1. When assessing a patient(s) in the field setting, what order would the EMT perform this task?

    A) Scene size-up; Detailed physical exam; Initial assessment

    B) Focused history and physical exam; Ongoing assessment; Documentation

    C) Detailed physical exam; SAMPLE history; Initial assessment

    D) Initial assessment; Detailed physical exam; Focused history and physical exam
    • Correct Answer
    • B) Focused history and physical exam; Ongoing assessment; Documentation

  2. When stabilizing the cervical spine of a trauma victim while simultaneously opening the airway, the EMT would position the patient's head:A) Tilted slightly forward.

    B) Tilted slightly back.

    C) Neutral and in-line.

    D) In the position found.
    • Correct Answer
    • C) Neutral and in-line.
  3. A 62-year-old female was struck by a car traveling approximately 45 miles per hour. After being struck, she was thrown 15 feet onto the sidewalk, impacting the pavement with her head and chest. The initial assessment has been completed and life threats addressed. The patient's husband is by her side. When performing the focused assessment on this patient, which of the following would the EMT perform first?

    A) Examine the head and chest for other life-threatening injuries.
    B) Obtain a full set of vital signs including a pulse oximeter reading.
    C) Examine the patient from head to toe for additional injuries.
    D) Inquire from family if the patient has any past medical history.
    • Correct Answer
    • C) Examine the patient from head to toe for additional injuries.
  4. Dispatch has sent you to a residence for a female with a possible broken arm. On the scene, you find her seated in a chair holding her left arm, which appears deformed. She also has blood and bruises to her face. She states that a masked man, who she believes lives in her neighborhood, broke into her home and robbed her. Prior to fleeing, he beat her, leaving her with the injuries she has presently. Given this situation, your best course of action would be to:

    A) Leave the patient and scene immediately and wait in the ambulance until the police arrive.
    B) Determine the location of the neighbor and direct the police to that area.
    C) Assess the patient, provide basic care, and move to the ambulance for transport.
    D) Call for the police and avoid touching the patient to not alter any existing evidence.
    • Correct Answer
    • C) Assess the patient, provide basic care, and move to the ambulance for transport.
  5. A patient has been shot once in the left hand. After performing the initial assessment, and determining the patient is alert and stable, the EMT quickly focuses his attention on the left hand and begins a specific assessment of the injury. This would indicate that what type of assessment is being performed?

    A) Focused trauma exam
    B) Extremity trauma exam
    C) Rapid trauma exam
    D) Specific trauma exam
    • Correct Answer
    • A) Focused trauma exam
  6. The EMT is using the OPQRST mnemonic to gather information from a patient with abdominal pain. Which of the following statements provided by the patient indicates that the EMT has inquired about the letter "P" in this memory aid?

    C) "It hurts worse when I take a deep breath."
  7. As you enter the room of a 64-year-old female with shortness of breath, you hear snoring respirations. Your immediate action when you reach her side would be to:

    A) Perform the head tilt-chin lift.
  8. A 31-year-old male is complaining of left-side flank pain that radiates into his groin. He is alert and oriented and the initial assessment reveals no life-threatening conditions. A nonrebreather face mask delivering 15 liters per minute of oxygen has been applied. Given the patient's status, your next step would be to:

    C) Obtain a SAMPLE history from the patient.
  9. You have been dispatched to an apartment for an elderly male complaining of shortness of breath. When would you start the process of forming a general impression about this patient?

    B) As you and your partner approach him
  10. When performing the scene size-up, which of the following will the EMT address?

    D) The need for additional personnel
  11. A patient who was shoveling snow developed chest pain and immediately sat down in a nearby bus shelter and called 911. Prior to moving him into the ambulance, your partner performs an initial assessment and reports that the patient's capillary refill is 5 seconds. Which of the following statements made by you would be most appropriate?

    C) "The cold temperature may cause the capillary refill to be 5 seconds; we should assess further."
  12. Which of the following statements made by your partner indicates that he understands assessment of a patient's breathing?

