Vocabulary - Bones

  1. acetabulum
    rounded depression, or socket, in the pelvis that joins the femur (thigh bone), forming the hip joint
  2. acromion
    outward extension of the soulder blade forming the point of the shoulder. overlies the shoulder joint and articulates with the clavicle.
  3. articular cartilage
    thin layer of cartilage covering the bone in the joint spaces
  4. bone
    dense, hard connective tissue composing the skeleton
  5. calcuim
    one of the mineral constituents of bone
  6. cancellous bone
    spongy, porous, bone tissue in the inner part of the bone
  7. cartilagenous tissue
    flexible, rubbery connective tissue. found in the immature skeleton, at the epiphyseal growth blate, and on the joint surfaces
  8. collagen
    dense, connective tissue protein strands found in bone and other tissue
  9. compact bone
    hard, dense bone tissue, usually found around the outer portion of bones
  10. condyle
    knuckle-like process at the end of a bone near the joint
  11. cranial bones
    • skull bones
    • (ethmoid, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid, and temporal)
  12. diaphysis
    shaft, or mid-portion, of a long bone
  13. disk (disc)
    flat, round, plate-like structure
  14. epiphyseal plate
    band of cartilage, making new bone cells (helps them grow in length)
  15. epiphysis
    each end of a long bone; the area beyond the epiphyseal plate
  16. facial bones
    • bones of the face
    • (lacrimal, mandibular, maxillary, nasal, vomer, and zygomatic)
  17. fissure
    crack that allows a nerve or vessel to go through a bone
  18. fontanelle
    soft spots between skull bones of an infant
  19. foramen
    opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave
  20. fossa
    • depression/ditch, allows a muscle/tendon to attach deeper inside a bone
    • shallow cavity in a bone
  21. haversian canals
    allows blood vessels and nerves to supply the bone
  22. malleolus
    ankle bones
  23. manubrium
    upper part of the sternum
  24. mastoid process
    bump behind the ear
  25. medullary cavity/canal
    centeral, hollowed-out area in the shaft of a long bone
  26. metaphysis
    where the bone flars out a little bit (heals faster than diaphysis)
  27. olecranon
    bump on back of the elbow
  28. osseous tissue
    "osseous" means bony. bony tissue
  29. ossification
    process of bone formation
  30. osteoblast
    bone cell that helps form bony tissue
  31. osteoclast
    bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bony tissue
  32. periosteum
    membrane surrounding bones, ability to make new bones
  33. phosphorus
    mineral substance found in bones in combination with calcium
  34. pubic symphysis
    where pubic bone comes together
  35. red bone marrow
    bloody bone marrow (found in cancellus bone)
  36. ribs
    area of muscle attachment
  37. sella tursica
    depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland is located
  38. sinus
    hollow air cavity within a bone
  39. styloid process
    pole-like process extending downard from the temporal bone on each side of the skull
  40. suture
    immovable joint between bones, such as the skull
  41. temporomandibular joint
    connection on either side of hte head betweent emporal bone of skull and mandibular bone of the jaw
  42. trabeculae
    • supporting bundles of bony fibers in cancellous (spongy) bone
    • provides strength in bones
  43. trochanter
    large process at the neck of the femur; attachment site for tendons of the hip musculature
  44. tubercle
    rounded, small process on a bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons
  45. tuberosity
    rounded process on a bone; attachment site for muscles and tendons
  46. xiphoid process
    lower, narrow portion of the sternum
  47. yellow bone marrow
    fatty tissue found in the medullary cavity of most adult long bones
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Vocabulary - Bones
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