1. Dorsal interossei
    lateral plantar nerve
  2. plantar interossei
    lateral plantar nerve
  3. flexor halucis brevis
    medial plantar nerve
  4. adductor hallucis
    lateral plantar nerve
  5. flexor digiti minimi brevis
    lateral plantar nerve
  6. lumbricals
    • first = medial plantar nerve
    • lateral 3 = lateral plantar nerve
  7. quadratus plantae
    lateral plantar nerve
  8. abductor hallucis
    medial plantar nerve
  9. flexor digitorum brevis
    medial plantar nerve
  10. abductor digiti minimi
    lateral plantar nerve
  11. extensor digitorum brevis
    deep fibular never
  12. extensor hallucis brevis
    deep fibular
  13. popliteus
    tibial nerve
  14. flexor hallucis longus
    tibial nerve
  15. flexor digitorum longus
    tibial nerve
  16. tibialis posterior
    tibial nerve
  17. gastrocnemius
    tibial nerve
  18. soleus
    tibial nerve
  19. plantaris
    tibial nerve
  20. fibularis longus
    superficial fibular nerve
  21. fibularis brevis
    superficial fibular nerve
  22. tibialis anterior
    deep fibular nerve
  23. extensor hallucis longus
    deep fibular nerve
  24. extensor digitorum longus
    deep fibular nerve
  25. fibularis tertius
    deep fibular nerve
  26. semimembranosus
    tibial portion of sciatic nerve
  27. semitendinosis
    tibial portion of sciatic nerve
  28. biceps femoris
    • long head = tibial portion of sciatic nerve
    • short head = common fibular portion of sciatic nerve
  29. quadratus femoris
    nerve to quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior
  30. gemellus inferior
    nerve too quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior
  31. gemellus superior
    nerve to obturator internus and gemellus superior
  32. obturator internus
    nerve to obturator internus and gemellus superior
  33. gluteus minimus
    superior gluteal nerve
  34. tensor fascia latae
    superior gluteal nerve
  35. piriformis
    nerve to piriformis
  36. gluteus medius
    superior gluteal nerve
  37. gluteus maximus
    inferior gluteal nerve
  38. gracilis
    anterior branch of obturator nerve
  39. adductor magnus (hamstring portion)
    tibial portion of sciatic nerve
  40. adductor magnus (anterior/obturator portion)
    posterior branch of obturator nerve
  41. adductor brevis
    anterior branch of obturator nerve
  42. adductor longus
    anterior branch of obturator nerve
  43. pectineus
    femoral nerve
  44. obturator externus
    posterior branch of obturator nerve
  45. rectus femoris
    femoral nerve
  46. vastus lateralis
    femoral nerve
  47. vastus medialis
    femoral nerve
  48. vastus intermedius
    femoral nerve
  49. sartorius
    femoral nerve
  50. psoas minor
    lumbar plexus L1
  51. illiacus
    femoral nerve
  52. psoas major
    lumbar plexus (L1, 2, 3)
Card Set
Lower extremity innervation