    B) "A rate less than 12 may allow adequate breathing, but requires further assessment by the EMT."
  13. You determine a patient's heart rate to be 48 beats per minute. When alerting the receiving hospital, you would inform them that the patient's heart rate is:

    B) Bradycardic.
  14. Trends in a patient's condition are best noted during what phase of patient assessment?

    D) Ongoing assessment
  15. When assessing the breath sounds of a critical trauma patient, it is best to auscultate in at least how many places?

    A) 4
  16. Which statement made by the EMT indicates an appropriate understanding of palpating a blood pressure?

    C) "A palpated blood pressure is recorded when the brachial pulse returns as the BP cuff is deflated."
  17. A patient presents with extremely pale skin. Family states that this is not his normal skin color. Which of the following medical conditions would make sense given this finding?

    A) Chest pain accompanied by a bounding pulse
  18. When you are caring for a patient with either a medical complaint or traumatic injury, you would typically perform the detailed physical exam:

    B) While transporting the patient to the hospital.
  19. You have determined that your patient is unresponsive. Your next action would be to:

    D) Open the airway.
  20. A 26-year-old male has been ejected from a car after it rolled several times in the median of the interstate. As you arrive by the side of the patient, you find him supine with gurgling respirations. Your immediate action would be to:

    D) Log-roll him onto his side.
  21. For which of the following conditions would the EMT most likely get an inaccurate pulse oximeter reading despite proper application of the sensor?

    B) Low blood pressure
  22. A 41-year-old male patient reacts to painful stimuli by moaning. You shine a light at his right pupil. Which of the following reactions would be normal?

    B) Constriction of the left pupil
  23. At a nursing home, you find a patient extremely short of breath. To best determine if the patient is cyanotic, you would:

    D) Examine the lining of the lips and mouth.
  24. Of the four patients listed, on which of the following would the EMT perform a rapid trauma assessment, as opposed to a focused trauma assessment?

    D) 24-year-old male who is alert and oriented and is complaining of arm pain secondary to a motor vehicle collision in which the passenger was killed.
  25. You have arrived by the side of a cyanotic patient who is responsive to painful stimuli and exhibiting stridorous respirations. Which of the following would be most appropriate?

    D) Provide positive pressure ventilation with supplemental oxygen.
  26. Which of the following statements made by the EMT indicates an accurate understanding of checking a patient's skin temperature?

    C) "Checking the skin temperature is not precise, but a good estimate of abnormally high or low body temperatures."
  27. Friends called 911 for a 37-year-old female who intentionally overdosed on a narcotic drug. Which of the following eye findings would reinforce that the patient did indeed take a narcotic?

    A) Pupils that are constricted before shining a light in them
  28. Family states that their 16-year-old daughter has a history of asthma and has been complaining of shortness of breath for the past two days. She has been taking her metered dose inhaler with some relief, but today, when she didn't get out of bed, they found her lethargic and struggling to breath. Your assessment reveals her to be responsive to verbal stimuli with a patent airway and shallow respirations of 36 a minute. When listening with your stethoscope, you hear wheezing in the upper lobes, and the lung bases are quiet. Your immediate action in caring for this patient would be:

    B) Positive pressure ventilation.
  29. A young female patient has been stung by a bee and states that her throat is "closing up." She states that she is allergic to bee stings and the last time this happened, she had to have a "tube put into my windpipe." She is struggling to breathe and can only speak a few words at a time. Knowing that allergic reactions can cause swelling in the pharynx and at the level of the larynx, which of the following respiratory sounds would indicate that the patient indeed has swelling in this area?

    A) Stridor
  30. Which of the following patients would best benefit from the delivery of high-flow oxygen through a nonrebreather face mask (as opposed to needing positive pressure ventilation, or not needing supplemental oxygen at all)?

    D) 42-year-old female who is weak and dizzy and adequately breathing 14 times a minute
  31. Your partner is having a difficult time determining what a normal and abnormal blood pressure for a child is. Which statement will help him most?

