3 "cyclical Process"
- Assessment (evaluation)
- Plan (goals and objectives)
- intervention (treatment and therapy)
"helpful hints"
- Formal titles (Mrs/Mr)
- learn correct pronunciation of name
- modify items to as appropriate
Parents and the "cyclical" greaving process
- 1.denial
- 2.anger
- 3.barganing
- 4.depression
- 5.acceptance
Preassessment info
& examples
- 1.Written case history (med/ed records)
- 2.interview w/parent (info getting & giving,councling)
- 3.info from other professionals (med/ed/OT/PT)
Assessment Process
- obtain historical info
- interview clients fam
- sample and evlauate speech/lang use
- screen hearing
Screening vs Assesment
- S: informal-further evlauation
- A:formal-diagnose & identify what is needed to help
Role and Scope of SLPA
- Role: write daily notes/data
- follow treatment plan from SLP
- assist in assessment
- celerical duties, equiptment checks, feeding
- Scope: do NOT...
- do evaluations
- interpret data
- sign documents
2 normal patterns of 2nd lang acqusition
- code switching
- language loss
- interlanguage
- scilent period
Componants of Language
- Form: Phonology, morphology, syntax
- Content: semantics
- Use: pragmatics
Authentic Assessment
- Realistic situations
- observations
- lang sampling
- symbolic play
- video & audio
Westby..."Symbolic play is an essential prerequsite for true language"
- play skills
- cognition
- language
Elicting a language sample
- ask open ended questions
- toys to help facilitate language
- model a topic
- narrative
- monologue (re tell story)
Type-token ratio measures what?
- functional vocabulary skills
- (Number of diff words divided by total number of words = TTR)
Main componants of IDEA (Individuals w/ Disabilities Ed Act)
- FAPE (free appropriate public ed)
- LRE (least restrictive enviorment)
- "people first" & "child first" movement
- established special ed program
- S-subjective (your opinion, summary)
- O-objective (measurable findings)
- A-assesment (current diagnosis, ststus)
- P-plan (plan of action...coninute w treatment 2x/week)
5 building blocks of effective instruction
- programing
- data collection
- behavior modification
- key teaching stratiges
- session design
Sequencing therapy targets
- Stimulus Type (what is used to elict target response)
- Task Mode (amount of clinition support)
- Response Level (degree of diff of target response)
Goals (objective)
- Do (action)
- Condition (situation)
- Criteria (measurement)
Establishing Therapy (normative and client specific targets)
- Norm: order in which they emerage developmentally
- CS: specific needs of client
recognizing when a task is too easy or hard and immediatly modefying it
Targeting generlazation/carry-over in therapy
- Homework (not new learning, something they have mastered)
- Vary Stimuli (change out pictures w diff ones)
- Vary Pysical Enviorment (home, class, playground)
Data Collection
- accuracy level of what you are working on
- Reinforcement tokens can be used to track data
Behavior modification (ABC)
- Antedent
- Childs Behavior
- Consequence
Types of reinforcement
- Positive:
- Primary: food, fave toy
- Secondary: token
- Negative: escape, avoidance
- Punishment: verbal no, frown, time out
Schedules of reinforcrment
- Continuous: after every response
- Intermittent: only some responces recieved it
Key Teaching Strategies (8)
- 1. Direct Modeling (hand over theirs)
- 2. Inderect Modeling(its blue, what is it?)
- 3. Shaping by Successive Aproximation(breaking it down into easy steps)
- 4. Prompts(something you do to reminds them)
- 5. Fading(fade from direct to indirect)
- 6. Expansion(take what child says and complete the sentance)
- 7. Negitive Practice(say it correctly and old error pattern)
- 8. Target Specific Feedback(correct or incorrect)
Session Design (5)
- 1. Lesson Structure (guidelines for effective instruction)
- 2. Tainging Protocol (present stimuli, wait for responce...)
- 3. Task Order (easy-hard-easy pattern)
- 4. Dynamics of Therapy (clinition/client relationship, pace, materials, proxemics, enviorment)
- 5. Group Therapy(by age, gender, disorder type, 2-6 members)
Service Delivery Models in Ed Setting
- Pull out model (from class to speech)
- Collaberative (other professionals)
- Team Teaching (acts as extra teacher in class)
- Self Contained (SLP lead teacher in Lang Class)
Specific Language Imparements (SLI)
language maluration is 12 months behind cronological age w/o evidance of sensory or intelectual defects, developmental disorders and there is social and emotional coditions.
Cognitive-Communication Disorders (characteristics)
- attention
- perceptionmemory
- orginization
- daily living
- learning
Concomitant or casual conditions related to comm dis in children
- LD
- Autism
- Hearing/visual imparement
3 Different learning styles (and examples)
- Visual: See it like a picture of an object
- Auditory: listening, through music or a recorder
- Tactile/Kenistetic: hands on, puzzle
- Axons: Carry information away from the cell body
- Dendrites: Carry information to the cell body
Synapse: Information flows between neurons across the synapse
Developmental Plasticity
- Sensory information floods newborn’s brain
- “Experience builds brains” – G. R. Buckendorf
Enviormental influances on brain development
- Trauma: emotional, physical, neiglet
- Stimulation/experance:over stimuli or deprivation
- Child/Parent interaction: saftey and stability, oppurtunities for interaction