more Psych. Ch.1

  1. What are the 5 main research methods?
    • 1. Experimental method
    • 2. Correlational method
    • 3. Naturalistic Observation method
    • 4. Case Study method
    • 5. Survey
  2. 1) Experimental method:
    (scientific method)
    • 1. Question
    • 2. Hypothesis
    • 3. Randomization of subjects into Experimental Groups and Control Groups
    • 4. Run experiments
    • 5. Compare results between groups

    Advantage - Allows experimenter to indicate cause and effect

    Disadvantage - Poor applicability to the real world
  3. 2) Correlational Method:
    • Examines relationships between variables
    • Tells effects of causes
  4. Dependent Variable
    • Variable measured at the end
    • (Outcome)
  5. Independent Variable
    • The variable that is changes
    • The thing that is different between groups or subjects
  6. 3) Naturalistic Observation method (&problems with it)
    Studying subjects in natural habitat (overt or covert)

    Problems with self fulfilling prophecies & observer effect
  7. 4) Case Study method (what is it?)
    Advantages & disadvantages:
    • In-depth study of 1 person or small group
    • (used least by psychologists)

    • Advantage- Lots of info.
    • Disadvantage- Poor generalizability
  8. 5) Survey method
    Questions & answers

    • Advantage- Cheap, quick, & easy
    • Disadvantage- Many sources of bias
  9. 4 Types of Data:
    • 1. Self Report
    • Subjects answers
    • 2. Behavioral
    • Researcher observes subjects' actions
    • 3. Archival
    • Views subjects' past records
    • 4. Physiological
    • Moniters subjects' bodily functions
  10. Cross-Sectional study
    Studies a large group over a short time-period
  11. Longitudinal study
    Small group over a long time
  12. Single-Blind & Double-Blind studies
    • Single-blind: Study in which the subjects don't know if they're in the experimental or control group
    • Double-blind: Neither subjects nor person measuring the dependent variable know who got what
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more Psych. Ch.1
Test 1