    B) "A normal systolic pressure can be estimated by doubling the child's age and adding it to 80."
  32. When obtaining a SAMPLE history, which of the following information would be obtained when asking about the "P" component?

    B) History of pancreatitis
  33. En route to the hospital, you start the ongoing assessment of a 22-year-old trauma patient. You would begin this assessment by:

    A) Repeating the initial assessment.
  34. While you are performing a focused physical exam, your trauma patient suddenly complains of the sudden onset of difficulty breathing. You would:

    B) Stop your exam and provide appropriate care.
  35. You are called for a 2-year-old child who is sick. When testing her capillary refill, which of the following would be the most cause for concern?

    C) 3-second capillary refill time
  36. The left side of a patient's heart is in severe failure, causing blood to back up behind it. Which of the following signs and symptoms would you most likely see in this patient?

    B) Crackles in the lungs
  37. Which portion of the heart is in failure when it can no longer effectively pump blood into the lungs?

    D) Right ventricle
  38. Which of the following best represents the correct sequence for the passage of air into the lungs?

    D) Mouth, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli
  39. A patient has taken a medication that increases the activity of his sympathetic nervous system. Which of the following signs and symptoms would the EMT expect to find?

    D) Dilated pupils
  40. A patient has severe swelling of the leaf-shaped flap that helps to prevent food from entering lower respiratory system. Knowing that the suffix "itis" refers to inflammation, which of the following conditions would the patient be suffering from?

    B) Epiglottitis
  41. A patient has fractured bones in his left leg. Which of the following could be broken?

    C) Femur, tibia, or fibula
  42. In which of the following structures of the respiratory system would an occlusion cause the total cessation of air flow into and out of the lungs?

    D) Trachea
  43. After you apply and use the automated external defibrillator, a patient's pulse returns and he is breathing adequately. The paramedic asks you to place the patient in a lateral recumbent position. How would you position this patient?

    D) On his left side
  44. Assessment of an elderly male shows him to be confused. His family states that this is normal for him because he has a disease of his brain that has affected his ability to remember things. Based on this information, what area of the brain would this disease be located?

    D) Cerebrum
  45. A patient has been shot with a rifle. The bullet entered his chest just above the left nipple and exited his body just left of the lumbar spine. Which of the following would be appropriate to document on the prehospital care report?

    C) Entry wound to anterior thorax
  46. Which of the following descriptions best describes the anatomical position?

    D) Upright and facing backward with the arms raised and legs straight
    C) Standing with the arms down at the side and palms facing forward
  47. A female patient has suffered a stroke to the right side of her brain and has paralysis to the contralateral portion of the body. Which of the following is true?

    C) She cannot move her left arm and leg.
  48. The vessel that carries oxygen-depleted blood to the right atrium is the:

    C) Vena cava.
  49. A patient is experiencing the backup of blood and accumulation of fluid in the lung tissue. Failure of which of the heart's valves would most likely be responsible for this condition?

    B) Mitral valve
  50. In the healthy heart, the electrical impulses that cause contraction of the cardiac muscle are initiated in the:

    A) Sinoatrial node.
  51. Involuntary or smooth muscles would be found on which of the following structures?

    A) Blood vessels and intestines
  52. A 14-year-old boy has fallen through a plate glass window and is bleeding heavily from a laceration to his arm. His panicked mother has called 911 for help. Since the 911 operators are also Emergency Medical Dispatchers, which of the following will they be able to provide?

    A) Instructions on how to control bleeding
  53. It has been some time since you were involved in the care of a pediatric patient. You decide to review the assessment and treatment basics that the medical director for your service requires. Which of the following resources would you first consult to review this information?

    A) Service protocols
  54. You have arrived on the scene of a motor vehicle collision. A car has gone off the road and into a utility pole. The pole is broken and wires are above the car. You do not see any sparking or arcing of the wires. The driver of the car is slumped over the steering wheel and not moving. There are several bystanders around the car yelling for you to help. Which of the following indicates the correct order of actions you would perform?

