art history 3

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Sacrifice of Isaac
    • A: Brunelleschi
    • 15th C. Italy Art
    • Early (Florentine) Renaissance
    • gilded bronze
    • competition piece
    • stiff
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    • Well of Moses
    • A: Claus Sluter
    • 15th c. N. European Art
  3. Image Upload 6
    • Tempietto
    • High Renaissance (Italy)
    • 16th c. CE
    • A: Bramante
    • influenced by Pantheon
    • site of St. Peter's crucifixion
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    • Sistine Chapel
    • Michelangelo
    • High Renaissance Art (Italy)
    • 16th c. CE
    • patron~pope Julius II
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    • St. Sernin
    • Romanesque Art
    • France
    • 1000 CE
    • radiating chapels
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    • Venus of Willendorf
    • Prehistoric Art (Europe)
    • Paleolithic
    • 25,000 BCE
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    • Stepped Pyramid
    • Ancient Egyptian Art
    • Old Kingdom
    • 2500 BCE
    • architect: Imhotep
    • mastaba
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    • Prayer Hall of Great Mosque (Spain)
    • Islamic Art
    • 8thc.- 10th c. CE
    • hypostyle
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    • Meditating Buddha
    • Buddhist ART (India)
    • 2nd c. CE
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    • Animal-Head Post
    • Medieval Art
    • Viking
    • 900 CE
    • zoomorphic (animal symbolism)
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    • Mantiklos Apollo
    • Greek Art
    • Geometric
    • 700 BCE
    • A: Mantiklos
    • bronze
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    • Apulu (Apollo Veii)
    • Etruscan Art
    • 500 BCE
    • terra cotta
    • from temple roof
  13. Image Upload 26
    • Sarcophagus of Junius Basus
    • Early Christian Art
    • 4th c. CE
    • marble
    • Christ rule over pagans
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    • Notre Dame (France)
    • Gothic Art
    • Early Gothic
    • 1150 CE
    • flying buttress
  15. Image Upload 30
    • Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints
    • A: Duccio
    • Late Gothic Art (Italy)
    • Siena
    • 14th c. CE
    • tempera on wood
    • polyptych (multi-paneled painting)
  16. Image Upload 32
    • St. Sernin Interior
    • Romanesque Art
    • France
    • 1000 CE
    • dark
    • transverse ribs
  17. Image Upload 34
    • Creation of Adam (Sistine Chapel)
    • Michelangelo
    • High Renaissance Art (Italy)
    • 16th c. CE
    • heavy musculature
  18. Image Upload 36
    • St Peter's Basilica (dome)
    • Michelangelo
    • High Renaissance Art (Italy)
    • 16th c. CE
    • Pope Julius II
    • finished by Giacomo
  19. Image Upload 38
    • Les Tres Riches: October (Book of Hours)
    • Limbourg Brothers
    • 15th c. N European Art
    • international Gothic
    • prayers/calendar
  20. Image Upload 40
    • Sacrifice of Isaac
    • Ghiberti
    • 15th c. Italy Art
    • Early Florentine Reanaissance
    • classical
    • won competition
  21. Image Upload 42
    • Two Bison
    • Prehistoric Art (Europe)
    • Paleolithic
    • 25,000 BCE
    • relief
Card Set
art history 3
art history