
  1. What happens at higher temperatures?
    Objects emit more energy and the energy peaks at shorter wavelengths
  2. The continuous spectrum of an ideal object as a result of its temperature alone
    Thermal Radiation
  3. A planet moving faster nearer the sun
  4. A planet moves slower when farthest from the sun
  5. The geometric arrangements among the Earth, the Sun, and another planet
  6. When a planet is directly between Sun and the Earth
    Inferior Conjunction
  7. When a planet is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth
    Superior Conjunction
  8. The energy per photon depends on __________.
    the Frequency of the wave
  9. How shiny the color of a planet is
  10. Name the Electromagnetic Spectrum from lowest to highest frequency:
    • Radio Waves
    • Microwaves
    • Infared Radiation
    • Visible Light
    • UV Rays
    • x-Rays
    • Gamma Rays
  11. Which law says that the orbital period is related to the orbit's size
    Kepler's 3rd Law
  12. What does p2=a3 mean?
    The square of a planet's sidereal period around the sun is directly proportional to the cube of the length of its orbit's semi major axis
  13. Where everything revolves around the Earth
  14. Magnification is given by ratio of _______.
    • telescope focal length (primary)
    • eyepiece focal length (eyepiece)
  15. The amount of a Doppler Shift (blue or red) varies how?
    directly with approaching or reducing speed
  16. Where planets usually move slowly to the left (eastward) relative to background stars
    Direct Motion
  17. Where a planet seems to stop and back up for several weeks or months (westward relative to background stars)
    Retrograde Motion
  18. The blurring of objects as different colors of light being refracted by different amounts causing the different colors to have diferent focal lengths
    chromatic aberration
  19. Uses sensors to determine the amount of twinkling created by atmospheric turbulence
    Adaptive Optics
  20. The following are all characteristics of what?:
    A pair of widely-seperated telescopes
    Study the interface pattern
    Reconstruct original image/no atmospheric blurring
    Example: GSU CHARA Array on Mt. Wilson
    Optical Arrays
  21. The following are all characheristics of what?:

    Analyze the atmospheric blurring
    Adjust telescope optics to compensate
    Improve resolution of detail
    Adaptive Optics
  22. The following are all characheristics of what?:

    electronic detectors (CCD's) turn photons into an electric current

    more sensitive and easier to interpret than film; real time results
    Modern Detectors
  23. How is the GSU CHARA aray different from the Hubble Space Telescope?
    The GSU Array has more detail
  24. What all does a telescope do?
    collect more light

    resolve finer detail
  25. As planets gets smaller, densities get smaller because of ______. Why?
    Compression; because the inside of a planet would be compressed to the layers on top of it
  26. Where all the colors of the spectrum of an approaching source are shifted toward the short wavelength of the spectrum
    Blue Shift
  27. The change in direction as light travels from one medium to another
  28. The smallest angle that can be resolved is set by _____.
    Diffraction Effects
  29. The resolution of fine detail ideally improves with _______.
    Larger Aperture
  30. What are some disadvantages of large refractors?
    • Lack of Lens Support
    • Two curved Surfaces
    • Interior Must be Uniform
    • Chromatic Abberation
  31. Spectral lines originate in ________.
    energy changes of an atom's orbiting electrons
  32. Spectral lines are analyzed to ________.
    learn the chemical position of the absorbing or emitting matter
  33. What happens in the Doppler Effect?
    • Relative motion effects the observed wavelength of frequency
    • blue/redshift
    • sixe of shift proportional to speed
  34. A theory of the overall structure and evolution of the universe
  35. The orbits are eclipses with the sun at one focus (described by semimajor axis and eccentricity)
    Kepler's 1st Law
  36. The time it takes a planet to make one complete orbit of the sun
    Sidereal Period
Card Set
astronomt test 1