
  1. What was the 1st movie studio named?
    The Black Maria
  2. A peephole viewer where you can watch movies in penny arcades
  3. He invented the 1st camera to take multiple pictures in. Who did it and what was it?
    Etienne Jules-Marey; Rifle Camera
  4. He made a $25,000 bet with the Gov. Leland Stanford to get a picture of all of a horse's hooves in the air. Who did it and with what?
    Eadward Maybridge; Serial Photography
  5. It demonstrated 16 fps to get a flicker fusion, and it was the 1st stroboscoic toy to display flicker fusion
  6. :made in the 17th Century
    :Glass Lantern Slides
    :Limited Number of Slides
    Magic Lantern
  7. The human eye's ability to perceive motion if a series of slightly different images are placed before it in rapid succession
    Flicker Fusion
  8. What type of movies were:
    Crisis and revolution-based
    Representative of social class
    Dynamic; Large Number of Shots
    Dramatic angles
    Realistic Elements
    Soviet Montage
  9. Another word for a "chamber story all set in one place"
  10. Why was the MPPC created and what does it stand for?
    Motion Pictures Patent Company; made to put a monopoly on the film industry as many agencies began to make films with similar equipment to Edison and other pioneers of the film industry
  11. Why did Edison move his studios to Hollywood?
    • Better Weather
    • Nice Topography
    • Great Real Estate values
  12. The 1st permanent movie theatres
  13. A machine where you can write or record movenent and motion; What was it and who invented it?
    Kinetograph; Thomas Edison
  14. Who invented the silvered-copper plates with 15-min exposure?
    Louis Daguerre
  15. What was the 1st Soviet Montage film?
  16. Which film DOES NOT represent Soviet Montage?

    B) Metropolis
  17. What was the 1st German Expressionist film?
    The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
  18. Which of these films DO NOT represent German Expressionism?

    C) Mother
  19. What are the characheristics of German Expressionist films?
    • Against Physical Realism
    • Inner Emotional Reality
    • Focus on Mise-en-scene; stylized sets
    • Unnatural acting style
    • Chiaroscuro Lighting (light to dark)
    • Long Shots; slowly-paced editing
    • Frame Stories; often set in Exoctic/Foreign locations
  20. What kind of movies starred a predominately-black cast for black audiences and played in segregated theatres?
    Race cinema
  21. What popular stlyes of German film were popular between the wars?
    • Fantasy
    • Social Problem Pictures
    • Spetacles (historical epics)
    • Kammerspiel
    • German expressionism
  22. A hand-cranked projection of films to large audiences: What was it and who invented it?
    Cinematographe; Lumiere Brothers
  23. The birthdate of Motion Pictures
    December 28, 1895
  24. What type of films WERE NOT popular before 1902?

    C) Melodramas
  25. What kind of movie was The Great Train Robbery?
    A Melodrama
  26. What is hand tinting?
    A process to add color to motion pictures
  27. Who was the "Father of Motion Pictures"?
    The Lumiere Brothers
  28. What all was altered in mise-en-scene?
    • Setting
    • Lighting
    • Costumes
    • Props
    • Make-up
    • Acting style
  29. Crossing between extending film time and acuiality
  30. What is mise-en-scene?
    Everything in the screen thaat gives meaning
  31. What are the characheristics of a melodrama?
    • Female Protagonist
    • Excessive Emotion
    • last-Minute Resue
    • Focus on Domestic
    • Suspense
    • Clear-cut good/bad guys
    • Good guys win
  32. What are the characteristics of Classical Hollywood Cinema?
    • Narrative Clarity
    • Continuity Editing
    • Psychologically-defined Characters
    • 1-2 goal-oriented Protagonists
    • A-B Plotlines
    • Narrative Closure
  33. Where a spectator infers spatial and temporal continuity from shots of seperate elements
    Kuleshov Effect
Card Set
intro to film