nursing test 1

  1. Fire types & the extinguisher types that put them out
    • A: ordinary combustibles; water & foam, dry chem, water mist, cartridge operated dry chem
    • B: flammable gasses & liquids; water & foam, CO2, dry chem, halogenated, cartridge operated dry chem
    • C: energized electrical equipment; CO2, dry chem, halogenated, cartridge operated dry chem
    • D: combustible metals; dry powder
    • K: cooking oil & grease; wet chem
  2. Fire extinguisher types & types of fire they put out
    • water & foam: heat; AB
    • CO2: O2; BC
    • dry chemical: chemical rxn; ABC
    • wet chemical: O2, fuel, heat; K
    • halogenated: chemical rxn; BC
    • dry powder: O2, fuel, heat; D
    • water mist: heat; A
    • cartridge operated dry chemical: chemical rxn; ABC
  3. RACE meaning
    • rescue
    • alarm
    • confine
    • extinguish/evacute
  4. elements of a fire
    • o2
    • fuel
    • heat
    • chemical reaction b/w the 3
  5. common law
    law as stated in the decisions of the judges from the earliest times to the present
  6. equity
    system of laws parallel to the common law
  7. fraud
    knowingly wrong act or deceitful representation
  8. legislation
    statutes or acts enacted by parliament or a legislature
  9. priviledge
    legal right to keep limited kinds of communication confidential and exempt from disclosure in civil or criminal law proceedings
  10. regulations
    subsidiary, dependent legislation enacted by order in council
  11. sources of law
    • constitution - establishes organization of federal govt and power of govt
    • legislation - enacts statutary laws
  12. criminal law
    • act committed in violation of public
    • fine or imprisonment
    • does not have to be intentional
    • classified as felony or misdemeanor
  13. tort law
    • intentional or accidental wrong doing and injury occurring to another
    • includes neligence & defamation
  14. absolutism
    • plato
    • conform to the form of goodness
  15. eudaimonism
    • aristotle
    • common moral ideas, virtue
  16. natural law
    • st. thomas aquinas
    • promote good, avoid evil
  17. deontology/kantianism
    • immanuel kant
    • act on the principle that can be applied to all other similar situation
  18. contractarianism
    • john rawls
    • moral norms derive their normative force from the idea of contract or mutual agreement
  19. utilitarianism
    • jeremy bentham & john stuart mill
    • greatest good for the greatest number, max benefits over harm
  20. rights theory
    • tom regan
    • inherent value
  21. communitarianism
    communal values, common good, social goals, traditional practices and cooperative virtues
  22. ethical principles
    • beneficence
    • maleficence
    • veracity
    • autonomy
    • justice
  23. clostridium difficile
    • bacterium
    • most common cause of diarrhea & more serious intestinal conditions in hospitals
    • watery diarrhea, fever, loss appetite, nausea, abdominal pain
    • found in feces, touch precaution, wash hands
    • elderly or those who use antibiotics greater risk
  24. MRSA (methicillion-resistant staphylococcus aureus)
    • bacterial infection resistant to antibiotic methicillin
    • boils, pimples, pneumonia, blood infections
    • elderly, immuno-suppressed, antibiotic users greater risk; children low risk
    • skin appears red & inflamed around wound, fever, lethargy, headache, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, death
    • spread through physical contact, present in nose, skin, blood, or urine (weeks or years)
  25. purpose of medical asepsis
    • confine microorganisms to an area
    • limit the number
    • limit growth
    • prevent transmission
  26. pathogen
    • potential to cause infections
    • bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites
  27. nosocomial infections
    hospital acquired
  28. autoclave
    device that sterilizes with high heat and pressure
  29. Norwalk-Like Viruses (NLV)
    • cause viral gastroenteritis aka "winter vomitting disease" or "stomach flu"
    • stool & vomit
    • spread through touch & air
    • virus stays in stool for a few days after getting well
  30. surgical scrub counted stroke technique
    • nails = 30 strokes
    • each finger = 20 strokes/side
    • back of hand = 20 strokes
    • palm of hand = 20 strokes
    • wrist to 5 cm above elbow, each third = 20 strokes
    • contaminated area during scrub = 10 strokes
Card Set
nursing test 1
fire safety, ethics