Divisions of the Nervous System: (2 main parts)
- 1. Central Nervous System
- 2. Peripheral Nervous System
CNS is composed of:
- 1. Brain
- -Processes info
- 2. Spinal Chord
- -Carries info (nerve impulses) between brain & body
PNS is composed of:
- 1. Somatic system
- Controls voluntary skeletal muscle movement (muscles attatched to bone)
- 2. Autonomic system
- Controls involuntary smooth muscle movement (muscles in glands & organs)
- Made of 2 systems
Autonomic System is made of
- 1. Sympathetic system
- Arouses body & mobilizes resources
- 2. Parasympathetic system
- Calms body & conserves resources
Cells of the Nervous System:
- 1 Receptor cells
- 2 Effector cells
- 3 Neurons
- 4 Glial cells
1)Receptor cells
- Respond to environmental stimulation
- Located in sense organs
2) Effector cells
- Stimulate muscle contractions
- Located in all muscles
3) Neurons
- Basic nerve cell type
- Make up most of nervous system
4) Glial cells
- Sticky, "glue-like" cells
- Support, insulate, nourish other cells
What is neuron type determined by?
The direction in which it carries nerve impulses
Types of Neurons:
- 1) Sensory neurons- Carry nerve impulses from the body into the CNS
- 2) Motor neurons- From the CNS back out to the body3) Inter-neurons- Carry nerve impulses within the CNS
Neuron Anatomy: (know well)
- Dendrites- Branch-like structures that connect to & recieve messages from other neurons
- Soma- The cell body of the neuron
- Axon- Tube structure that carries the neural message to other cells
- End Bulb
- Synapse- Tiny fluid-filled space between the synaptic knob of one cell & the dendrites of the next cell (many drugs cause changes here)
Divisions of the Brain: (3 regions)
- Brainstem (bottom region)
- Limbic System (middle)
- Forebrain (top)
1) Brainstem is made of:
- Medulla -controls vital life functions
- Pons -soordinates movement of left & right side of body
- Cerebellum -regulates muscular balance, posture, etc.
- Reticular Formation -acts as a filter for incoming sensory info. (responsible for selective attention)
2) Limbic System is made of:
- Thalamus -sorts & routes incoming sensory info & outgoing motor info
- Hypothalamus -links the nervous system with the endocrine system (regulates primitive motivational drives like thirst, hunger, sex, & rest)
- Hippocampus -regulates encoding of new memories & retrieval of old ones
- Amygdala -regulates extreme of intense emotions (rage, fear responses)
3) Forebrain is made of:
- A. Cerebral Cortex
- -Cerebral hemispheres (left & right)
- -Corpus Callosum (connecting structure)
- B. Lobes of the Brain
- -Frontal Lobe
- -Temporal
- -Parietal
- -Occipital
A) Cerebral Cortex:
- Wrinkled outermost covering of brain (made of highly specialized neurons)
- Responsible for all higher mental processes
Left Hemisphere VS Right Hemisphere:
- Left: Detail oriented, logic, language, math
- Right: Concept oriented, music, art
Corpus Callosum:
- Band of neurons which allows communication between cerebral hemispheres
- (Women have more; so better multitasking)
B) Lobes of the Brain:
- Frontal- Counciousness, personality, movement, speech, decision making (largest)
- Temporal- Processes audio & language
- Parietal- Processes tactile info. (touch, temp., texture, body position)
- Occipital- Visual center for info.