EMT150 body system

  1. musculoskeletal system
    Ohuman body consists of a bony frame or skeleton helf together
  2. ligaments
    that connect bone to bone layer of muscle
  3. tendons
    connect muscle to bone and various other connective tissues
  4. skeletal system
    • Giving body its shape
    • protecting the vital organs
    • allowing movement
    • storing minerals and producing blood cells
  5. Six basic skeletal componeants
    • Skull
    • spinal cord
    • thorax
    • pelvis
    • the upper and lower extremities
  6. cranium
    form the top and side of the skull and forehead.
  7. interlocking bones of the cranium
    occipital, two pariental, two temporal and frontal
  8. whats in the RUQ
    • Liver*
    • right kidney
    • colon
    • pancrease
    • gallbladder
    • small intestines
  9. what in the LUQ
    • liver
    • spleen
    • left kidney
    • stomach
    • colon
    • pancrease*
    • small intestines
  10. What in the RLQ
    • colon
    • small intestines
    • right ureter
    • appendix
    • right ovary
    • right fallopian tube
  11. whats in the LLQ
    • colon
    • small intestines
    • left ureter
    • left ovary
    • left fallopian tube
  12. how many bones are in the face
  13. orbit
    eye socket
  14. nasal bone
    the bed of the nose
  15. maxillae
    upper jaw bone
  16. zygomiatic bone
    cheeck bone
  17. mandible
    lower jaw
  18. where do the ribs originate from
    Thoracic cavity
  19. What are intervertebral disk
    fluid filled pad of tough elastic catilage between each two vertebraes
  20. how many vertabraes make up the spinal column
  21. what are the five spianl columns
    • cervial
    • Thoracic
    • lumber
    • sacral
    • coccyx
  22. how many Cervial vertebraes are there
  23. how many Thoracic vertebraes are there
  24. how many Lumber vertebraes are there
  25. how many Sacral vertebraes are there
  26. how many Coccyx vertebraes are there
    4 but they are fused together
  27. what is the sernum
  28. how many ribs are there
  29. what are true ribs
    the first seven sets of ribs that are attached to te strnum by cartilage
  30. What is the manubrium
    the superior part of the sternum
  31. what is the Xiphiod process
    inferior portion of the stenum
  32. what does each side of the pelivs have and what does it look like
    iliac crest and wings
  33. where is the pubis on the pelvis
    its the anterior and inferior portion
  34. where is the ischium on the pelvis
    its the posterior and inferior portion
  35. what are limb of the body like arms and legs called
  36. what is the joint called that makes up the pelvic socket
  37. what bone fit into the acetabulum
  38. what is the knee cap called
  39. what two bones are in the lower leg
    • tibia
    • fibual
  40. what bone make the shin
  41. what are the knobby surface landmarks of the ankle joint called
  42. whats is the heel bone called
  43. what bone makes the proximal portion of the foot
  44. how many phalanges are in the foot
  45. how many phalanges are in each toe
    3 in each and 2 in the big on
  46. what is the name for the shoulder blade
  47. what do each clavicle and scapula form
    a shoulder girdle
  48. what is the tip of the shoulder girdle called
  49. what is the larget bone in the upper extremity
  50. whats the bone that makes up the upper arm
  51. what two bones make up the lower arm
    ulna ans radius
  52. what lower arm bone is find on the thumn side
  53. what lower are bone is found on the pinky side
  54. is the the bony prominence of the elbow called
  55. how many carpals make up the wrist
  56. what makes the structural strenght of the hand
  57. how many phalanges are in each finger
    3 in the fingers two in the thumb
  58. what is one place where and bone joins another one called
  59. what is flexion
    bending towards the body
  60. what is extension
    straightening away from the body
  61. What is abduction
    movment away from the midline
  62. what is adduction
    moving towards the midline
  63. circumduction
    a combination of thw four precesing motions as is possible with the shoulder joint
  64. Pronation
    turning the forarm so that the palm of the hand is turned towards the back
  65. supination
    turning of the forearm so the plam of the hand is turned toward the front
  66. Ball and socket joint
    has the widest range. like a shoulder or hip
  67. hinged joint
    permits flexion and extenison. like knee and elbow
  68. pivot joints
    turning motion. like the neck
  69. gliding joint
    where one bone slides across the the point where surrounding structure restrict. in feet and hands
  70. saddle joint
    limited range on moiton. like the foot where is can only move slightly up
  71. condyloid joint
    its a modified ball and socket joint. the wrist its allows the wrist to go up and down and side to side
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EMT150 body system
EMT150 body system