mental health

  1. What is Axis 1?
    • Axis 1: The presenting problems
    • eg: BPD (bi-polar disorder), or Schitzophrenia
  2. What is Axis 2?
    • Axis 2: the chronic or long-term problems that are not going to be corrected
    • eg: mental retardation, personality disorders
  3. What is Axis 3?
    • Axis 3: general medical conditions
    • eg: DM, HTN, COPD, hypothyroidism
  4. What is Axis 4?
    • Axis 4: current stressors...the "why now"
    • eg: divorce, death in the family, recent medical dx...
  5. What is Axis 5?
    • Axis 5: Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score
    • eg: 40 (current) 65 (last year)
  6. What is the GAF?
    • GAF= Global Assessment of Functioning= overall assessment within 10 ranges of
    • 1) severity of symptoms OR
    • 2) level of functioning
    • -if discrepancy exists GAF reflects worse of the 2, don't give benefit of the doubt!
    • -if second GAF scale # is used it should be labeled w/ time 45 (current) 60 (past year)
  7. What are the 3 phases of group work?
    • 1) orientation
    • 2) working
    • 3) termination
  8. What is the group leader and group members responsibility in the orientation phase?
    leader: set up atmosphere of respect, confidentiality, and trust

    group: get to konw one another, issues of joining a group, acceptance, rejection, sexual attratction, posistion in the gorup
  9. What is the group leader and group members responsibility in the working phase?
    leader: encourage members to cooperate w/ each other and handle conflict, keep group focused on therapeutic goals of individual members

    group: issues of leadership, power and control, develops functional norms (eg. sit in circle, come on time), and a sense of group identity, grapples w/ completing a task, developing competance and trust
  10. Discuss the nurse's awareness during the working phase
    • -Roles:
    • -become sensitive to the roles clients assign to you (transference)

    Trust Development- consistency is key w/ actions and words
  11. What is the leader and the members responsibility during the termination phase of group?
    leader: acknowledge the contributions of each member and the experience as a whole

    group: prepare for the seperation and for the future, endings, loss, loneliness, death, saying goodbye (tendancy to avoid goodbyes by not showing up, making vague future plans, etc)
  12. Instillation of hope
    feeling hopeful about one's life
  13. Universality
    feeling that one is not alone
  14. imparting of information
    sharing info
  15. altruism
    • giving appropriate help to other members
    • eg: "I've spent all this time talking about me. Lou needs to talk about his visit w/ his dad, let's focus on him"
  16. catharisis
    releasing feelings and emotions, like a cleansing
  17. existential resolution
    coming to understand what life is about
  18. What are the ABC's of cognitive behavioral therapy?
    • A= Activating Event +
    • B= Beliefs, or aotomatic thoughts =
    • C= Consequences, feelings

    - a pt. w/ psychosocial difficulties haas negavive Beliefs that cause neg. Consequences. W/ CBT we want to change their Beliefs to positive/adaptive ones
  19. What are some other CBT techniques?
    • -daily mood charting
    • -tracking pleasant events
    • -homework
    • -learning behavioral skills
    • -examining and changing neg. thoughts
  20. RN's can assume respoonsibility for what groups?
    • -med education
    • -sexuality
    • -dual-diagnosis
    • -multifamily
    • -symptom management
    • -stress management
    • -community
    • -self-care
  21. Advance Practice Nurses can assume responsibility for what groups?
    • -same as the RN +
    • -psychotherapy
    • -family therapy
  22. What are the basic diagnostics for anorexia?
    • -age of onset 14-16 yrs
    • -50% co-morbidity w/ OCD
    • -main diffs from bulemia=
    • 1) refusal to attain or maintain minimal body weight for age and height, pt. <85% of normal BMI
    • 2) perceptual distrubances (pt. sees themself as fat- doesn't know there is a problem)pt. ego-cyntonic (they feel like they're fine)
    • 3) Amenorrhea-after menarche, females miss at least 3 consecutive periods or befre menarche the menstral cycle is delayed
    • -concern about weight often increases as weight decreases
  23. What are the basic diagnostics for anorexia?
    • -age of onset 18-24yo
    • -pt usually w/in normal weight range
    • -pt. recognizes there is a problem but feels helpless to correct it
    • -pt. feels sense of relief after purging, release of tension and anxiety, depression follows episode (post-binge remorse or guilt)
  24. What are some lab findings of anorexic pt?
    • -hematology: anemia, leukopenia
    • -chemistry: incr. BUN, hypercholeserolemia, metabolic alkalosis (incr. serum bicarb), hypochloremia, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis
    • -EKG: sinus brady, dysrhythmias (can lead to cardiac arrest)
  25. What are some lab findings of a pt. w/ bulemia?
    • -metabolic alkalosis- d/t loss of stomach acid
    • -metabolic acidosis- d/t diarrhea
    • -hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypochloremia
    • -elevated serum amylase
Card Set
mental health
exam 1 MH