What is any visual examination of the interior of the eye with an ophthalmoscope?
Inflammation of the middle ear
Otitis media (OM)
What is blephar/o
What are the angles at the ends of the area where the upper and lower lids meet (corner of the eye)?
Canthus (Canthi)
What is drooping of the upper eyelid?
What is dry eye?
What is ear wax called?
What is loss of hearing common in old age?
What is abnormal sounds or ringing in the ears?
What is the structure that transmits sound waves to the ossicles of the middle ear and completely separates the outer ear from the middle ear?
Tympanic membrane (eardrum)
T or F When performing an eye irrigation, you place the patient supine and ask the patient to tilt their head toward the affected eye
T or F When removing any debris or discharge from the pt's eyelid, you moisten 3 or 4 gauze squares with the irrigating solution, then wipe the eyelids and eyelashes from the inner canthus to the outer canthus?
What could happen if you place medication directly onto the eye?
It may cause damage to the cornea
What must you perform to remove an accumulation of impacted cerumen?
An ear irrigation
Where do you instill the solution when irrigating the ear?
Toward the roof
Why would you perform an ear instillation (according to the test)?
To remove discharge from the ear
What does resting with the unaffected ear down, for 5 min allow the medication to do?
distribute completely throughout the ear canal.
What is the word part for tear; lacrimal apparatus?
What is a bluish discoloration of the skin cased by lack of oxygen?
What is it when you hear crackling sounds in the lungs, usually at the base?
Where should you instruct the patient to wait for the physician after changing into their gown?
On the end of the examination table
What position is it when the patient is supine with the knees flexed (bent) sharply with the feet flat on the table?
Dorsal recumbent position
What does draping allow for the patient while still allowing the physician access to the body areas to be examined?
Warmth & modesty
What position can be used for rectal examinations and enema administration?
Sims' position
What position is most often used for a sigmoidoscopy?
Knee - Chest position
What position is when the patient is lying in a supine position at a 45% angle?
Semi-Fowler's position
What position is when the patient is lying in a supine position at a 90% angle?
Full Fowler's position
What position helps the patient breathe easier and is used for examination of the upper extremities?
Fowler's position
What involves the physician using the hand to locate & touch major organs and lymph nodes & to detect tenderness in an area?
What is used to check the nervous system and respiratory system?
What involves the use of a stethoscope to detect the sounds of the heart, repiratory system and intestines (bowels)?