What is the shell-shaped bone that forms the anterior cranium?
Frontal Bone
What bone articulates posteriorly with the pair of parietal bones via the coronal suture?
Frontal bone
The frontal bone extends posteriorly forming the superior wall of the orbits and most of the _______. This supports the frontal lobe of the brain.
Anterior cranial fossa
What are the two large bones that are curved, rectangular bones that form most of the superior and lateral aspects of the bone. Form most of the cranial vault?
Where the parietal bones meet the frontal bone Anteriorly is called the?
Coronal suture
Where the parietal bones meet superiorly at the cranial midline?
Sagittal suture
Where the parietal bones meet the occipital bone posteriorly?
Lambdoid suture
Where a parietal and temporal bone meet on the lateral aspect of the skull?
Squamous suture
What bone forms most of the skull�s posterior wall and base?
Occipital bone
Internally, the occipital bone forms the walls of the ______________ .
Posterior cranial fossa
In the base of the occipital bone is the ___________________ though which the inferior part of the brain connects with the spinal cord.
Foramen Magnum
The foramen magnum is flanked laterally by two _______________. The rocker like ____________ articulate with the first vertebra of the spinal column in a way that permits a nodding �yes� motion of the head.
Occipital Condyles
Hidden medially and superiorly to each occipital condyle is a ?
Hypoglossal canal
Just superior to the foramen magnum is a medial protrusion called the?
External Occipital protuberance
What lie lateral to the parietal bones and meth them at the squamous sutures?
Temporal bones
The ___________region of the temporal bone, that abuts the squamous suture.
The __________ is a bar-like region that meets the zygomatic bone of the face Anteriorly.
Zygomatic process
The squamous region and the zygomatic process together form the?
zygomatic arch
The small, oval ________________ on the inferior surface of the zygomatic process receives the condyle of the mandible, forming the freely movable temporomadiibular joint.
Mandibular fossa
The _________region of the temporal bone surrounds the _______________, or external ear canal, through which sound enters the ear.
- Tympanic region
- External acoustic meatus
Below the acoustic meatus is a needle-like _____________, an attachment point for several tongue, and neck muscles and for a ligament that secures the hyoid bone of the neck to the skull.
Styloid process
The _____________ region of the temporal bone exhibits the conspicuous _____________, an anchoring site for some neck muscles. This can be felt as a lump just posterior to the ear.
- Mastoid region
- Mastoid process
The _________________, between the styloid and mastoid process, allows cranial nerve ____to leave the skull
- Styomastoid foramen
The deep ______ part of the temporal bone contributes to the cranial base. It looks like a miniature mountain ridge between the occipital bone posteriorly and the sphenoid bone Anteriorly. The posterior slope of this ridge lies in the posterior cranial fossa.
Together the sphenoid bone and the petrous portions of the temporal bones construct the ___________.
Middle cranial fossa
The large ______________at the junction of the occipital and petroid temporal bones allow the passage of the internal jugular vein and three cranial nerves, name them.
The _______________ positioned superolateral to the jugular foramen transmits cranial nerves _____& ____.
- Internal acoustic meatus
The bat-shaped __________bone spans the width of the middle cranial fossa. It is considered he keystone of the cranium because it forms a central wedge that articulates with all other cranial bones.
The superior surface of the body bears a saddle-shaped prominence which called the?
Sella turcica
Within the body of the sphenoid is the _________.
Sphenoid sinus
The seat of the saddle is called the?
Hypophyseal fossa
The _________ projects laterally from the sphenoid body, forming parts of the middle cranial fossa.
Greater wings
The horn like _________ form part of the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.
Lesser wings
The trough-shaped _____________project inferiorly from the junction of the body and greater wings.
Pterygoid process
The _________ lies anterior to the sella turcica; they allow the cranial nerve ___ to pass to the eyes.
On each side of the sphenoid body is a crescent-shaped row of four openings. The anterior most o these is the _______________, is a long slit between the greater and lesser wings. It allows CN that control eye movement _____, _____, _____ to enter the orbit.
