A&P 223 CH 5

  1. Mesenchyme
    • •first definitive tissue
    • •forms all other CT Muscle, bone, blood
  2. 3 primary germ layers:
    • Ectoderm: outer
    • Mesoderm: middle
    • Endoderm: inner
  3. Endoderm
    Mucous membrane of digestive and respiratory tracts
  4. Connective Tissue
    Diverse group: most abundant and widely distributed Support, protection
  5. GS takes up more space
    Cells occupy less spaceloosely associated cellsNot in direct contact with one another
    • varying vascularization
    • derived from mesoderm
    Connective Tissue
  6. *binding of organs (tendons bind muscle to bone)
    *support (cartilage and bone)
    *protection (e.g., cranium, ribs, fatty cushions)
    *movement (bones –levers; cartilage - joints)
    *storage (fat)
    *transport (blood)
    Connective Tissue
  7. Not a category of Conntective Tissue?
    1. Fibourus "Loose"
    2. Fiborus "Dense"
    3. Fiborus "Semi- Dense"
    4. Fluid (Blood)
    3. Fiborus "Semi-Dense"
  8. Gelatinous to rubbery consistency
    Protects cells from injury
    Ground substance
  9. 3 classes of molecules:
    1.Glycosaminoglycans (GAG)Negatively charged:
    attracts Na+ and K+Absorbs and holds water (regulation)Many
    types Example: hyaluronic acid (lubricant in joints)
    2.Proteoglycan: forms
    thick colloidsSlows progress of pathogens & creates structural
    3.Adhesive glycoproteins: protein-carbo.Bind plasma membrane proteins
    to collagen and proteoglycans outside the cell
    Ground substance (matrix)
  10. Tough, flexible but resists stretching (“struts”)
    Most abundant of body’s proteins
    White fibers on fresh tissue
    Collagenous Fibers
  11. made of elastin (coiled structure allows it to stretch and recoil like rubber band)
    Gives the skin, lungs and arteries the ability to spring back
    Elastic Fibers
  12. thin collagen fibers coated with glycoprotein
    -Sponglike framework
    -Spleen and lymph nodes
    Reticular Fibers
  13. large and fusiform
    -Produces the fibers and GS that form tissue
    -Most CT cells are THIS
  14. phagocytic cells
    -Engulf and destroy bacteria and waste
  15. attack bacteria
  16. Lymphocytes
    Dense patches of tiny WBCs
  17. certain lymphocytes turn into THIS
    -Synthesize antibodies (disease fighting proteins)
    Plasma Cells
  18. secretes chemicals
    -Inhibits blood clotting and increases blood flow
    Mast Cells
  19. adipocytes
    fat cells
  20. Connective Tissue:
    It's three fibers are...
    • •collagen (struts)
    • •reticular fibers (cables)
    • •elastic fibers (rubber bands)
  21. Connective Tissue:
    One of these is NOT a cell in the Connective Tissue
    1. Fibroblasts
    2. Osteoblasts
    3. Macrophages
    4. Adipose Cells
    5. Mast Cell
    2. Osteoblasts

    Osteoblasts are found in the skeletal tissue
  22. What loose conntective tissue (Proper) is this?:
    packing material
    water reservoir
  23. What loose conntective tissue (Proper) is this?:
    fat cells (adipocytes) with little matrix
    energy reservoir (18% of BW)
  24. What loose conntective tissue (Proper) is this?:
    mesh of reticular fibers, fibroblasts
    scaffold (stroma) for other cells (spleen)
    space amid the fibers is filled with blood cells
    Reticular Connective Tissue
Card Set
A&P 223 CH 5
By Mel