    D) Clear bystanders, fire department secures the wires, access the patient, extricate the patient, transport
  55. Before contacting medical direction for authorization to assist a shortness of breath patient with his or her metered dose inhaler, protocols state that the EMT must first attempt to provide relief by administering oxygen. You recognize that the administration of oxygen is best described as:

    A) Standing order.
  56. Which of the following statements indicates that the EMT has a good understanding of her role and responsibility related to being an EMT?

    B) "My safety comes first and then the patient's safety."
  57. Most authorities agree that the modern-day EMS system evolved after the release of what research document?

    C) The White Paper "Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society"
  58. You have been dispatched for a 61-year-old female in cardiac arrest. Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are on scene. Since in your community all EMS practitioners are trained according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Scope of Practice Model, which of the following care do you expect the EMRs to be providing?

    A) Automated external defibrillation
  59. As defined by The National EMS Scope of Practice Model, the four levels of EMS practitioners include:

    A) Paramedics.
  60. The EMT is appropriately sizing the nasal airway when she measures:

    D) The distance from the nose to earlobe.
  61. While assessing a patient with abdominal pain, he informs you that he is a chronic carrier of Hepatitis-B. He is not jaundiced (yellow color to the skin) nor does he have a fever. As an EMT, you realize:

    C) The patient's blood and body fluids are infectious.
  62. An elderly male who is short of breath is on home oxygen. He is wearing a nasal cannula connected to an oxygen tank with the flow regulator set to 3 liters per minute. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that the patient is getting approximately what percentage of oxygen with each breath?

    D) 32 percent
  63. You are treating a patient with active tuberculosis. Which of the following will afford you the best protection from acquiring the disease?

    B) High-efficiency particulate aspirator mask
  64. A 2-year-old boy who just seized must have his airway opened. When performing the head tilt-chin lift airway maneuver, the EMT must remember:

    A) The head should only be slightly extended.
  65. The hospital staff has just returned the long spine board you used to immobilize a patient involved in a minor motor vehicle collision. There is no blood on the board, but your service policy states that all immobilization equipment is to be disinfected any time that it is used. To properly disinfect this piece of equipment, which of the following will you use?

    C) Germicidal solution
  66. You are assessing a patient with altered mental status. Which assessment finding would contraindicate the use of the nonrebreather face mask?

    C) Rate of 18 and shallow tidal volume
  67. Which immunization should the EMT receive annually?

    D) Purified protein derivative (PPD)
  68. You are doing CPR on a patient in cardiac arrest. Initially, the AED was applied and indicated no shock. Currently you are ventilating the patient with a bag-value mask and performing compressions. His wife is crying and asks how he is doing. Your best response would be:

    D) "Right now he is not breathing and his heart is not beating, but we are doing everything we can for him."
  69. Your medical director is holding an in-service focusing on the prehospital management of adult patients with respiratory complaints. He asks the group how they determine if the patient is breathing adequately. Which of the following responses would be most correct?

    C) "For a patient to be breathing adequately, the rate should be within 10 to 24 breaths per minute with a full chest rise with each breath."
  70. Which of the following set ups on the bag-valve mask (BVM) will enable the EMT to deliver the highest concentration of oxygen to the patient?

    C) BVM with oxygen reservoir attached receiving oxygen at 15 lpm
  71. Which of the following statements indicates that the EMT has an accurate understanding of the bronchioles?

    A) "The bronchioles are small passages located in the lower airway that have smooth muscle surrounding them."
  72. The EMT believes that a patient is mildly hypoxic based on findings from the initial assessment. What other sign could the EMT use to confirm his suspicion of mild hypoxia?

    D) Sleepy appearance
  73. A patient informs you that he was recently diagnosed with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), but has yet to develop AIDS. Which of the following is true?

