
  1. normal pluse for elderly
  2. pluse for an adult
    • 60-80 normal
    • 100+ tachycardia
    • 60 below Bradycardia
  3. puse for adolesent
    • 60-105
    • above 105 Tachycardia
    • below 50 Bradycardia
  4. pluse for a child 5-12 years old
    • 80-150 normal
    • above 120 Tranycardia
    • below 60 Bradycardia
  5. Pluse or a child 1-5 y/o
    • 80-150 normal
    • above 150 Trahycardia
    • Below 80 Bradycardia
  6. Pluse of a newborn
    100-180 normal
  7. Adult Heartbeat
    normal 8-24
  8. adolescent heartbeat
    (11-16 y/o)
  9. school-age child heartbeat
    (6-10 y/o)
  10. preschooler heartbeat
    (1-3 y/o)
  11. toddler heartbeat
    (1-3 y/o)
  12. infant heartbeat
    (6 months-1 year)
  13. infants heartbeat
    (30days-5 months)
  14. newborn
    30 days
  15. vital signs
    • Breathing
    • Pulse
    • skin
    • pupils
    • Blood pressure
  16. Where is the Carotid Artery
    on either side of the neck
  17. Where is the Femoral Artery
    in the crase between the lower abdonman and the upper thigh (groin)
  18. Where is the Radial artery
    Proxial to the thumb on the palmar surface of thw wrist
  19. where is the Brachial artery
    midway between the shoulder and elbow
  20. where is the popliteal artery
    in the crease behind the knee
  21. there is the posterior tibial artery
    behind the medial malleolus(ankle bone)
  22. where is the doralis pedis artery
    on the top of the foot on the great-toe side
  23. when is White skin color seen
    • Blood lose
    • shock
    • heart attack
    • fright
  24. When do you see cyanosis
    • oxygention or poof perfusion
    • Lack of oxygen
    • heart attack
    • poisoning
  25. When do you see Red (flushling)
    • Heat exposure
    • vessel dilation
    • late sign of carbonmonoxide poisoining
  26. when do you see jaundice(yellow skin)
    liver disease
  27. When do you have hot skin
    fever or heat exposure
  28. when do you have cool skin
    Inadequate circulation(shock) or cold exposure
  29. when do you have cold skin
    Extreme cold exposure
  30. Auscultation
    listening for the systolic and diastolic throught the stethoscope
  31. palpation
    feeling for the return of the pluse as the cuff is deflated
  32. how offten to check Vital signs
    • 15 mins for stable
    • 5 mins for unstable
  33. Pulse oximeter
    is a method of detecting hypoxia by check hemoglobin levels in the oxygen
  34. ways to reduce patient's anxiety
    • Bring order to the enviroment
    • introduce yourself
    • gain patient consent
    • position yourself
    • use communication skills
    • be courteous
    • use touch when appropriate
  35. Statistcal and Demographic info
    Date( garding complaint, signs, treatment, illness)


    Identifying data( age, sex and race)
  36. S.A.M.P.L.E
    • sign/symptoms
    • allergies
    • medication
    • pertinent pass history
    • last oral intake
    • events leading to injury or illness
  37. O.P.Q.R.S.T
    • onset(how it began)
    • Provocation/Palliation/position
    • Quality(how would you describe the pain)
    • Radiation(Where do you feel the pain)
    • Severity(how bad are thr symptoms)
    • Time(hoe long have you had them)
Card Set
Baseline vital signs