transcultural/mental health

  1. Mental health
    • • ability to cope. Persons
    • ability to cope and adjust to stress and everyday life. Should be able to
    • adapt. Set realistic goals, solve problems, interpersonal health.
  2. Mental
    illness (disorder
    • – dysfunction. Real problems with
    • neurotransmitters in brain.

    • behavioral / psychological / biological.abnormal,
    • disruptive behaviors, pattern of behavior is not social or culturally
    • acceptable, causes behavior disfunction.
  3. Behavior
    • response
    • to disease / dysfunction
  4. Primitive
    • Possessed
    • – treated by magic
  5. Greco-Roman: Hippocrates
    • researched how the body and mind works, AKA the father of medicine,
    • first to record information.
  6. humoral theory
    provide comfort, warm baths, massages and music
  7. The
    Church – bedlam
    hospital-confusion and disorder, ppl would pay to look at them.
  8. Reformation
    • improvement
    • but put sick mentally in asylums or on street.
  9. Eighteenth
    century (1700s)–
    • psychiatry separate
    • branch of medicine- pinel said stuff
    • wasn’t working, started to
    • record behavior. They thought they could beat this out of them.
  10. Nineteenth
    century (1800s)
    • USA mental hospitals-
    • Linda Richards 1st nurse.
  11. Twentieth
    century (1900s)
  12. Freud
    A neurophysiologist.
  13. 1930’s
    severed neuron connection, cut frontal lobe from thalamus= emotionless.
  14. 1930’s
    electroconvulsive therapy-flood neurotransmitters, could improve behaviors, still used today seizure
  15. National
    Health Act passed 1940
    • government help

    • National Institution of Mental
    • Health recognized as a legitimate
    • thing.
  16. (NIMH):
    • research
    • & funding for ; research of drugs and working for these pt. don’t need to
    • be committed for mental health problems
  17. Psychotherapeutic
    drugs; 1950’S
    • more facilities available more doctors, return home
  18. Deinstitutionalization
    • try to get
    • them to function in normal society.
  19. basic consepts; nursing is
    person orientated
  20. basic concepts mental health
    every interaction is an oppertunity
    • to deal with
    • mental health issues
  21. basic concepts mental health humans have ability to
    heal themselves-can handle stress better than think
  22. basic concepts mental health
    healing is influenced by
    mental attitude- feel good about something usually means its good
  23. basic concepta
    nursing interventions
    assisting with a person’s inner healing capacity
  24. mental health continium
    • slide up and down this daily
    • no one is 100 % mentally healthy
  25. Personality
    1) attitudes and behaviors particular to an individual.

    2) unique pattern of mental, emotion and behavior traits, woven together.

