Genetic engineering
deliberate modification of an organism's genetic information by directly changing its genome (DNA)
recombinant DNA technology
procedure use to carry out genetic engineering
Bt corn
- bacillus theuriniensis
- -gram positive
- -produces toxin which is effective toward catepillars
microbial ecology
study of behavior and acitivities of microbes in natural environment
- denature target DNA (heating)
- -anneal primers that are specific to DNA
DNA Vaccines
plasmid with genes from pathogen inject, to produce immune response
Bacillus thuriniensis.
- Bt corn
- -gram (+), produces toxin which is effective toward caterpillars, move toward palnts
to take up metals
biodegradation prcoess is best way to carry out..
to use natural microbe
termite hindgut.
symbiosis. microbe/host relationship
relationship beneficial to both partners
obligatory relationship.
partners cant survive without each other
H2 being released..
- microbe releasing this is..Methanogenic, Ardraea, and Acetogenic bacteria
- -methanogienic archaea makes CH4 and Acetogenic bacteria makes acetate
Thiobacillus ferroxidens
love acidic environment
form of iron and sulfur,..
acidic conditions
make metals very soluble, and make toxic liquid/condition
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
found in soil and opportunistic pathogen
competitive relationship between host and parasite.
host lose competition resulting change in general good heatlh
opportunistic pathogen.
microbe are benign til defenses are down, microbes invade.
highly virulent.
alawys cause disease
moderately virulent.
sometimes causes diseases
- do not cause disease
- eg. Microcacuslibious
disease mat occurs at low level in certain area
breaks out in explosive proportions within population