firm-specific strengths that allow a company to differentiate its products from those offered by rivals and/or achieve substantially lower costs than its rivals
distinctive competencies
assets of a company, both tangible and intangible
physical entities, such as land, buildings, plant, equipment, inventory, and money
tangible resources
nonphysical entitites that are created by managers and other employees, such as brand names, the reputation of the company, the knowledge that employees have gained through experience, and the intellectual property of the company, including that protected through patents, copyrights, and trademarks
intangible resources
company's skills at coordinating its resources and putting them to good use
the happiness or satisfaction gained from consuming or owning the product
the price a company charges for goods or service is typically less than the utility value placed on goods or service by the customer
consumer surplus
the idea that a company is a chain of activities for transforming inputs into outputs that customers value
value chain
the design, creation, and delivery of the product, its marketing, and its support and after-sales service
primary activities
concerned with the design of products and production process
research and development
concerned with the creation of a good or service
provide inputs that allow the primary activities to take place
support activities of the value chain
controls the transmission of physical materials through the value chain, from procurement through production and into distribution
materials management (logistics)
this function ensures that the company has the right mix of skilled people to perform its value creation activities effectively
human resources
largely electronic systems for managing inventory, tracking sales, pricing products, selling products, dealing with customer service inquiries, and so on
information technology
company-wide context within which all the other value creaton activities take place; the organizational structure, control systems, and company culture
company infrastructure
quantity of inputs that it takes to produce a given output
the output produced per employee
employee productivity
when customers perceive that a products attributes provide them with higher utility than the attributes of products sold by rivals
superior quality
the important attributes are things such as product's design and styling, its aesthetic appeal, its features and functions, the level of service associated with the delivery of the product, and so on
quality as excellence
when a product consistently does the job it was designed for, does it well, and rarely, if ever, breaks down
quality as reliability
an influential management strategy making increasing product reliability the central goal
total quality management (TQM)
development of a new process for producing products and delivering them to customers
process innovation
development of products that are new to the world or have superior attributes to existing products
product innovation
the time that it takes for a good to be deliver or a service to be performed
customer response time
net profits over invested capital
factors that make it difficult for a competitor to copy a company's distinctive competencies
barriers to imitation
a company's commitment to a particular way of doing business, that is, to developing a particular set of resources and capabilities
strategic commitment
the ability of an enterprise to identify, value, assimilate, and use new knowledge
absorptive capacity
A dynamic industry environment is....
...one that is changing rapidly
companies find it difficult to change their strategies and structures when adapting to changing competitive conditions
inertia argument
the way a company makes decisions and manages it's processes
organizational capabilities
your greatest assest can cause your greatest demise
Icarus Paradox
enable a company to earn a profit rate that is above the industry average
valuable distinctive competencies
The source of a competitive advantage is...
...a superior value creation
To create superior value a company must...
- differentiate its product to create more value
- lower its product costs
- do both
The 4 building blocks of competitive advantage are...
- efficiency
- quality
- innovation
- responsiveness to customers
The durability of a company's competitive advantage depends on...
- height of barriers to imitation
- capability of competitors
- environmental dynamism
Three factors seem to contribute to failure:
- organizational inertia in the face of environmental change
- the nature of a company's prior strategic commitments
- Icarus paradox
What are the primary activities of a Value Chain?
- Production
- Marketing & Sales
- Customer Service
What are the primary support activities of a Value Chain?
- Materials Management (logisitcs)
- Human Resources
- Information Systems
- Company Infrastructure