
  1. The World Health Organisation (WHO) 1949 definition of 'health'
    A complete state of phsycal, social and mental wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
  2. 'Wellbeing' definition:
    A state of being healthy, happy and contented, usually determined by self assesment.
  3. 'Physical Health' definition;
    Refers to the current state of the body, absence or presence of disease/illness, fitness levels, injuries, and the operation of the body's systems.

    -The body and it's components
  4. 'Mental Health' definition;
    Refers to the current state of the mind, how a person is feeling about themselves, and how they deal situations in which they find themselves.

    • -Mind, emotions and feelings
    • -Coping abilties
    • -Self esteem
  5. 'Social Health' definition;
    Refers to the current state of relationships individuals have with others

    • -Relationships with others
    • -Realationships with friends and family
    • -Interaction with others
  6. 'Optimal Health' Definition;
    Refers to the best level of health you can have phsycally, mentally and socially, taking inot account your personal circumstances
  7. 'Health Status' definition;
    Refers to an overall evaluation made about how healthy an individual or population is at any given time.

    -Takes into account various aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability and levels of disease risk factors
  8. 'Trend' definition;
    Statistical analysis term that refers to a pattern or relationship in the data
  9. 'Life expectancy' definition;
    An indication of how long a person can expect to live. It is the number of years remaining to a person at a particular age if death rates do not change.

    • -A male is expected to live to 78.5 years
    • -A female is expected to live to 83.3 years
    • (2006)
  10. 'Mortality' definition;
    The number of deaths caused by a particular diesase, illness, or other environmental factor

    • - MortaLity
    • - L= Loss of life
  11. 'Morbidity' definiton;
    Ill health in an individual and the levels of ill health in a population or a group

    • - MorbiDity
    • -D= Disease or illness
  12. 'Incidence' definiton;
    The number or rate of NEW cases of a particular condition/disease during a specific time

    -New cases of the disease/illness
  13. 'Prevalence' definition;
    The number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at any given time

    -How many people already have this disease/condition
  14. 'Burden of Disease' definition;
    A measure of ill health in a community. It measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everbody lives to old age free of disease and disability

    • - How much of an impact a disease or illness has on a community
    • - Financial Burden
  15. 'Disablity Adjusted Life Year (DALY)' definition;
    • A measure of the burden of disease. One DALY equals one year of health life loss, due to premature dealh and time lived with disease/illness
  16. 'Years of Life Lost (YLL)' definiton;
    The fatal burden of disease of a population defined as years of life lost due to premature death
  17. 'Years of life living with disease (YLD)' definition;
    The non-fatal component of disease and is a measure of healthy years lost due to disease and illness
  18. 'Self Concept' definiton;
    How an individual believes others view them
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VCE Human Health & Development- Unit 1: Understanding Human Health and development