NAMI Master Training Specialist Section 1

  1. 1.A1 State Purpose of Navy Training System
    To provide a systematic approach for training
  2. 1.A2 What is the most essential single link in the training chain?
    • The instructor, who must:
    • -simplify the learning process
    • -present the material to the student to make them proficient at the skills
  3. 1.A3 What are the 3 qualities of an efficient and effective instructor?
    Knowledge, ability, and personality
  4. 1.A3 Describe the professional quality: KNOWLEDGE
    • -Thoroughly familiar with the subject
    • -Need to know more than you're teaching to the students
    • -Need to know basic instructional strategies and techniques
  5. 1.A3 Describe the professional quality: ABILITY
    • 2 basic types:
    • Leadership and instructional
  6. 1.A3 Describe Leadership ability
    • (MAD POOR)
    • Monitoring progress, delegating Authority, Disciplining and rewarding
    • Planning and Organizing, Optimizing Resources,
  7. 1.A3 Describe Instructional ability:
    • Must not only know (PMT):
    • Principles
    • Methods, and
    • Techniques
    • or instruction, but also have to apply them
  8. 1.A3 Describe "Personality" quality of an instructor
    • your character, behavior, temperment, and ability to show sincere interest in all students.
    • If you dont know, admit it
    • Stay professional at all times
    • Be patient
    • Maintain rapport with students
  9. 1.A4 What is the Instructor's responsibility to the student?
    • to teach them effectively
    • set a good example
    • help resolve conflicts that hinder training
  10. 1.A4 What is the Instructor's responsibility to training safely?
    No greater responsibility as an instructor
  11. 1.A4 What is the Instructor's responsibility for security?
    • Maintain security for classified materials, at the approved levels.
    • Report any suspected security violations
  12. 1.A4 What is the Instructor's responsibility for curriculum?
    Maintenance is an ongoing effort to keep it current and accurate.
  13. 1.A4 Define Curriculum:
    All training conducted within a school that is outlined into topics and training objectives
  14. 1.A4 Define Surveillance
    A process that is of ongoing evaluation to ensure effectiveness and currency to meet training requirements
  15. 1.A4 Define Interim Change
    Minor change to correct minor errors, teachability, safety, or urgent type-commander-issued subjects
  16. 1.A4 Define Change
    a change to training materials that DOES NOT affect course objectives, length, or need additional resources
  17. 1.A4 Define Technical Change
    • Any change to tactical or training-unique equipment or documentation.
    • It may or may not affect lesson objectives, but DOES NOT affect course objectives, length, or resources
  18. 1.A4 Define Revision
    • A change to course:
    • learning,
    • terminal objectives,
    • length
    • that requires additional resources
  19. 1.A5 What are the key principles to applying motivation theory?
    • (IA VAIN)
    • Incentives, Attitudes, Values, Achievements, Interest, Needs and drives
  20. 1.A5 Define "Needs" and "Drives"
    (A key principle to applying motivational theory)
    Something a student lacks, that causes a desire for satisfaction
  21. 1.A5 Define "Interest"
    (A key principle to applying motivational theory)
    A student's perception that an activity is worthwhile for it's own sake
  22. 1.A5 Define "Values"
    (A key principle to applying motivational theory)
    Students have more interest in a subject that they see as important in their lives
  23. 1.A5 Define "Attitudes"
    (A key principle to applying motivational theory)
    • feelings towards or against a subject.
    • If you show a positive attitude, it will cause students to want to learn
  24. 1.A5 Define "Achievement"
    (A key principle to applying motivational theory)
    • strong desire, longing, or aim
    • Students must have a desire to achieve at a certain level to succeed
  25. 1.A6 Discuss how to apply the motivational techniques during the introduction of a lesson
    • Use motivation at the beginning of a lesson to introcude the materials, stimulate interest, arrouse curiosity, and develope a learning goal.
    • The intro should show a link between previous lessons and the current one
  26. 1.A6 Discuss how to apply the motivational techniques during the Presentation of a lesson
    • Do not read a lesson plan verbatim.
    • Know the lesson plan as well as the references.
