Anatomy block 3 review

  1. Innervation of the tongue
    • Somatic Sensory: anterior 2/3 V3, posterior 1/3 IX, anterior to epiglottis X
    • Special sensory: anterior 2/3 VII (facial/chorda tympani), posterior 1/3 IX, anterior to epiglottis X
  2. Innervation of tongue
    XII except palatoglossus (PG), which is X
  3. innervation of muscles of mastication
    masseter, temporalis, lateral/medial pterygoid: V3
  4. Innervation and blood supply of salivary glands
    • Submandibular gland: lingual artery, V3 lingual
    • Sublingual: same
    • Parotid: V3 (but they are parasymp preganglionics that travel by CN IX)
  5. Soft palate innervation
    • tensor veli palatini: V3
    • levator veli palanti, palatoglossus, palatopharyngeus, musculus uvulae: CN X
  6. Pharyngeal walls and spaces
    What is the danger space?
    • Mucosa, submucosa, pharyngobasilar fascia, pharyngeal muscles, buccopharyngeal fascia, retropharyngeal fascia, alar fascia, prevertebral "danger" space, prevertebral fascia
    • Prevertebral/danger space: leads to posterior mediastinum
  7. Pharyngeal longitudinal and constrictor muscles
    • Longitudinal: palatopharyngeus, stylopharyngeus, salpingoparyngeus - help the pharynx shorten during 2nd phase of degluttion
    • Constrictor: superior, middle, inferior - involuntary contraction for 3rd phase of swallowing
  8. Pharyngeal wall gaps
    • 1: covered by pharyngobasilar fascia (false gap)
    • 2: stylopharyngeus muscle, IX, stylohyoid ligament
    • 3: internal laryngeal nerve, superior laryngeal artery/vein
    • 4: recurrent laryngeal nerve, inferior layngeal artery/vein
  9. Pharyngeal plexus
    • formed by IX, X, XI (via X) and sympathetic fibers
    • branchiomotor fibers from CN IX aren't part of this plexus
  10. Esophagus & constrictions
    • C6-T11
    • C6 pharyngoesophageal), T4/5 (aortobronchial), T10 (diaphragmatic)
    • superior 1/3 striated, posterior 2/3 smooth muscle
  11. anterior triangle and subtriangles
    • anterior triangle: midline of neck, mandible, sternocleidomastoid
    • smaller divisions: anterior/posterior belly of digastric, omohyoid muscle, hyoid bone
    • submental, submandibular, muscular, carotid
  12. Carotid sheath
    • surrounds common carotid, internal jugular, vagus nerve
    • consists of deep cervical fascia: investing, pretracheal, prevertebral
  13. Submental triangle
    • Boundaries: anterior bellies of digastric, hyoid bone, mylohyoid muscle
    • Contents: submental lymph nodes, mylohyoid muscle, V3 (mylohyoid), tributaries to anterior jugular veins
    • Only 1 submental triangle is present
  14. Submandibular triangle
    • Boundaries: mandible, anterior/posterior bellies of digastric, mylohyoid, hyoglossus, middle constrictor muscles form the floor
    • Contents: submandibular gland, lymph nodes, mylohyoid nerve (V3), facial artery/vein, hypoglossal nerve (XII)
  15. Muscular triangle
    • Boundaries: midline, omohyoid muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle
    • Contents: infrahyoid muscles (sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thryohoid), thyroid and parathyroid glands, L/R recurrent laryngeal nerves, anterior jugular veins, larynx, trachea
  16. Carotid triangle
    • Boundaries: posterior belly of digastric, omohyoid, sternocleidomastoid
    • Contents: carotid sheath, external carotid artery, superior laryngeal nerve, spinal accessory nerve, hypoglossal nerve, ansa cervicalis
  17. Depression @ TMJ
    lateral pterygoid (V3)
  18. Elevation @ TMJ
    • Medial pterygoid
    • Masseter
    • Temporalis (all V3)
  19. Retrusion @ TMJ
    Temporalis (posterior fibers)
  20. Protrusion @ TMJ
    • medial, lateral pterygoids
    • masseter (all V3)
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Anatomy block 3 review