Art History

    • Fra Angelico The Annunciation
    • Fresco
    • Florence 1438-1445

    • Example of linear perspective
    • sacred vision in a contemporary scene
    • prepares monks for private meditations
    • Michelangelo The Last Judgement
    • The Sistine Chapel, Rome
    • 1536-1541
    • Fresco

    • During the counter reformation
    • very different from earlier depictions of the last judgement, there is little seperation between the saved and the damned.
    • -criticized for nudity
    • Rapael Cartoon for Tapestry Portraying Christ's Charge to Peter
    • 1515-1516
    • distemper on paper
    • Robert Campin within workshop Merode Alterpiece ( Triptych of the Annunciation)
    • 1425-1430
    • oil on wood panel
    • Flanders

    -Shows portrayal of religion in the context of a secular world view
    • Raphael School of Athens (Stanza della Segnatura)
    • 1510-1511
    • Vatican, Rome
    • fresco

    Sought to create an ideal setting for papal activitiesk murals proclaiming human knowledge exists under the power of a divine wisdom. Pictorial allegories portray each theme
    • Giotto di Bondone Kiss of Judas
    • 1305-1306 Padua
    • Fresco
    • Gianlorenzo Bernini St. Teresa of Avila in Ecstasy
    • Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome 1645-1652
    • marble
    • Michelangelo Pieta
    • St. Peter's Vatican, Rome 1500
    • marble
    • Caravaggio The Calling of St. Matthew
    • Rome 1599-1600
    • oil on canvas
    • Hans Memling Diptych of Maarten van Nieuwenhove
    • Bruges 1487
    • oil on panel
    • Donatello David
    • Florence 1446-1460
    • bronze
    • Albrecht Durer Self portrait
    • Munich 1500
    • oil on panel
    • Jan van Eyck Double Portrait of a Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife
    • Flanders 1434
    • oil on panel
    • Jan and Hubert van Eyck Ghent Alterpiece, Adoration of the Mystic Lamb
    • Ghent 1432
    • oil on panel
    • Pieter Bruegel The Harvesters (Cycle of the Months)
    • Flanders 1565
    • oil on wood panel
    • Jan van Eyck Man in a Red Turban
    • Flanders 1433
    • oil on wood panel

    speculated to be a self portrait
    • Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper
    • Milan, Italy 1495-1498
    • tempera and oil on plaster
    • Titian Pesaro Madonna
    • Venica, Italy 1519-1526
    • oil on canvas

    side alterpiece Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
    • Duccio di Buoninsegna La Maesta Alterpiece
    • Siena Cathedral 1308-1311
    • tempera and gold on wood
    • Masaccio The Tribute Money
    • Florence 1427
    • Fresco
    • Michelangelo Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    • 1511-1512
    • Fresco
    • Perugino Christ Handing the keys to St. Peter
    • Vatican, Rome 1481
    • Fresco of the Sistine Chapel
    • Pieter Bruegel Return of the Hunters
    • Flanders 1565
    • oil on wood panel
    • Rogier van der Weyden St. Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child
    • oil and tempera on wood panel
    • 1435-1440
    • Caravaggio The Conversion of St. Paul
    • Cerasi Chapel Rome, Italy 1601
    • oil on canvas
    • Titian Virgin of Urbino
    • Florence 1538
    • oil on canvas
    • Leonardo da Vinci Virgin of the Rocks
    • Italy 1485
    • oil on wood panel
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Art History