energy and metabolism

  1. what is the name of the caacity to do work
  2. what is kenetic energy
    the energy of motion
  3. Potential energy
    stored energy
  4. name 3 forms heat has
    • mechanical, electric
    • heat,light
  5. most forms of energy can be converted to
    heat energy
  6. what is the term useed to discribe the amount of heat required to raise the temp of water by 1 C
  7. how much is 1 Kilocalorie
  8. how is potential energy transfered through molecule through molecule
    by way of chemical bonds
  9. Oxidation
    loss of electrons
  10. Reduction
    gain of electron
  11. Redox Reactions
    electrons coupled to each other
  12. What is the first law of Thermodynamics
    energy cannot be created or destroyed there for it can only be coverted from one form to another
  13. Law of Thermodynamics 2nd law
    disorder is morelikely than order
  14. Disorder in the universeis called and it is always
    • Entropy
    • increasing
  15. Laws Of Thermodynamics states chemical reactions can be described by the transfer of energy that occurs such as
    • endergonic reaction
    • exergonic reaction
  16. what is endergonic reaction and exergonic reaction
    • endergonic reaction is a reaction requiring an input of energy
    • ^G is positive

    Exergonic reaction: areaction that releases free energy

    ^G is negative
  17. Laws of Thermodynamic

    most reactions_____ to get started
    This is called
    • energy
    • Activation energy
  18. Name 2 properties of Activation energy
    It destabilizes existing chemical bonds

    require for exergonic reactions
  19. What is a catalysts
    Sutstance that lwer the activation eenrgy of a reaction
  20. Energy Currency of Cells

    What are ATP and what do they stand for
    • the energy currency of cells
    • Adenosine triphosphate
  21. ATP structure consist of
    • Ribose, 5 carbon sugar
    • adenine
    • three phosphates
  22. Where do ATP stre energy in
    bonds between phosphates
  23. Since Phoshates are highly negative there fore
    • the phosphates repel each other
    • much energy is required to keep the phosphates bound to each other
    • much energy is released when the bond between two phoshates is broken
  24. what happens whe bodn between phosphates are broken
    • ATP--->ADP + P
    • energy is released
  25. what does ADP
    Pi stand for
    • ADP=Adenosine diphosphate
    • P=Inorganic phosphate
  26. Energy released when ATP is brken down to ADP can be used to fuel endergonic reaction
    endergonic reaction
  27. The energy released from an exergonic reaction can be used to fuel
    production of ATP from ADP + P
  28. Enzmes are
    name 3 things about enzymes
    • molecues that catalyze reactions in living cells
    • 1.most are proteins
    • 2.Lower the activation energy requied for reaction
    • 3.are not changed or consumed by the reaction
  29. What happens when Enzymes interact with substrates
    binding of an enzyme to a substrate causes the enzymes to change shape, produing a better induced fit between the molecules.
  30. what is a substrate what is a active site
    • substrate: molecule that will undergo reaction
    • Active site: regino of the enzyme that binds to the substrate
  31. what power does temp have on active enzymes
    • enzxyme activity may be increase with increasing temp, up to the temp optimum
    • tempeatures too far above the temp otimum can denature the enzyme, destroying its function
  32. which rang of ph is enymes most suitable for
    ph values from 6-8
  33. Name and discribe

    Metabolish: all chemical reactions occuring in organism

    Anabolism: chemcial reaactions that exxpend energy to make new chemical bonds

    catabolism: chemical reactiosn that harbvest energy when bonds are broken
  34. dont forget about lab quiz
Card Set
energy and metabolism