    3) influenced by genetics and interactions with the environment.
  26. Erik
    Erikson viewed life cycle as
    a series of developmental stages
  27. Sigmund Freud
    • 3 levels of awareness
    • 3 parts of personality
    • development
  28. Sigmund Freud’s 3
    substructures of personality
  29. ID
    pleasure, avoid pain
  30. Ego
    mediate btwn the self and the rest of the envoronment
  31. Superego
    moralistic censoring force
  32. all three coincidint in harmony
    emotional stability
  33. Self – 4 distinct parts that influence behavior
    • Personal Identity “I”
    • Body image
    • Role
    • Self esteem
  34. Self-concept
    • perceptions & values of an individual
    • (how one sees one-self; what a person values)
  35. Stress
    • Non specific response of the body to demands
    • Response to demands: learned or conditioned
    • behavior
    • Measured by importance of individual (subjective)
    • Positive or negative
  36. stressor
    • situation/activity/event
    • that produces stress
  37. Mental health nursing deals with:
    behavior, an individual’s response to stressors.
    Internal process to
    perceived or real threat to one’s self
  39. Signs of higher anxiety include (not limited to):
    vocal changes, rapid speech, restlessness diaphoresis,N/V, increased vs
    mild, moderate, severe,panic
    inner drive to a goal
    ability to adjust/cope
    • fourteen (14), unconscious reactions, provides protection
  46. denial
    long or short term
  47. anxiety
    feelings of uneasiness
  48. shock
    overwhelming emotion
  49. anger
    a response
  50. withdrawl
  51. Culture
    • group
    • specific values; beliefs; customs;practices
  52. Subculture
    separate groups within a group of subcultures
  53. Ethnicity
    • share
    • common heritage / national origin
  54. Race
    • share
    • biological characteristics
  55. society
    a nation, community
  56. stereotype
  57. ethnic stereotype
    specific to a culture
  58. Cultural
    awareness of cultural beliefs/practices
  59. Transcultural
    understanding and applying culturally appropriate nursing care
  60. family dynamics
    role of family members
  61. experiences
  62. misunderstnding/mistrust
    past experiences
  63. age and disease
    decreased cognitive function
  64. cultural practices
    resist anything new
  65. communication
    • verbal and nonverbal
    • same words different meanings
  66. Catholic
    • anointing of sick (last rights) on forehead
    • LPN do in terminally ill- don’t wipe off
    • Ask pt if they want priest
    • Dietary- no meet on Friday/wed, fish ok
    • No BC/ abstinence/family planning
    • Organ donations ok
  67. Baptist
    • +27 types
    • No infant baptism
    • Communion
    • Total abstinence of ETCOH,
    • Regular death care
    • Bible at all times
  68. Islam
    • baby bathed before mom holds
    • Father whispers prayer in ear
    • Circumcised before puberty
    • No pork or etoch
    • Meat blessed & killed specially
    • Death – family washes & prepares body
    • Body places in meca NE, burial ASAP, never cremate
    • Autopsy legal purposes only, no parts removed
    • No transplants organs
    • Women don’t attend burials
    • Pray up to 11 times a day to MECA, wash feet prior to praying even if illl
    • Kurron not touched or anything on top of it—unclean
    • Women not allowed to sign consent form Modesty
    • No family planning
    • Cover whole body
    • Female doctors- one body part at a time
    • Except from prayer 40 days b4 birth & any period
    • of bleeding until resolved.
  69. Jehovia’s
    • No infant baptism
    • No smoke or ETOCh
    • No burial restrictions
    • BC ok but no abortion
    • Organ transplant ok but non blood solutions
    • Blood transfusions- violate god’s law
    • Auto logous transfusion- own blood
    • Some allow plasma, slaine
    • No Red blood
    • Some hospitals have low blood loss surgery
    • Cant decide for children- law
  70. bias
    a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice
  71. compensation
    make up for deficency in one area by excelling in another
  72. conversion
    emotional conflicts are turned into a physical sx which provides individual with some sort of benefit
  73. displacement
    emotions are expressed towards someone or something other than the source of the emotion
  74. dissociation
    separation and detachment of emotional significance and affect from an idea or situation
  75. identification
    individual incoporates a characteristic of another individual or group

    -teen who dresses like fav rock singer
  76. projection
    blaming personal shortcomings on someone else attributing to another characteristics that the person doesnt want to admit possessing
  77. adaptation
    ability to adjust to changing life situations using various strategies
  78. affect
    refers to the external manifestation of inner feelings or emothions; often reflected by facial expression
  79. crisis
    a time of change or turning point in life when patterns of living must be modified to prevent disorganization of the person or family
  80. folk health
    • third world beliefs
    • carry out rituals
  81. holistic health
    religious experiences based on cultural beliefs and may include things like blessings and miracle cures
  82. Stress (definition)
    nonspecific ersponse of the body to any demand on it
  83. illness(def)
    state of homeostatic imbalance
  84. Behavior def.
    manner in which a person performes any or all of the adl's
  85. biomedical
    life is regulated by biomedical and physical process, life process can be manipulated by mechanical intv(surgery, meds)
  86. brazil
    ok sign means
  87. european
    friendly, 1ft personal space
  88. american
    eye avoidence=
    • grieving
    • don't like, 5-6ft personal space
    • interest, honesty
    • shy,guilt, embarrassment
  89. Mexican
    • disagreement
    • late cant recapture the now
  90. russian, french, spanish
  91. American Indian, Chinese, Japanese
    eye contact
    • to think
    • rude
  92. Indian
    L hand
    R hand
    • clean
    • eat and greet
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transcultural/mental health
LS II lecture mental health, trans-culture