1879 Reynolds v. US
- 1A does not protect polygamy, neither by freedom of expression
- or religious freedom
- One man one woman at a time
1890 Davis v. Beason
- No right to polygamy
- Constitution does not protect plural marriage
- State can compel an oath affirming compliance with law against
- bigamy
- Not a religious purpose
1919 Schenck v. U.S.
- 1A does not protect anti war protesters in times of formally declared war
- "speech which constitutes a clear and present danger" not protected
1919 Abrams v. U.S.
- 1A allows government to send troops into a nations civil war w/o formal declaration
- 1964 NY Times v. Sullivan
- Media shielded from libel liability re public persons
- actual malice requirement
1925 Gitlow v. New York
- 14A incorporates 1A free speech clause to the states
- Bill of rights applies to the states
- except 5A indictment requirement
- except 8A ban on excessive bail
1927 Whitney v. California
- 1A does not protect groups seeking to overthrow gov't
- Brandeis argues against O.W. Holmes
- Clear and present danger should err on the side of speech
1931 Near v. Minnesota
1A no prior restraint of Media unless troops placed in harm's way
1932 Powell v. Alabama
- 6A requires defendants have a positive right to counsel
- Federal criminal standards applied to states
1935 Patterson v. Alabama
- 6A holds that excluding black people from a jury list incompatible with fair
- trial
1937 DeJonge v. Oregon
- 1A allows a person to attend a peaceful unpopular Communist Party rally
- (association)
1937 Palko v. Connecticut
- Bill of Rights has a priority "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty" Cardozo
- Federal protection of BOR apply to states (14A)
1938 Lovell v. Griffin
1A allows religious groups to distribute lit. w/o permit
1941 Edwards v. California
- Article I Section 8 Clause 3 allows poor to travel across state lines to live and
- work- no anti Okie law (Great Depression)
1941 Hague v. CIO
1A upholds freedom of assembly in public forums eg city streets
1942 Chaplinsky v. NH
1A does not protect profane public speech "fighting words doctrine"
1943 W.V.A v Barnette
1A students have a right not to salute flag (graven image as seen by J. Witnesses
1944 Smith v. Allwright
15A denies state (Texas) white primary
1946 Hannegan v. Esquire
1A denies government ability to deny mailing of "offensive" items
1947 Everson v. Bd. of Ed.
1A establishment clause wall of separation with regard to church and state
1948 Shelley v. Kraemer
restrictive covenants are not enforceable by the state
1949 Terminiello v. Chicago
- 1A allows racist antisemitic speech, overturned disorderly conduct
- foundation of speech is to "invite dispute"
1951 Dennis v. U.S.
- 1A does not protect speech about communism; talk can cause convictions
- McCarthy Era Red Scare
1952 Rochin V. California
- 14A Due process is violated by conduct which shocks the conscience
- Conviction on Evidence obtained by force or torture or other heinous methods
- reversed
1952 Burstyn v. Wilson
1A allows sacrilegious films ie "The Miracle"
1954 Brown v. Board of Education
Overturns Plessy v. Ferguson (separate but equal is per se unequal)
