
  1. Simple leaf
    One leaf, bud as base of leaf.
  2. Pinnate
    One central stock stem but several leaves coming off sides in even or odd numbers.
  3. Bipinnate
    Multi stems with individual leaves but one bud as base of branch. Such as pyracantha.
  4. Palmate
    Palm leaves, chaste tree, marijuana leaves.
  5. Alternate attachment leaves
    Leaves are attached on a alternate pattern and not lined up with each other.
  6. Opposite attachment leaves
    Two leaves are attached on either side of the branch with each having its own bud.
  7. Whorled leaf attachment
    3 or more leaves are attached in a spiral pattern at node with each having their own bud.
  8. Entire leaf margin
    smooth, without teeth
  9. Toothed leaf margin
    Pointed or jagged tips on edge of margin
  10. Lobed leaf margin
    Deep indentation in a simple leaf.
  11. Sinuous leaf margin
    Leaf margin has a wave to it. As if the outside margin is larger than the rest of leaf.
  12. Cordate leaf shape
    Heart shaped with a notch at the base
  13. Linear leaf shape
    Long narrrow leaf
  14. Lanceolate leaf shape
    fat at one end and narrowing at tip. Opposite of Oblanceolate
  15. Oblanceolate leaf shape
    Narrow at base and widening towards tip. Opposite of Lanceolate
  16. O
  17. Ovate leaf shape
    Egg shaped, oval. Can be narrowing at both ends but leaf is primarily oval in overall shape, but wider at base.
  18. Obovate leaf shape
    Primarily oval in shape but more narrow at base.
  19. Stipules
    Small winged looking leafs at the leaf node on roses.
  20. Thorns
    Short stems that come to a sharp point on end. Can have leaves when younger.
  21. Prickles
    What is found on roses. Formed on branch with exterior cell tissues. Not actual part of branch.
  22. Division
    • Level below Kingdom.
    • 12 total all ending with ophyta
  23. Class
    • Level below Divisions
    • Magnoliopsida-eudicots
    • Liliopsida-Monocots
    • always end with opsida
  24. Cycadophyta

    Sago palm
  25. Angiosperms
    Produce flowers
  26. Gymnosperms
    Produce no flowers but do have cones.
  27. Monocots
    • Flower in parts of three
    • parallel leaf venation
  28. Eudicots
    • Flower in parts of 4's or 5's
    • branched or net leaf venation

    Includes most species of flowering herbs, shrubs and trees.
  29. diffuse secondary growth
    The inside growth of a palm tree.
  30. Adventatious root initiation zone
    The area at the base of a palm tree where the root zone is.
  31. Stems
    The portion of the plant axis bearing nodes.

    Stolon, Rhizome, bulb, tuber
  32. Stolen
    Horizontal stem above ground for rooting and propagation
  33. Rhizome
    Underground stem, such as with agave.
  34. Tuber
    A bulging root zone that can reproduce such a potatoes and dahlias
  35. bulbs
    A complete plant in a small bulb.
  36. Apical dominance
    Main leader or central stem is dominant, causing lower branches to remain shorter. As the tree grows the further away from the main apical dominant leader the branches can grow outward. Causing a pyramid shape.
  37. Facicles
    Bundles of leaves on pine trees
  38. lenticels
    small gas exchanging nodes on branches
  39. meristem
    actively dividing tissue
  40. Monoecious
    Same plant both sexes
  41. Dioecious
    Male and female on different plants
  42. Calyx
    Total number of sepals
  43. corolla
    Total number of petals
  44. Perianth
    Total petals & sepals

    All non sexual parts
  45. Androecium
    Total of all male parts
  46. Gynoecium
    Total of all female parts
  47. Zygomorphic
    Not equal when cut in half both ways
  48. Actinomorphic
    Equal parts when cut in half
  49. Superior Ovary
    Connects on top of the sepals and stamen
  50. Inferior Ovary
    Connects below the stamen and sepals
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taxonomy vocabulary words