a charge, trust, or duty for which one is accountable
the Greek word for "character". According to the ancient Greek rhetorician Aristotle, audiences listen to and trust speakers if they exhibit competence (as demonstrated by the speaker's grasp of the subject matter) and good moral character.
the quality that reveals that a speaker has a good grasp of the subject, displays sound reasoning skills, is honest and nonmanipulative, and is genuinely interested in the welfare of audience members; a modern version of ethos
Speaker Credibility
the amendment to the U.S. Constitution that guarantees freedom of speech. ("Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech")
First Amendment
speech that ptentially harms an individual's reputation at work or in the community and is thus subject to legal action
Defamatory Speech
a quality of defamatory speech that is legally liable
Reckless Disregard for the Truth
open conversation or discussion in a public forum
Public Discourse
speech that discredits, demeans, or belittles
Conversation Stoppers
standard of conduct for communication with others in a public arena
Rules of Engagement
the feeling that one is worthy, honored, or respected as a person
the quality of being incorruptible; unwillingness to compromise for the sake of personal expediency
the quality of displaying both honesty and dependability
to feel or show deferential regard. For the ethical speaker, respect ranges from addressing audience members as unique hman beings to refraining from rudeness and other forms of personal attack
an ethical ground rule; making a genguine effort to see all sides of an issue; being open-minded
any offensive communication- verbal or nonverbal- directed against people's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, or other characteristics. Racist, sexist, or ageist slurs, gay bashing, and cross burning are all forms.
Hate Speech
the act of using other people's ideas or words without acknowledging the source
informaiton that is likely to be known by many people and is therefore in the public domain; the source of such information need not be cited in a speech
Common Knowledge
statement made verbatim- word for word- by someone else. Should always be acknowledged in a speech.
Direct Quotations
a restatement of someone else's statements or written work that alters the form or phrasing but not the substance of that person's ideas
part of a conclusion to a speech; a restatement of points covered
a legal protection afforded original creators of literary or atrisitic works
bodies of work, including publication and processes, available for public use without permission; not protected by copyright or patent
Public Domain
legal guidelines permitting the limited use of copyrighted works without permission for the purposes of scholarship, criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, and research
Fair Use Doctrine
an organization that allows creators of works to decide how they want other people to use their copyrighted works
Creative Commons