is the papillary layer?
    areolar connective tissue
  4. What is the reticular layer?
    holds all the components that the papillary layer holds and is also responsable for deep permanent lines on the skin as seen in the palms
  5. Where is the reticular layer located and what does it contain?
    The reticular Layer is located below the papillary layer and contains irregular connective tissue high in collagen.
  6. Why is this layer called the reticular layer?
    because of the arrangement of the abundant collagen fibers
  7. 1. What do the reticular fibers give the skin?
    2. What do the collagen fibers give the skin?
    • 1. its elasticity
    • 2. makes it strong & resilient
  8. What is Hypodermis?
    stores fat & anchors skin to muscles. It also insulates due to the adipose tissue. During weigtgain it stores excess fat
  9. What is Hypodermis also known as?
    The subcataneous layer or superficial fascia
  10. What is skin tone affected by?
    the type of pigment and its amount
  11. What does Melanin give to the skin?
    gives tones of yellow to reddish to brown to black. As Melanocytes produce melanin, it is transferred to keratinocytes, if not destroyed, which makes the skin tone darker.
  12. What makes the skin tone darker?
    As melatonocytes produce melanin, it is transferred to keratinocytes, if not destroyed.
  13. What are moles, freckles, & birthmarks?
    areas of concentrated melanin storage
  14. What is carotene?
    a yellow to orange pigment, obtained from fruits & vegetables high in carotene.
  15. What layer does carotene accumulates in giving some areas of thick skin a yellowish tone & in adipose?
    stratum corneum
  16. What is hemoglobin?
    when oxygenated, it is red & gives skin pinkish to red tone seen in skin low in melanin.
  17. What happens in bruising?
    the hemoglobin & red blood cell break down creatin the blue & yellow tones
Card Set
Dermis, Hypodermis, Skin Color
Dermis & hypodermis, skin color Information