    • Do not overteach: teach what students really need to know in the classroom
  27. 1.A6 Discuss how to apply the motivational techniques during the Lesson Summary of a lesson
    • used to recapture the students' attention.
    • give final summaries after you covered all main points of the lesson
    • Reviewing main points and asking questions reinforces students' learning
  28. 1.A7 What is the ultimate goal of instruction?
    To cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructors influence, and apply what they learned on the job
  29. 1.A8 What are the 5 different ways of learning?
    • Imitation
    • Trial and error
    • Association
    • Insight
    • Transfer
  30. 1.A8 Describe "Imitation" (a way of learning)
    • Students observe others and imitate their behavior.
    • Learning occurs even without direct reinforcement
  31. 1.A8 Describe "Trial and error" (a way of learning)
    • Learning by doing.
    • Should set an example for them to imitate for faster success
  32. 1.A8 Describe "Association" (a way of learning)
    • Comparing past learning to a new learning situation.
    • It is a mental process that serves as a reference point for students
  33. 1.A8 Describe "Insight" (a way of learning)
    • Understanding that the whole is more than a sum of the parts.
    • The "AH-HA!" when students grasp the way elements are connected
  34. 1.A8 Describe "Transfer"" (a way of learning)
    Applying past learning to a new but similar situation
  35. 1.A9 What are the 5 laws of learning?
    • Law of Readiness
    • Law of Effect
    • Law of Primacy
    • Law of Excercise
    • Law of Intensity
  36. 1.A9 What is the Law of Readiness?
    (one of the laws of learning)
    Students learn best when physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn
  37. 1.A9 What is the Law of Effect?
    (one of the laws of learning)
    Students learn best things that have a satisfying consequence
  38. 1.A9 What is the Law of Primacy?
    (one of the laws of learning)
    Students retain information they learn for the first time longer than what they must relearn
  39. 1.A9 What is the Law of Excercise?
    (one of the laws of learning)
    Students learn and retain information best when they have meaningful practice and repetition
  40. 1.A9 What is the Law of Intensity?
    (one of the laws of learning)
    Vivid experiences are learned better and retained longer
  41. 1.A10 What is the single most important factor in a student's educational advancement?
  42. 1.A10 How does motivation affect student learning?
    Motivation has as much impact on student's learning as their scholastic ability.
  43. 1.A11 What are the 4 basic learning styles?
    Concrete, Active, Reflective, Abstract
  44. 1.A11 Discuss "Concrete" learning style:
    (one of the basic learning styles)
    • prefer experience-based approach to learning.
    • Rely heavily on their own feelings
    • Learn best from imitation after watching others take place in role-playing and simulations
  45. 1.A11 Discuss "Active" learning style:
    (one of the basic learning styles)
    • prefer to learn by becoming involved with the subject, taking an active step-by-step approach
    • Learn best from small group discussions
  46. 1.A11 Discuss "Reflective" learning style:
    (one of the basic learning styles)
    • like to observe and reflect before drawing conclusions.
    • Learn best from lectures, films, and reading.
  47. 1.A11 Discuss "Abstract" learning style:
    (one of the basic learning styles)
    • prefer a theory based analytical approach to learning.
    • Learn best from lectures by experts, theoretical reading, case studies, and activities that require solitary thinking.
    • Like to learn the theory behind the subject
  48. 1.A12 What are 4 barriers to effective communication?
    • Fear
    • Lack of Common Core Experience
    • Overuse of Abstractions
    • Environmental Factors
  49. 1.A13 What are the 4 elements involved in sending a message? (Model of Communication)
    • Instructor formulates the message in his mind
    • Consider barriers that may affect the message
    • Encode the message: put it in words you want to use
    • Clearly communicate
  50. 1.A13 What are some possible barriers to effective communication?
    • Your own experiences
    • Student's experiences
    • Terms to use
    • Feelings towards the subject
    • External barriers ie Noise
  51. 1.A14 Why is listening one of the most important communication skills?
    It is an active process that demands concentration and attention
  52. 1.A15
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NAMI Master Training Specialist Section 1
NOMI/NAMI MTS flashcards, by HM1 Jones 2/21/11.