1957 Watkins v. U.S.
1A denies HUAC authority to compel testimony re Communist Party
1957 Yates v. U.S.
- 1A allows speech about communism; Dennis limited; Smith act narrowly construed
- Warren court uses a "balance test between
1958 Trop v. Dulles
8A citizenship can't be stripped for desertion
1958 Kent v. Dulles
5A due process prevents states requiring loyalty oaths
1958 Speiser v. Randall 14a
veterans/loyalty oath
1958 NAACP v. Alabama
privacy inherent in freedom of association
1959 Smith v. California
book sellers must knowingly sell obscene material
1961 Mapp v. Ohio
4A exclusions of illegally siezed evidence applies to states
1961 Poe v. Ullman
14A does not prevent ban of contraceptives
1962 Engel v. Vitale
1a no official prayer
1963 Gideon v. wainright
6a right to legal aid in felony cases
1964 Escobedo v. Illinois
6A right to have counsel present when questioned
1964 Jacobellis v. Ohio
porn allowed in theatres
1964 Baggett v. Bullitt
1A no loyalty oaths 14a vagueness
1964 Carroll v. Princess Anne Co.
- can't ban rallies indefinitely, courts can issue tr's when
- fighting words cause an imminent threat of violence
1965 U.S. v. Seeger
- conscientious objection does not require religion per se but
- merely sincerely held belief
1965 Griswold v. Connecticut
marital privacy derived from 14a liberty
1965 Lamont v. Postmaster General
state can't burn/destroy communist propaganda
1966 Miranda v. Arizona
- 5a, 6a, suspects must be informed of right to counsel, right against self
- incrimination before questioning
1966 Bond v. Floyd
1A can't deny seats to legislators with unpopular beliefs
1966 Sheppard v. Maxwell
6A trumps freedom of press in order to preserve fairness at trial
1967 Loving v. VA
due process 14a right to marry whomever one wishes
1967 Kevishian v. Regents
state can't compel loyalty oaths from public employees
1967 In re Gualt
due process applies to minors
1968 Epperson v. Arkansas
state can't forbid teaching of ideas it doesn't like, e.g. evolution
1968 O'Brien v. U.S.
burning draft cards not a protected form of speech
1968 Washington v. Lee
prisons must be integrated 14a equal protection
1968 Levy v. Lousiana
state can't discriminate based on legitimacy
1968 King v. Smith
can't discriminate against unmarried women welfare
1969 Brandenburg v. Ohio
overturns whitney, threat to state must be imminent
1969 Tinker v. Des Moines
Armbands, symbolic speech protected in school
1969 Stanley v. Georgia
state can't punish mere possession of obscene materials
1969 Watts v. U.s.
- political hyperbole protected form of speech even when threatening
- violence
1969 Gregory v. Chicago
peaceful demonstrators not liable for conduct of other hostiles
1969 Street v. New York
burning flag protected symbolic speech
1969 Reed v. Reed
state can't discriminate based on sex
1969 U.S. v. Vuitch
- due process, health of mother includes psychiatric concerns
- statute not vague
1970 Goldberg v. Kelly
due process requires a hearing before welfare claims denied
1971 NY Times v. U.S.
prior restraint not justified by national security (Pentagon Papers)
1971 Cohen v. California
1a can't prohibit speech because it is offensive
1972 Furman v. Georgia
arbitrary and capricious death penalty application prohibited by 8a
1971 Eisenstadt v. Baird
- states can't criminalize sale of contraception states can't interfere with
- reproductive rights (privacy)
1973 Miller v. California
Pornography protected, not obscenity, three prong test
1973 Doe v. Bolton
abortions after fetus is viable if medically necessary
1973 Frontiero v. Richardson
- 14a due process, equal protection army can't discriminate benefits based
- on sex
1973 Holtzman v. Schlesinger
- Douglas granted stay stopping bombing, overturned by other members same day
- "SCOTUS ought not decide military/political questions
1974 Gertz v. Welch
- media has more liability when it comes to private individuals, don't
- have to prove actual malice
1974 U.S. v. Nixon
President not above the law no absolute executive immunity
1975 Goss v. Lopez
14a due process requires hearing before suspension from school
1975 O'Connor v. Donaldson
- indefinite confinement not retributive does not violate
- due process/ 8 amendment
1976 Buckley v. Valeo
candidates spending constitutes protected speech
1976 Neb Press Assn v. Stuart
- prior restraint order to protect defendant's right to fair trial unconstitutional
- because other effective measures were available
1977 Wooley v. Maynard
- right not to speak, religious groups covering live free or die slogan, state interest
- not compelling
1978 Smith v. Collin
cert denied nazi's can march in skokie
1978 In Re Primus
- 14A prevents regulation of lawyers who engage in solicitation where the purpose
- is political
1978 FCC v. Pacifica
1A does not protect obscene words broadcast on radio during prime time
1982 Bd. of Ed v. Pico
libraries can't deny objectionable material
1983 Bob Jones v. U.S.
14 A IRS can enforce rules on settled public policy re private education
1985 Wallace v. Jaffreee
moment of silence offends establishment clause
1986 Edward v. Aguillard
Teachers cannot be required to give equal time to creationism
1989 Texas v. Johnson
- Expands first amendment to protect symbolic speech
- flag burning
1990 Crusan v. Dir of MO Dep. of Health
- due process right to die upheld for competents, clear and convincing evidence
- standard reasonable
1992 R.A.V. v. St Paul MN
laws that proscribe speech which arouses anger too vague
1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Reaffirms ROE v. Wade, some reasonable restrictions on abortion allowed
1992 Lee v. Weissman
prayer at graduation offends establishment
1992 Hudson v. McMillan
beating of shackled inmates cruel and unusual
1993 Wisconsin v. Mitchell
hate crime law can only punish acts, not speech
1993 J.E.B. v. T.B.
Prosecutor can't challenge jurors based on gender
1993 Church of the Lukumi v. Hialeah
groups can't be singled out
1994 Ladue v. Gilleo
towns can't ban signs on private property
1995 McIntyre v. Ohio Elections
state can't stop anon. dist. of campaign literature
1995 Capitol Square Review bd v. Pinette
KKK can put a cross in a public forum w/o offending establishment
1995 Hurley v. Irish-American Gay Lesbian Bisexual Group of Boston
Private groups can exclude participants who don't share values
1996 Romer v. Evans
14a colorado amendment violates due process of gays
1997 Reno v. ACLU
congress' regulation of indecent speech too vague
1997 Chandler v. Miller
no urine test for public office (privacy)
1997 Boerne v. Flores
overturned religious freedom restoration act
1997 Washington v. Glucksberg
no due process/equal protection right to Physician assisted suicide
1998 Bragdon v. Abbott
HIV covered by ADA due process
1998 Oncale v. Sundowner
CRA Title VII applies to same sex harrassment
1999 Chicago v. Morales
loitering law violates due process
1999 Saenz v. Roe
no residency requirements for welfare 14a priveleges or immunities
2000 Stenberg v. Carhart
partial birth ban too broad, does not protect health
2000 Santa Fe Ind. School District v. Doe
students can't vote to have prayers before football games
2001 INS v. St. Cyr
immigrants have standing to seek writs of habeas corpus in deportation cases
2002 Atkins v. Virginia
capital punishment of mentally retarded cruel and unusual 8a
2006 Lopez v. Gonzales
Congress can't deport non-citizens for drug felony 14a
2007 Brendlin v. California
4a passenger not subject to seizure when driver pulled over for ticketing
2007 FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life
1a, McCain-Feingold unconstitutional