intro to sociology

  1. gender stratification
    "unequal access to power prestige and property on the basis of sex."
  2. sex
    refers to biological characteristitics
  3. gender
    refers to social characteristics-"male and female."

    each culture has is own definion of gender

    we inherit our sex and learn our gender
  4. femals became a minority group
    Origins or patriarchy

    early on, life was short

    females limited by childbearing

    men became dominant as hunters and warriors

    weapons, trade, and knowledge gained from contact with other gave men power

    ideology developed that women were less dominanat than men
  5. Three feminish movements
    Feminism-the belief that biology is not destiny and that stratifications according to gender is wrong

    1st feminist movement-1920s trying to win the right to vote for women

    • 2nd feminist movement-1960s trying to earn equal pay from women
    • -this came about partially because of the quiet revolution-the large number of woment entering the workforce in the 50s and 60s.
  6. gender inequality in the u.s
    education-gender tracking is evident

    health care


    • the work place
    • the pay gaps
    • the glass ceiling
    • the glass escalator
  7. glimpsing the future with hope
    structural barriers coming down

    abandoing stereotypes

    new consciousness

    change in relationships
  8. aging in the global perspective,
    social construction of aging
    tiwi vs abkhasians

    every society treats the elderly in differnt ways
  9. aging in global perspective,
    Graying of american
    the growing elderly population in the u.s.
  10. aging in the global perspective
    life expectiancy
    increased with industrialization
  11. aging in global perspective

    elderly vs teenagers
    7 million more elderly than teenagers today in the u.s
  12. ageism
    discrimination based on ones age

    the meaning of growing old has changed through the years

    the elderly used to be seen as a n asset today they are seen as a liability
  13. disengagement theory
    there needs to be a smooth transition between those leaving their jobs and those entering the workplace
  14. activity theory
    the more informal and formal activites the elderly engage in the more they find life fulfilling
  15. continuity theory
    the more the roles one continues to possess in retirement the more fulfilling life will be
  16. conflice perspective
    looks at the rising cost of the elderly and how money is being taken away from otehr age cohorts

    • looks at how the depndency ratio is affective social sercurity
    • * the ratio of workers paying into social sercurity vs. those who are collecting social sercurity.
Card Set
intro to sociology
chapter 10