chap 8 Comm

  1. Small group or team-3-15 members
    • 1.Purpose- you have a purpose
    • 2.Interdependence-rely on each other
    • 3.Interaction- Communicate
    • 4.Outcomes- members given a task to produce or manage
    • 5.Satisfaction-satisfied being a group member
    • 6. Strructure- leadership or responsibility.
  2. Satisfication outcomes
    greater liking for one another and more cohesiveness
  3. Informal task groups
    individuals who are engaged in common task
  4. Informal morale groups
    meet casually for relasing tension
  5. Communication Networks
    group members have access to onte another
  6. Centralized Networks
    communcication among group members through central person or persons
  7. Wheel network
    group members are restricted to communicating with a centrally located person.
  8. Chain network
    members communicate with only two other people, one on each side
  9. Decentralized Networks
    information passes more randomly among group members, not exclusively through a centrally placed individual or gatekeeper.
  10. Circle or Open channel network
    allows interaction among people on either side of one another but prohibits contact among people directly across from one another.
  11. All channel network
    interpersonal communication among all group members
  12. Virtual Networks
    • present opportunites
    • cellular devices, etc
  13. 3 Small Group Leadership styles
    • 1.High Directive= dealing with group members
    • ADV: effiency to achieve task outcomes
    • DIS:some group members perception that they have not been heard or feeling that they have limited input.
    • 2.Participatory -designated leader offers guidance
    • ADV: moderate task efficiency but high satisfaction.
    • 3. Negligent -little guidance or direction that this style closely matches a nonleader situation.
    • unsatisfactory.
  14. Group Task Outcomes
    • 1.Providing info and ideas
    • 2.Clarifying ideas and info
    • 3.Asking for ideas and info
    • 4.Critiquing info
    • 5.Analyzing info
  15. Group Satisfaction Outcomes
    • 1.Showing solidarity-express support
    • 2.Showing agreement-members concur with one another
    • 3.Providing emotional support
    • 4. Managing conflict
    • 5.Providing Tension release
  16. Hidden agenda
    ulterior motive or unstated purpose for doing something
  17. Groupthink Communication
    • -Avoiding communication-silence
    • -Maintaing group cohension-feel close to each other.
    • -Being in the presence of someone with high staus- conformity increase in the presence of high staus leaders.
    • -Feeling Invincible- nothing can touch them
  18. Group Problem Solving
    • 1.Recognize Difficulty
    • 2.Ventilate Feelings
    • 3.Describe the problem-
    • 4.Develop Solution
  19. Consensus
    making agreement
  20. Mediation
    an objective person from outside the group is brought in to help member reconcile their difference
  21. binding arbitration
    • little appeal
    • listens to both sides, hands down decision
  22. Parliamentary procedure
    formal meetings that involve large groups from outside the regular group
  23. Delphi Technique-
    groupe members share ideas through email or other communication without meeting.
  24. Computer mediated group communication
    the leader of a committee of team members develops a website or electronic bulletin board with chat opp
  25. Conducting a group discussion be brokedn down to three parts
    • 1.initiating the discussion
    • 2.Developing problem solving strategies
    • 3.Initiating a conclusion.
  26. Small groups two basic types of comm
    • 1.centralized, communication among group members occurs through a central persons
    • 2. descentralized- info passes more randomly among group members, not exclusively through a centrally placed individaul or gatekeeper.
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chap 8 Comm
chap 8 Comm