Anatomy Connective, Muscle, Nervous Tissue

  1. What are connective tissues?
    most abundant & dirvese tissue that has cells seperated by a large amount of nonliving extracellular matrix
  2. What are the 4 main types of connective tissue?
    • connective tissue proper
    • cartilage
    • bone
    • blood
  3. What are the 4 basic functions of connective tissue?
    • 1. support & bind other tissues - ligaments & tendons supports joints & attach bone to bone & muscle to bone
    • 2. hold body fluids - blood contains plasma which holds a high % of water
    • 3. Defends the body against infection - immune system arise from mesenchyme and are found in many different types of connective tissue
    • 4. store nutrients - adipose cells store fat, bone cells store calcium
  4. What is connective tissue proper?
    forms the supportive framework of different organs & is made up of the following main components fibers, ground substance, immune cells, & adipose cells.
  5. What is areolar tissue?
    a model connective tissue that is the most abudant type that supports & binds other tissues, holds fluids, stores nutrients & defends against infection
  6. What are the 3 fibers of areolar tissue?
    • Collagen Fibers
    • Reticular Fibers
    • Elastic Fibers
  7. What is Collagen fibers?
    the strongest & withstand pulling
  8. What are reticular fibers?
    bundles of collagen fibrils forming a network for support
  9. what are elastic fibers?
    long & thin and form wide networks within extracelular matrix, allow tissues to reshape when stretched.
  10. What are Macrophages?
    big eaters that engulf (phagocytic) foreign materials
  11. What are plasma cells?
    secrete antibodies (proteins that destroy cells)
  12. What are mast cells?
    cause inflammation
  13. What is Adipose Tissue?
    • 90% fat cells (white adipose), highly vascularized, found below skin & mesenteries, cushions kidneys & eyes.
    • - loose connective tissue
  14. What is dense connective tissue?
    • contains high % of collagen.
    • - irregular dense: thick collagen fibers running in different planes
    • - regular dense: fibers that run parallel to the pull direction, poorly vascularized, makes up tendons & ligaments, high amount of elastic fibers
  15. What is cartilage?
    firm but flexible, high tissue fluid in comparison to bone, no blood vessels or nerve innervation, has chondrocytes & chondroblasts
  16. What are the 3 types of cartilage?
    hyaline, elastic, & fribrocartilage
  17. What is bone tissue?
    highly supportive & protective, matrix has inorganic salts, high collagen fiber content, low fluid content, & has osteocytes
  18. What is blood?
    develops from mesenchyme cells & has plasma (nonliving matrix). It transports nutrients and cells.
  19. What is muscle tissue?
    involved in body movement because cells are capable of contraction. contains myofilaments (muscle filaments)
  20. What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
    • skeletal muscle
    • cardiac muscle
    • smooth muscle
  21. What is skeletal muscle?
    attaches to bones, striated, multiple nuclei in cells, voluntary, makes the body move
  22. What is cardiac muscle?
    makes the heart, striate,d single nucleated cells, involuntary, pumps blood
  23. What is smooth muscle?
    lines organs, no striations, spindle shaped cells, involuntary, moves substances inside the body
  24. What is nervous tissue?
    makes up the brain, spinal cord, & nerves that innervates the body
  25. What are the 2 types of nervous tissue?
    Neurons & Glial
  26. What are Neurons?
    nerve cells taht extend long distances & can send an impulse to activate a cell. These control body function
  27. What is Glial?
    nerve cells that form supportive structures, insulate, & nourish neurons. These cells come in direct contact with neurons but do not control body function
Card Set
Anatomy Connective, Muscle, Nervous Tissue
Ch 4 Connective Tissue