the process of gathering and analyzing demographic and psychological information about audience members
Audience Analysis
stastical characteristics of a given population
a speech providing new information, new insights, or new ways of thinking about a topic
Informative Speech
a speech whose goal is to influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or acts of others
Persuasive Speech
a speech whose general purpose is to entertain, celebrate, commemorate, inspire, or set a social agenda
Special Occasion Speech
examples, narratives, testimony, facts, and statistics, that support the speech thesis and form the speech
Supporting Material
the first part of the speech, in which the speaker establishes the speech purpose and its relevance to the audience, and previews the topic and the main points
the part of the speech ni which the speaker develops the main points intended to fulfill the speech's purpose
the part of the speech in which the speaker reiterate's the speech theme, summarizes main points, and leaves the audience with something about which to think or act
the logical placement of ideas (in an outline, essay, or speech) relative to their importance to one another
Coordination and Subordination
ideas that are given the same weight in an outline and are aligned with one another
Coordinate Points
ideas that are given less weight. In an outline, they are indicated by their indentation below the more important points
Subordinate Points
a preparation or rough outline using full sentences in which the speaker firms up and organizes main points and develops supporting points to substantiate them
Working Outline
a delivery outline to be used when practicing and actually presenting a speech
Speaking Outline