Photopic (bright light) vision uses ____ of the eye.
Scotopic (dim light) vision uses _____ of the eye.
Photopic (bright) vision is best when the light wavelength is _____ nm and Scotopic (dim) vision is best at _____ nm.
The basic unit of photometrometry is scaled to the maximum photopic eye response at _____ nm and is called the _____.
Luminous Flux?
fundamental unit of photometry, expressed in Lumens, describes the total intensity of light from a source.
Describes the intensity of light incident on a surface
The metric equivalent of one lumen per square meter is called?
one lux
Luminance Intensity?
is a property of the source of light, such as a view box or a digital display devise.
The best viewing of a digital display device is?
straight on
active matrix liquid crystal display
- The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
- They describe the format, dimensions and contrast characteristics of the video test pattern- Approved by the American College of Radiology (ACR)
The ACR and the National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) formed a committee to generate the standard for Digital Imaging and Communication (DICOM). they came up with DICOM standards.
Video Electronics Standard Association (VESA) In 1998 VESA released the Flat Panel Display Measurement standard (FPDM) version one
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) developed a set of test patterns and outlined related procedures in Task Group Report 18, to evaluate a digital display device comprehensively toward the goal of ensuring acceptable clinical performance,
Two types of luminance photometers commonly used?
- near-range (on the screen)
- telescopic (test from a distance of 1 meter)
- Measure liminance response and uniformity
Flat panel display measurement
Geometric Distortion?
- Measure displayed image in regards the actual item.
- Barrel distortion- lines bow out
- Pincushion distortion- lines bow in
Specular Reflection vs Diffuse Reflection
- Specular- reflections of light sources sourrounding the the monitor.
- Diffuse- light is randomly scattered, see dimer reflections
TG 18-QC is a test pattern for?
Geometric Distortion, is also used for resolution
Antireflective coatings help reduce ______ reflection.
TG 18-AD is a test pattern for evaluating?
diffuse reflection
What simple test is used to assess specular reflextion?
turn the monitor off and look for sources of reflective light illumination on the screen
TG 18-CT, 18-UN, 18-UNL test pattern is used to perform?
luminance response evaluation
Display Resoultion: Spatial resolution is the quantitative measurement of the ability of the display system to produce separable images of different points of an object with high fidelity. Uses what test pattern?
TG 18-CX or TG 18-QC
TG 18-CX or TG 18-QC is used to test?
Display Resolution
TG 18-AFC test pattern is used to test?
Display noise
The TG 18-QC test pattern should be viewed how often?
Daily. Test for resolution.
What test is used to evaluate resoultion uniformity?
TG 18-PX
TG 18-PX is used to evaluate what?
resolution uniformity
The illuminance meter (not luminance) is used to evaluate?
monitor display reflection and ambient light conditions