- Superior orbital fissure
- IV
- VI
The _____________provides a passage sideways for branches of CN __.
- Foramina of the greater wing
- V
What lies between the sphenoid and the nasal bones of the face?
Ethmoid bone
The superior surface of the ethmoid is formed by the paired horizontal __________, which helps form the roof of the nasal cavities and the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.
Cribform pate
The cribform plate is punctured with tiny hoes that allow the filaments of the olfactory nerves to pass from the smell receptors in the nasal cavities in the brain. What are these called?
Olfactory foramina.
Projecting superiorly between the cribform pates is a triangular process called the?
Crista galli
The ____________of the ethmoid bone projects inferiorly in the medial pane and form the superior part of the nasal septum, which divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves.
Perpendicular plate
Flanking the perpendicular plate on each side is the __________ riddled with the ___________.
- Lateral Mass
- Ethmoid sinus
Extending medially from the lateral masses is the _________and ____________.
Superior and middle nasal conchae
The U shaped _________ or lower jawbone is the largest, strongest bone on the face. It has a body which form the chin and two upright ____.
Each ramus meets the body posteriorly at the ?
Mandibular angle
At the superior margin of each ramus are two processes separated by the ?
Mandibular notch.
The anterior _________ is an insertion point for the large temporalis muscle that elevate he lower jaw during chewing.
Coronoid process
The posterior ______________ articulates with the Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone, forming the temporomandibular joint on the same side.
Mandibular condyle
Large ____________, one on the medial surface of each ramus, permits the nerves responsible for tooth sensation to pass to the teeth in the lower jaw.
Mandibular foramina
The ______________openings on the lateral aspects of the Mandibular body, allow blood vessels and nerves to pass the skin of the chin and lower lip.
- Mental foramina
- The ________bones are fused medially. They form the upper jaw and the central portion of the facial skeleton.
- Maxillary bones
The ______________ of the maxillae project posteriorly from the alveolar margin and fuse medially at the intermxailary suture, forming the anterior two-third of the hard palate, or bony roof of the mouth.
Palatine Process
The ____________extends superiorly to the frontal one, forming part of the lateral aspects of the bridge of the nose.
Frontal processes
The regions that flank the nasal cavity laterally contain the _________________ the largest of the paranasal sinuses. They extend from the orbits to the roots of the upper teeth.
Maxillary sinuses
Laterally, the maxillae articulates with the zygomatic bones via their ____________.
Zygomatic process
The __________________ is located deep within the orbit at the junction of the maxilla with the greater wing of the sphenoid. It permits the zygomatic nerve, the maxillary nerve, and blood vessels to pass to the face.
Inferior orbital fissure
The irregularly shaped _____________ bones are commonly called the cheekbones.
Zygomatic bones
The thin, basically rectangular _______ bones are fused medially, forming the bridge of the nose.
Nasal Bones
The delicate finger-nail shaped ______bones contribute to the medial walls of each orbit and they articulate with the frontal bone superiorly, the ethmoid bone posteriorly and the maxillae anterior.
Lacrimal bones
Each lacrimal bone contains a deep grove that helps from the ____________. This allows tears to drain from the eye surface into the nasal cavity.
Lacrimal Fossa
Each L-shaped ____________ bone is dashed from two bony plates, the horizontal and perpendicular and has three important articular processes.
Palatine bone
The _____________joined at the medial palatine suture, complete the posterior portion of the hard palate.
Horizontal plates
The slender, plow-shaped _________ lies in the nasal cavity, where it forms part of the nasal septum.
The paired ___________ are thin, curved bones in he nasal cavity. They project medially from the lateral walls of the nasal cavity, just inferior to the middle nasal conchae of the ethmoid bone.
Inferior nasal conchae
They ___________ lies just inferior to the mandible in the anterior neck, and looks like a miniature version of it.
Hyoid bone
Te nasal cavity is divided into right and left parts. What does this?
Nasal septum