the basic of pharm 1

  1. name the 2 control systems in the body
    • nervous
    • endocrine
  2. name the 2 division of the the nervous system
    • cns - central
    • pns - peripheral
  3. central nervous system consist of
    • brain
    • spinal cord
  4. peripheral nervous system consist of
    • sensory neurons (towards the nerve)
    • somatic motor neurons
    • autonomic nervous system
  5. autonomic nervous system is consist of
    • parasympathetic branch
    • sympathetic branch
  6. parasympathetic branch =
    • controls SLUD
    • Salivation
    • Lacination
    • Urination
    • Defication
  7. sympathetic branch =
    • is NOT essential to life
    • fight or flight response -- our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival.
  8. nerve propagation consist of
    • electrical: sa/na pump
    • chemical: neurotransmitter-- ach/ne
    • acetylcholine: cholinergic
    • epi, ne: anticholinergic
  9. what is acetylcholine ACH
    parasympathetic branch uses ACH to conduct the nerve transmission.

    it is the neurotransmitter uses to create SLUD
  10. parasympathomimetic:
    mimics/stimulates the parasympathetic (slud) nervous system

    -dec hr/bronchoconstriction
  11. parasympatholytic:
    blocks effects of parasympathetic (slud) nervous system

  12. sympatholytic:
    blocks effects of sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system

    bronchoconstriction, dec hr
  13. sympathomimetic
    stimulates/mimics the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system

    inc fight or flight you get vasoconstriction
  14. cholinergic:
    stimulates a receptor for ACH
  15. adrenergic:
    stimulates a receptor for NOREPI, EPI
  16. anticholinergic:
    blocks ACH
  17. antiadrenergic:
    blocks NOREPI, EPI
  18. sympathetic (adrenergic) receptor sites interacts with
    G proteins
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the basic of pharm 1
the basic of pharm 1