    D) Gloves will be enough protection unless body fluids are present.
  74. Which of the following is true regarding ventilation of a non-breathing patient through a stoma?

    D) The EMT should ventilate through the stoma with a child-sized face mask attached to a bag-valve mask.
  75. You are caring for a 46-year-old male patient who is unresponsive. Which statement made by your partner indicates the need to immediately stop suctioning his airway and resume positive pressure ventilation?

    D) "His heart rate is 48 beats per minute."
  76. Which of the following patients would the EMT recognize as having an actual or potential occlusion of the upper airway?

    B) 3-year-old male with a fever and swelling of the larynx
  77. While providing care to a 61-year-old female in cardiac arrest, you note that her abdomen grows larger with each ventilation provided from the bag-valve mask. What instructions would you provide?

    D) "Let's slow the ventilation rate to 10 per minute and I will provide cricoid pressure."
  78. Assessment findings for an alert and oriented patient complaining of shortness of breath reveal an open airway, respiratory rate of 24, and strong radial pulse accompanied by skin that is cool and diaphoretic. The depth of respirations is adequate and breath sounds include wheezing throughout the lungs. Vital signs are a pulse of 124, respiratory rate of 24, and blood pressure of 146/82 mmHg. He has a history of asthma for which he takes medications. How would you administer oxygen to this patient?

    A) Nonrebreather mask
  79. You have arrived on the scene of an assault in which several people have been injured. You are directed to assist another crew with a patient who has been shot once. As you approach, you are told that the patient is apneic and observe the patient being ventilated with a bag-valve mask while another EMT maintains her airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver. Based on your observation, where might you expect that this patient was shot?

    B) Abdomen
  80. You have just placed an Esophageal-Tracheal Combitube (ETC) in a patient and inflated the cuffs as appropriate. The bag-valve mask is attached and ventilation is being delivered. Auscultation reveals that breath sounds are present in the epigastrium and not in the lungs. You would:

    A) Provide ventilation through tube #2.
  81. Which statement made by the EMT indicates a proper understanding of the use of the pocket mask?

    D) "In comparison to the bag-valve mask, the pocket mask can deliver a just as good, if not better, tidal volume."
  82. An elderly male who is short of breath is on home oxygen. He is wearing a nasal cannula connected to an oxygen tank with the flow regulator set to 3 liters per minute. As a knowledgeable EMT, you would recognize that the patient is getting approximately what percentage of oxygen with each breath?

    A) 32 percent
  83. Which of the following actions would you perform when attaching a therapy regulator to a new oxygen tank?

    A) Open the cylinder valve for one second prior to attaching the regulator
  84. You are assessing a patient with congestive heart failure, and you determine that her failing heart is causing fluid to collect and fill her alveoli. Based on this pathophysiology, which of the following pulmonary complications should the EMT assume and treat the patient for?

    A) Decreased gas exchange
  85. An advantage of using the Esophageal-Tracheal Combitube is:

    A) The device is properly placed whether in the trachea or the esophagus.
  86. When a person's diaphragm contracts and the intercostal muscles pull the ribs upward, which of the following will occur?

    B) Air will flow into the lungs.
  87. Which statement made by the EMT indicates the proper understanding of how to suction patients in the field setting?

    B) "I only activate the suction device when I am withdrawing the suction catheter."
  88. You must suction copious secretions from the mouth and pharynx of a 31-year-old male patient who is breathing 4 times a minute. Which of the following interventions is most appropriate given the patient's condition?

    D) Suction for no more than 15 seconds at a time followed by 2 minutes of positive pressure ventilation.
  89. You have been called to a long-term nursing care facility for a 77-year-old female patient with Parkinson's disease. According to the nursing staff, she is more confused than normal and is to be transported to the emergency department for evaluation. Since the patient does not understand nor can answer any of your questions, which of the following signs provides the best evidence that her breathing is adequate?

    C) Pulse oximeter reading of 98 percent
Card Set
HW 1-7 and Q 1-2