Major parts of the CV system
Heart, blood vessels, blood
LX of heart
Between lungs and about dyaphram
Atria or Atrium
- upper champer- all vessels coming into the heart go to the artium
- the recieving champer of the heart are the atrium chamber
interartial septum
seperating wall b/w the 2 atria
- lower champer of the heart, pumping champer
- all the vessels that leave the heart come from the ventricles
interventricular septum
wall that seperates the right and left ventricles
cardiac apex
a narrow tip of the heart
heart valves
control the flow of blood through the heart
tricuspid valve
controls the opening b/w the right atrium and right ventrical
pulmonary semilunar valve
located b/w the right ventical and the pulmonary artery
mitral valve or bicuspid valve
located b/w the left artium and the left ventrical
aortic semilunar valve
located b/w the left ventrical and the aorta
valv/o and valvul/o
conduction system
- the starting and spredding contracting impulses
- made of four masses of specialized cells
Bundle of his
- AV bundle
- Measures atrium QRS
Purkinje fibers
measures atrium T
Order of conduction System
- SA node
- AV node
- AV bundle
- PJ
Lubb sound
when the vessels slam shut b/w the artria and ventricles closer of the tricuspid and the mitrovalve and the beginning
Dupp Sound
at the end of systolic- shorter and higher pitched, caused by the semilunlar valve that are closingin the aorta and pulmonary arties
Pulmonary Circulation
includes the flow of blood through the right ventrical, pulmonary arterial system, lungs, left atrium, and pulmonary venus system
systemic circulation
blood flow to all parts of the body except the lungs; including arties, veins, and capillaries
- large vessels that carry blood away from the heart to all regions of the body
- contains oxygen, nutrients, and other vital products
angio/o and vas/o
vessels or blood
largest artiery of the heart, begins at the left ventrical of the heart
pert. to interior of the artery
coronary artery
branches from the aorta. supplies blood to the heart muscle
- smaller branches of the artery. thinner than the arteries
- carries blood to capillaries
the exchange of gases in the lunges takes place b/w the aveoli and the capillaries
low-pressure collecting system, returns waste filled blood to the heart
small veins that join together to form veins
foramen ovale
small opening in the artial septum of the fetus that closes immediatly after birth
- recording of the electical activity of the myocardium
imagining technic used to display soft tissue structures such as blood vessels w/o confessing overlay of the bone images
the graft that repel heart sounds
capillary puncture
finger stick
Congestive heart failure
condition where theres abnormal fluid retention where the heart is unable to maintain enough circulation
localized area of necrosis in an organ or tissue caused by an interruption of blood supply
sufficating pain, caused by lack of supply of oxygen to the myocardium
ishemic heart disease
conditionof myocardium caused by a lack of oxygen reaching the tissue cells
deficiency of blood supply to circulatlory obstuct
transient ischemic attact (TIA)
temp. interruption in the blood supply to the brain
bacterial endocarditis
bacteria is the most common cause if the infection of endocarditis
mital stenosis
obstuction of the mital valve
rheumatic heart disease
caused by the disease rheumatic fever w/ damage done to the valve
cardiac arrhythmia
dysrrhythmia- abnormal heart rhyms
pounding or racing of the heart
rapid, random, ineffective contraction
muscular twitting; quivering, shivering and muscular contractions
artial contractions are rapid but regular
paroxysmal tachycardis
a fast heart beat of a sudden onset
spasm or convulsion
cornonary artery disease
abnormal condition that effects the arteries of the heart caused by plaque; usu. get angina w/ CAD
peripheral vascular disease
abnormal condition that effects the blood vessels outside the heart; lymphatic vessels
inflammion of blood or lymph vessel
locatized ballooning which causes an enlargement of the artery
involuntary contraction
narrowing of any blood vessel, esp. the aorta
tumor made up of newly formed blood
varicose veins
swallon veins
- condition in which a blood clot formed attached to the internal way of the artery embolus
- drugs used to destroy clot and tissue plasmicatic activate (TPA)
coronary thrombosis
block and demage of the heart caused by a blood clot
patent/ patency
open vessel
any type of forgein object- air, gas, piece of tissue
a mass of undesolved matter circulating until it becomes lodged in a vessel
Raynoud's Phenomenon
consists of attaches of pailness, cyanosis, and redness of the fingers and toes usu. indicated by emotion, stress, or cold temp.
defisiatence of blood passing through an organ or body part
mixture or blending
throwing up of blood
blood poisoning
lack of the factors that are needed to clot blood
cholesteral and triglycerides
together the combind w/ protein to form lipoprotein; liver cynthosises
orange or yellowish pigment in the bile
aplastic anemia
absence of a formet blood element
hemolytic anemia
shortened survival of red blood cells
short lived red blood cells
iron deficiency anemia
not enough iron in body
sickle- cell anemia
genetic defect of the hemoglobin causing a sickle shape
essential hypertension
primary or idopathic
secondary hypertension
BP can be controlled once problem is cured
malignant hypertension
sudden onset of high blood pressure, damage to blood vessels such as brain, retina
used to lower BP
carotid endarterectomy
removal of the lining of hte neck artery
surgical joining of ducts or blood vessesl
incison into vein to draw blood or start IV
electrical shock through the chest wall to restore normal rhythm
constricting band
procedure of seperation of plasma from elements of the blood
slows blood cloting and prevents new clots
- antibotic used to stop infection before minor surgeries
- ex. rootcanal, tooth surgery